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buy nothing day bicycle ride

fixd | 17.11.2006 22:02 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Sheffield

a bicycle ride to celebrate consuming less and cycling/having fun more!

Saturday November 25th 2006 is Buy Nothing Day - it's a day where you
challenge yourself, your family and friends to switch off from shopping
and tune into life for a day - anyone can take part provided they spend a
day without spending!

The challenge easy - try simple living for a day. Spend time with family
and friends, rather than spend money on them. It may sound boring and
cliche, but love is one thing money can't buy.

Buy Nothing Day also exposes the environmental and ethical consequences of
consumerism. The developed countries - only 20% of the world population
are consuming over 80% of the earth's natural resources, causing a
disproportionate level of environmental damage and unfair distribution of

As consumers we need to question the products we buy and challenge the
companies who produce them. What are the true risks to the environment and
developing countries? It's our responsibility to look for simple solutions
and Buy Nothing Day is a good place to start.

Buy Nothing Day isn't about changing your lifestyle for just one day - we
hope it will be a lasting relationship - maybe a life changing experience?
We want people to make a commitment to consuming less, recycling more and
challenging corporations to clean up and be fair. Modern consumerism might
offer great choice, but this shouldn't be at the cost of the environment
or developing countries.

Buy Nothing Bike Ride
This year we thought it would be good to do something nice and fun
for ourselves instead of buying things.. and basically we thought a nice
bike ride would be good. We will meet at 11am on saturday 25th nov at the
basement, 24 lever st and go for a nice (none buying things) bike ride

from the basement we can ride out to cheshire (we thought cheshire would be
good as its mostly flat so it means its easy for everyone to participate)
dont worry if you're not uber fast others will be riding that are similar
speeds and we can either stay together and keep at a reasonable pace for
everyone or split into groups as we ride according to speed and then all
meet up for lunch- we can decide this on the day..

we thought it would be good to have lunch at tatton park (bring a packed
lunch!).. obviously its november and so might be rainy or cold so come
wearing suitable clothing!

it will be a lovely way to celebrate buy nothing day- doing something fun
and free and spend some time in the lovely countryside and socialise with
other cyclistas! maybe this could even be the start of a cm cycling club!

hope to see you there..

On November 25th people in around the UK will make a pact with themselves
to take a break from shopping as a personal experiment or public statement
and the best thing is - IT'S FREE!!! There is only one rule - anyone can
take part, provided they don't shop on Saturday November 25th!

For more info see

- e-mail:
- Homepage:


Hide the following 8 comments

not relly convinced

17.11.2006 23:22

well this seems just to be the idea of a day, where everyone can feel they have done something anticapitalist, but thats not the way it works. there should be a permanent critic of capitalism, not just "a day off".
So I gonne surely go for shopping. luxury for everyone!


participate by participating!

18.11.2006 12:03

And does anyone remember Steal Something Day, which was a critique of Buy Nothing Day? Participate by participating... (though of course, the same criticism could be made, that we should be stealing every day...)

Poster & text at:



19.11.2006 18:09

i sort of agree..prsonally i have loads of opinions for and against buy nothing day.. lots of people emailed do summat to ask what was going on for it as they wanted to do something for it..i think these themed days are good times to get people together and new people involved in things because they are "advertised" nationally.. thats why a bike ride to the countryside is nice. its time to hang out doing something nice and not polluting or over consuming and instead socialising and maybe chatting as we cycle about ways to make every day buy nothing day!... and not pretending to be anything different


adam ant had it right

19.11.2006 18:12

whats the point of robbery when there's nothing worth stealing.. nothing worth buying and nothing worth stealing.. lets call the whole thing off! or just ride our bikes...


Shop till you drop 24/7 365.

19.11.2006 22:54

A buy nothin day has got to be better than 365 drone on as normal days. From a personal point of view I don't tend to buy much stuff and always do a bit of five fingered discount to celebrate the day, but there again I try that wherever i can.

If nothing else it provokes thought and hopefully discussion, so yeh I'm up for it again. And I think the idea of a bike ride is also good cos it just feels so good not to be surrounded by people who's only purpose in life has become to shop.



20.11.2006 14:53

I have afriend who does this every saturday and one who does it every sunday. Thay have festivals one day a year too, to celebrate different things. What religion are you in?


No TV buying either.

21.11.2006 22:10

Don't forget to cancel your TV licence for the day and get the refund. Buy nothing day surely includes buying TV from the government.


BND EVENT the Brunswick Shopping Centre, Russell Sq

24.11.2006 18:13


FROM 1PM AT THE BRUNSWICK SHOPPING CENTRE (near Russell Sq tube) BUY NOTHING DAY an afternoon of free food, music and entertainment, organised by the green group.

Please come! It's what we make of it. Email Claudia at or on call/text me 07704247183 of you want to contribute or more info!