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BNP Paper Sale Smashed

York Black Bloc | 20.11.2006 12:06

Sturday 18th November
Selby Yorkshire

A small band of York anti-fascist militants disrupted a Bnp paper sale with extreme prejudice on Saturday.

Sick of this fascist scum openly spreading their lies and hate on the streets of Selby the time was right to show them that they do not and never will control the streets round here.

Although the anti-fascists met some resistance from the three activists and members of the public they were able to hand out some severe punishment and completely destroy the stall.

A clear victory and no arrests.

York Black Bloc


More info...

20.11.2006 16:51

... and



Hide the following 49 comments

Nice one

20.11.2006 12:46

Well done boys n girls!


Great but macho

20.11.2006 12:58

Its great people still demand no platform for fascists but this language is like some macho role playing anti-fa game..

get over it please


macho ?

20.11.2006 13:23

Once again well done to who ever , unless my command of english isnt up to scratch I wouldn't call the post Macho at all , why the snipeing either support it or don't

concerned of gipton

Good job

20.11.2006 13:24

Agree it's not a good report, probably vague out of neccesity, but why macho, maybe the anti-fascists were female? It's good people are prepared to risk their necks to keep the racist scum off our streets, and they deserve respect not stereotyping. The 'macho' thing is a rather tired old chestnut IMO.

Fred D


20.11.2006 13:29

And you are the alternative to them


good on em

20.11.2006 13:36

but whats a paper sale?

mail e-mail:


20.11.2006 13:51

Do not wish to sound ignorant but where exactly is Selby?

London boy


20.11.2006 13:54

A paper-sale is where several members of a political organisation sell or otherwise distribute propaganda. They might simply be selling papers or they may have a stall with leaflets/merchandise on it. Not sure about the specifics in this case.


Well done

20.11.2006 13:56

Its bad to see the Bnp are having the cheek to start selling paperes openly in these small towns, antiracists must be vigilant. Good to see they haven't got away with it in Selby.


Thanks Obo

20.11.2006 13:59

Thanks Obo.

London Boy, Selby is in North Yorkshire

mail e-mail:


20.11.2006 14:20

Thanks a lot :)

London boy


20.11.2006 16:36

It would be good to hear exactly what happened, for instance how many nazis, how many anti facists? Was there fists and boots involved? How did you organise yourselves? Were local people involved or was it people who belong to a small sect? Did the BNP take advantage sympathetic publicity .

This type of fighting ocurred in Germany in 20's and 30's , usually the communist and nazis would later get together after the punch up in a pub and discuss their fight. In the end the nazis of course won and street fighting although good if local people are involved, will not be the solution to the nazi menace?

History tells us that this strategy alone will not work.

anti facists

'Sympathetic publicity'?

20.11.2006 17:24

The BNP have had a few pastings over the past 6 months, and have been at pains to keep very quiet about them.


history schmistory

20.11.2006 17:27

From my history books, Hitler said the only thing that would have prevented his rise was physical force on the streets - instead it was met by parliamentary shenanigans.

The 43 Group successfully, over 5 years, destroyed the fascists in the UK just after the Second World War, through, you guessed it, physical confrontation.

Can you tell me your inside leg measurement, how you organised your shopping, and did your last meal involve cooking in pans?

History tells us blah blah
Obviously blah

anti face-ist


20.11.2006 18:22

No winges, no snipes, no patronising smartarse comments from my armchair, just FUCKING WELL DONE!!

Metal Mickey

Nice one!

20.11.2006 18:26

A shame it wasnt filmed - I'd love to see it on yutube!!


who cares...?

20.11.2006 19:04

...that some fash got a well deserved beating. Nice one guys, keep up the good work.


Yeh great

20.11.2006 20:02

Great isnt it. One guy who was beaten was a 73 year old. We are tough us lot arent we. It took all 3 apparantly to deck this old fella. God you should be so proud.


You're a liar "roger"

20.11.2006 20:10

Funny how you Nazis almost always have a child, wife, or old man you can hide behind isn't it, you gutless wonders? Or in this case, as previously, you just make it up. Three on three sounds fairer odds than you deserve.


Cleaning up the rubbish...

20.11.2006 20:13



On 'Macho'

20.11.2006 21:20

'with extreme prejudice' and 'severe punishment' reads as macho to me...sorry. Sounds like the sort of things blokes say...But yes well done.


bnp attack black out

20.11.2006 23:05

I'm sure the bnp would be safe as houses in Leeds city centre surrounded by cctv .. why not ask Respect/swp if you can use there pitch after they've finished they did in the 8o's...shamefull attacking an old bloke [ if its true] , just like in morley the other week, didnt see any stiff armers complaining about that...why the media black out bnp trolls ?

salivating of selby

To BNP supporter

20.11.2006 23:06

Yeah, why don't you try it Nazi? We drove you off the streets of Leeds once and you're not getting them back. You'll find a paper-sale very different to standing behind rows of coppers.


If it's true?

20.11.2006 23:49

It isn't.



20.11.2006 23:53

Funny how many of your boys ran off down the alley like rats after a 73yr old pensioner and an ex-army lad gave your three pussies a whipping.

3 scruffy students came down to 'cause some trouble'. They saw two BNPers, one of whom was a pensioner, and without warning they started throwing what looked like punches, only they were weaker than normal punches. In self-defence some punches were returned and like little girls your three scruffy students went running down the alley as they had obviously bitten off more than they could chew.

And then they went and bragged how hard they are on this website..............why didn't they stay and fight then?



Blood but no honour

21.11.2006 00:00

Enoch, you weren't there you lying wanker. Your 3 Selby boys are probably still recovering. You Fash get more and more pathetic, at least at one time you'd admit to having been turned over. Pathetic. Keep on believing your own propaganda 'cos us weedy lefties will kick the shit out of you ubers any day of the week.

Red Onion


21.11.2006 00:07

You fascists really are a bunch of pathetic liars - since when did any of you lot stand up an have a go - you always run for the nearest copper or run into shops and doorways an leave your pals to get an hammering.

Yorks lad

And somewhere in a Leeds bedsit...

21.11.2006 00:12

...a spotty faced Nazi plots "revenge" by SPAM! SAD!!


His Fuhrer's Voice

21.11.2006 00:17

Do you think that the Nazis have some sort of manual on trolling Indymedia? Because they always play the same bloody record.

Tom Jones

A good action

21.11.2006 10:14

Enoch is obviously just some keyboard "warrior". My guess is the three fash who got battered in Selby are not mouthing off. Doubt they'll be back to do a paper-sale, and if the BNP DO attempt another they're sure to need police protection and a large security presence so job well done. The same goes for anymore BNPers who are thinking of setting up stalls or going leafletting - no wonder the BNP aren't publicising this, it shows that a few ordinary people (no direspect intended) can get together and stop these bastards.


Tell a big enough lie...

21.11.2006 10:25

Dream on Nazi. You can lie all you like, your pals in Selby know what happened. And don't think this is a one-off.

York Antifascist Militia


21.11.2006 10:30

Isn't it funny how the BNP make out they're so tough and hard, until they get a well-deserved kicking (and cower like frightened mice usually) - Then they're old and weak, or they've got kids, or a bad back or whatever, and they want our pity. How absolutely pathetic. That stall in Selby has been going on for a few months now, I've seen it with my own eyes, and it was a perfectly legitimate target. You're just a bunch of whining Nazi cowards.



21.11.2006 10:34

If the 3 nazis who got done in Selby were old codgers has as been said, there'd be photos of them all over Stormponce looking sorry for themselves. What a bsolute bullshit.

Yorkshire anti-racist

BNP Lies unmasked

21.11.2006 10:55

At there's a PDF of the BNP's rag "Voice of Freedom" with an article by their Selby organiser on the importance of establishing street-sales and photos of the 3 Nazis running their Selby stall. The article underlines the importance of the action by the York antifascists, and it shows categorically that the pathetic lies about these Nazis being old men in their 70's has no basis whatsoever.

The Truth

The Truth

21.11.2006 11:02

Nice one The Truth, the Nazis have been caught lying again! I'd say the 3 antifascists were brave people, especially as you can never tell if there are more fascists lurking about, or their mates the cops. A good example to us all.

Yorks lad

More pics!

21.11.2006 11:04

If that's a paste-table (or bigger) in the photo them 3 fash are all big blokes. obviously thought they were safe. i'd like to see their pics now with their blackeyes and fat lips!



21.11.2006 11:09

Yes, 2 lads in their 20's, one a bit of a lump, and a bloke in his late 40's.



21.11.2006 11:25

What a lying bunch of wankers they are!!



21.11.2006 12:47

I'm rubbish at fighting (doesn't mean i don't support it sometimes)
I find the bnp are pretty easy to defeat with just a bit of an arguement.
doesn't need to be a particularly good one either.... only better than theirs, which is to be fair, never going to be up to much.
are there any other ways we can disrupt these paper sales, and meetings.?.... for those of us who couldn't care less if you're a pussy or hard as nails.... i don't tend to judge people much on those criteria you see....
its perfectly natural for people to sound a bit 'macho' after a fight.... its all just hormones... doesn't change a thing tho, we have to stop the bnp.... one way or another.


jane t

FAO Jane

21.11.2006 16:02

Unfortunately Jane, some people do believe the BNP's lies. There ARE other things you could do to try and disrupt their paper-sales, such as counter-leafletting, picketting, or maybe throwing cold water over them! But unfortunately they may not take kindly to any of these activities, and as with the UAF leafletters in Morley the other week, you may find yourself being physically attacked.

English Bob

Mass pickets

21.11.2006 16:56

The trouble is with that sort of thing you need plenty of committed people and we don't always have them in small places like SElby - Sometimes it's just easier to bash the bastards.


F.O.A Jane (again)

22.11.2006 14:54

Antifa need; Leaflet writers, website designers/operators, spotters, fundraisers, event organisers, drivers, printers, banner makers, intelligence gatherers, researchers...etc, etc.

Contact your local group, checkout


Do keep up Trolls

22.11.2006 23:11

Try and pay attention trolls, the fascist lie about the 73-year old has already been unmasked (the pic is there for everyone to see.)

Keep on believing your silly fantasies.

And we'll keep on running rings round you.


Good on Yer

24.11.2006 12:55

Job well done, another pasting... and another set of whining lies by the fash afterwards! Somebody's clearly doing something right. Hopefully the BNP will be getting more of the same treatment in Blackpool this weekend!

Leeds/Liverpool Red


24.11.2006 18:35

Hope so LLR :)



26.11.2006 16:39

Well, after reading all the postings on this site, I have come to the conclusion that all those on the extreme left of politics are without doubt, so full of hatred for anything democratic and patriotic, and appear to have had their brains replaced with a micro chip that is programmed with set words,phrases and of course the good old standby, expletives (For those of you who don’t know what the word means go to:-
How would the Left manage without them?

I am proud to be patriotic.I love my country dearly.It isn’t perfect, but it’s one of the best places in the world in which to live.Our forefathers fought and died in order to keep this land free from oppression. How sad then that they gave their lives in vain. For what we have now is a Marxist style government supported by the likes of brainless half-wits like you - the great un-washed parasites that Stalin would have been proud of.
I suppose it’s because you are unable to think for yourselves (implant in head prevents this) that you continually denounce the BNP and decent law abiding people who are struggling to hold on to the things that are English/British i.e Our traditions, laws, customs and of course our Christian religion.Admittedly we don’t ALL go to church, but this is a Christian nation, and has been for a thousand years or more. And we strongly object to an alien religion being allowed to replace our own by this authoritarian government,assisted directly or indirectly by left wing loonies,tree huggers and the PC brigade.
With reference to the above dictionary link, perhaps some of you would like look up the word ‘bigot’. It’s one of those words that you have obviously been programmed to use when referring to the BNP. If you look at the definition of the word, you will see that it really applies to the likes of you, and not to anyone interested in freedom of speech and democracy.(does “No Platform” sound familiar?)…
Finally, it seems to me that there must be a government sponsored college or some other institution that runs well attended courses for the Left on ‘How to make-up outrageous lies’.Just one of many used by you ‘Twonks’on this Forum is the reference to the picture in the Voice of Freedom of the three BNP paper sellers which you claim are the three at Selby…… Well you are lying yet again! Those are NOT the ones, and it was not taken at Selby. As I’m sure you are well aware.


Our forefathers fought against fascism

27.11.2006 00:49

Our forefathers fought in order to keep this country free from Nazi invasion. The vile fascists of the BNP are an insult to all of them. I love my country, I love its diversity, its hospitality, its multi-culturalism. I abhor the pathetic 'little-Englanders' of the BNP, I detest their small-minded, ignorant, bigotry, and I am ashamed that they even exist in my country. But in spite of this, I am proud that this scum represent a tiny, pitiful minority, that the majority of my people are as appalled and disgusted by them as I am, and that in this age of supposed 'apathy' there are still young people who are still willing to stand up and be counted, and confront this ideology head-on, to deny them street-presence, and to fight the fascists of today in the same way as our forefathers fought the fascists of the past.


"Sibelius" Pants on Fire

27.11.2006 20:22

"Finally, it seems to me that there must be a government sponsored college or some other institution that runs well attended courses for the Left on ‘How to make-up outrageous lies’."

Like the whole Nazi "Holohoax" industry? With one half of you idiots celebrating Auschwitz, and the other half denying it was a death-camp? Your whole silly creed is based on lies, but then you are the mugs that came up with the 'hollow earth theory' and the 'eternal ice theory' - Stuff, that like your endless conspiracy theories, anyone with an IQ over 15 would piss themselves laughing at.

Your lies about Selby are just the latest in a long line, and just as transparent to anyone with half a brain.

Jim Crow


03.12.2006 02:40

You're a bit rubbish aren't you ? after 47 previous posts is that all you've got to say ? a wee bit crap ,must do better, Regards