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Race attack victim sentenced to 2 and ½ years

Bob Dooley | 26.11.2006 12:48 | Anti-racism

A black man, who was viciously assaulted whilst travelling home with his girlfriend, has been sent to prison for defending himself against his racist attackers. Aaron Bennett 24 of Beeston Nottingham was sentenced at Nottingham Crown Court on Tuesday for causing facial scarring to two males who attacked him and his girlfriend on May 7 (superscript: th) 2005. His attackers James Morris and Jonathon Marshall both from Nottingham were not prosecuted and in a major injustice were given compensation for their injuries.

Nottingham Crown Court
Nottingham Crown Court

The judge claimed that the injuries received by Bennett and his girlfriend Philippa Tedds 23, were superficial in comparison to the lifetime scars received by their attackers. He claimed that Bennett had gone too far even though the weapon he used belonged to Morris who had stabbed him in the hand and thigh before he received his injuries.

The incident took place yards from Bennett's home as he and his girlfriend travelled home from a night out. Morris and Marshall began verbally abusing the pair on the bus and proceeded to chase them once they had reached their stop. Eyewitnesses testified to this, yet the attack was not presented as racially motivated in court. The driver of the bus Aaron and Philippa were travelling on made a statement stating that he had witnessed Morris grab Bennett as well as Marshall verbally abusing the couple. He also stated that he had witnessed the two of them chase the couple down the street. However, his statement was not used in court.

Several pieces of incriminating evidence, which could have been used
by the defence, were omitted from the police inquiry in what can only
be described as cover up. Police disposed of a mobile phone, which had
been smashed by Morris as Aaron attempted to use it to call for help. No fingerprints were taken. The knife, which Aaron had used, was also not checked for Morris's fingerprints even though Aaron had said that
Morris had stabbed him with it first. The judge said that he did not
believe that it belonged to Morris yet did not have any evidence to
prove that it belonged to Aaron either.

CCTV from a house near by the attack caught footage of Marshall shouting, "Lets kill these cunts, lets kill um!" Another witness who lives near to where the incident took place testified to hearing loud shouts of "Nigga". However the judge, who claimed that the pair did indeed provoke the attack, did not see that Morris or Marshall needed to be reprimanded for their part in the incident. This is even in light of the fact that Philippa received serious head injuries after being kicked in the head and dragged by her hair by Marshall.

This case is a perfect example of how institutionalised racism is still ingrained in Britain. The police acted against Aaron from the offset and made it as difficult as possible for the defence to build a case against Marshall and Morris. A member of Nottinghamshire constabulary, Robert Griffin, was aboard the bus when Marshall and Morris began their tirade yet he apparently did not see anything. Coincidently Griffin is a family friend of Marshall and Morris who are cousins, another example of a cover up. The British justice system has proved that it holds allegiances only to its "own kind."

The local media have also ignored the fact that this was in fact a
racially motivated attack and have seemingly not picked up on the fact that a gross injustice has occurred. Aaron Bennett has been portrayed as a black thug who goes around scarring people when the truth is very far from that.

Something needs to be done to right this wrong. Please show your support for Aaron Bennett by publicising his story.

Bob Dooley


Details to

26.11.2006 13:07

The missing information to regarding Aaron:

A full incident breakdown is attached if you would like more detailed information.

For further info or to arrange an interview with Aaron’s mother or Philippa Tedds please call Daniella on 07985 609 061 or e-mail:

A. Watcher

I was a witness

11.12.2006 17:11

Phillipa and Aaron were the victims, I saw the whole thing as i know them both i went to court to give evidence.

I told nothing but the truth to the court yet the prosocution lawyer ripped me to shreds and told me and the court i was lying to help their cause, this was not the case.

They were being racially abused verbally on the bus, they got off the bus after trying to use my mobile t call help (which went flat) Morris and whoever else got cut planned to "get them" when they got off the bus, aaron and phillipa got off the bus, the others barged me out of the way to start on them as soon as they got off the b us, the bus pulled off and i couldn no longer help, then i get a call the next day from the police and get told whats happened.

Ive saw what happened, The policeman on the bus saw everything, he approached me showing off his badge saying ""ill call my boys" showing off to us, what a liar.

The police are crooked lying scum!

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Hide the following 13 comments

Where is he?

20.11.2006 16:47

Do you have contact details for Aaron so we might send messages of support etc.



20.11.2006 17:29

And does anyone have contact details for the racist scum that attacked him?


Legal System calls for Race War

22.11.2006 17:15

If this report, which lacks the attached details is at all accurate, Race war has sarted.

Congratulations to the Police, The Prosecutor, and the Judge. And as the Convict cannot show remorse for defending his girl, The Home Secretary will have the intense emotional gratification of going to bed each night knowing that here is another prisoner who he can gloat over keeping in prison long after others who rejoice in their acknowledged crimes are released.

That sick perversion is common to all Home Secretaries. The honest innocent rot in prison long after the dishonest guilty have conned their way to eary parole. To be able to decide that is the reason for taking the job of Home Secretary. It is the ultimate corrupt perversion of power, on a par with Blair making War overseas.



22.11.2006 18:49

Forgive me for asking, and possibly being naive, but in the light of Stephen Lawrence and the whole institutionalised racism thing.... I find it hard to believe they got away with this? Why on earth is he not appealing? And also, this is not a case the black press (Yes, there is such a thing) would ignore! Why are we only hearing about it through a few e-mails? I DON'T BUY IT! By the way, where is this 'full incident report'?

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Is he Appealing the Conviction?

25.11.2006 15:15

I totally agree with N1cole's comments. It's indeed hard to believe and why not media coverage in the Voice, New Nation, Choice FM etc. Further, he must have a right of appeal, is he using it? I know of organisations and lawyers that will support his case if the facts as stated are true.

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further info please Bob

26.11.2006 13:15

Before I take this matter further I require additional material. I hpe yu will be willing to provide it as if this instance is as detailed in your story it is appalling in the extreme.

I await your response.

Keith Harris
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Justice for all

26.11.2006 13:43

I am a 51-year-old white male.
If this is true, it is an appalling miscarriage of justice, and I will not sit by and let it happen. I want to see a full incident report, and if that confirms this article, I am more that willing to stand on the steps of the Crown courts in Nottingham and protest.
Like many Britons of today, I am tired of the racist attitude attached to the police and the judicial system. I am also sick and tired of the yobbo element who make our lives a misery. It is time the people make a stand, and say enough is enough.
If anyone has the full incident report, please send it to me.

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Please post it here!

26.11.2006 14:28

Please make a comment on this article and you can attach text files etc. That way everyone will have access to the 'full incident breakdown'.


Notts Indymedia user

Hmmm. looking a bit doubtful now.

29.11.2006 04:43

I've been following this and trying to get the truth, looks like Mr Bennett wasn't quite such a goody goody after all. There's a very interesting discussion here -

which includes a transcript of local press report -


12:00 - 24 October 2006

A 23-year-old man has been jailed for an attack which left two cousins scarred for life.

Aaron Bennett slashed the faces of Jon Marshall and James Morris after a row on a late-night bus to Beeston.

A jury cleared Bennett of wounding with intent but convicted him on the lesser charge of unlawful wounding.

He was jailed for two and a half years.

His girlfriend, Philippa Tedds, 23, was cleared of wounding with intent, unlawful wounding and assault occasioning actual bodily harm. Another man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was also cleared of wounding with intent and unlawful wounding.

Mr Morris suffered wounds to his face and back after getting off the bus in Salthouse Lane, Beeston, on May 8.

Mr Marshall needed up to 40 stitches in his face and suffered wounds to his shoulder and his side.

Mr Morris told Nottingham Crown Court that he had asked Bennett to stop spitting during the bus journey home after a night out drinking with friends, and a fracas followed. Several witnesses said they heard Mr Morris shouting racial abuse at Bennett during the journey, but an off-duty police officer who was also on the bus did not intervene.

Sentencing Bennett, Judge Jeremy Lea said: "I accept that there may well have been a degree of provocation as far as Mr Morris is concerned."

Bennett, of Arden Close, Lenton Abbey, had claimed Mr Morris dropped the knife and that he picked it up to defend himself.

Joe Potsky

Self defense rules

06.12.2006 22:53

This from English Common Law, and an integral part of American jurisprudence as well.

If a person is attacked, he has the right to use violence to end the attack.
The definition of attack is imminent harm, blows either with a weapon or unarmed, display of a weapon, threats which the person is certain will be carried out, attacks against another person.

Excluded from the definition, contrary to the definition, is observing a person committing a non-violent misdemeanour. Spitting ON somebody would be considered an attack, spitting on the floor, the bus, the sidewalk, a flag or picture or whatever, is NOT a violent attack.

Name calling or other words are NOT sufficient provocation for violence.

Whether the victim of an assault is a quote: "goody-goody" or not is also meaningless as a defence.

If Mr Bennett and companion had already left the bus, why then did the others follow him? If they felt that his spitting on the bus was a violent threat, that threat was ended by he and his lady leaving the bus.

If his actions on the bus were criminal in any way, why then did the constable on board not arrest him?
If the other parties left the bus first, and Mr Bennett followed intent on causing disorder and harm, why did the constable also not follow, in order to pursue his sworn duties?

The wounds to Mr Bennett and his lady are clear evidence that either he told the truth about picking up the knife in mid-scuffle, or that one or both of his opponents (see, I am being charitable and open minded here, I didn't call them attackers or callow Nazi scum or anything like)
also were armed with knives, which for some reason were not recovered.

Given the Crown position against subjects publicly carrying arms of any sort, that in itself should have been thoroughly investigated. Whether or not they lawfully used their armaments to defend themselves, the fact of them being carried at all would have been a serious crime.

The fact that such an investigation was not carried out lends a great deal of weight to the claim of a cover-up.

In the States, any use of a weapon, not covered by self defense, would be considered Assault, Aggravated by Use of Deadly Weapon. To actually inflict any wound, however minor, would add the Aggravation - Serious Bodily Injury.

Particularly in the state of Texas, any Aggravated Assault potentially carries the same penalties as Murder. Up to life in prison.

The relative seriousness of the injuries is also meaningless before the law. If you use force of arms, but still come out on the losing end of the fight, you would still be guilty of Aggravated Assault.

Jonah Elijah Brown
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Better in jail then dead

08.12.2006 18:30

When teaching self-defense to a comrade sister anti-fascist, she asked "what if I go to far in defending myself?" I replied, "comrade, we can work on getting you out of jail, be we can't raise you from the dead." Obviously the victims here did the right thing. The injustice of him being put in jail for defending his girlfriend and himself can be challenged. I'm saying this because I don't want others to hesitate to defend themselves against racist scum, should such an incident happen to them. !No Pasaran!

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What needs to be done

12.12.2006 04:48

First, (and somebody please correct me) I believe you are into an election cycle for Parliament.

A few public demonstrations are straightway in order. Since the Crown is now facing a crisis of confidence similar to the one Our Leader (Sieg Heil Am Der Fuhrer Bush)has, revolving about the ongoing mass hate crime being committed in Iraq, they need be reminded, rather forcefully, that they continuously boast of honouring human rights. And they should be publicly shamed. Queen Bess Second, the one who never has to face an election, seems far more mindful of public scandal than Mr Blair. The aristocracy set themselves up for this one. They strut about with the Lese Majeste code of honour, allegedly demanding a higher standard of behaviour of their peers than they would of the commoners.

Of course, the Texas word describing their pretensions would be "bullshit".

The magistrate, if I have my british law correct, is by default a Lord. A Peer of the Realm.

Commons knows it has lost all respect internationally, what with Mr Blair, of the Labour party no less, publicly demeaning himself by being George Bush's poodle. They are anxious to regain a little status.

Lords is well aware, collectively, that the shit which has been thrown about is sticking to them as well. They are also well aware that certain popular movements have been calling for them to be hanged by their own intestines and left to die. This is an ongoing thing, but now they face the uncomfortable realisation that they are in more peril of it happening within the span of their misspent lives than in all the long history of britain.

To summarize, they are in a position so off balance that a few minor shoves will unseat them.
They know it, and they are afraid. Gentlemen, it is high time to start shoving.

Jonah Elijah Brown
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i am going through the same thing

27.09.2007 08:06

its so sad to read that someone is going through what iam going through. i was attacked in feb 07, by 3 females, was in a pub, had a glass in my hand well you can guess what happend next... my trial starts in 6 weeks time.

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