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Inhereited retardism, irrellevant with a generation (with sterilisation)

Lord Tennis' son | 17.11.2006 16:25 | Sheffield

The winning entry of the Anarchists Against Right-Wing Paranoid Trolls competition 2007.

Jewhate loon- Knut Wuerst

Jordan Thorton is a troll
An anti-semite who knows it all.
Jordan Thornton blames the Jews
That his mother ties his shoes.
Jordan Thornton links to Rense
And uses PrisonPlanet as reference.
Jordan Thornton is a "hack"
Who writes PrisonPlanet rehashes on manky crack
Jordan Thornton can cut & paste.
His limited vocabulary with predicatable haste
Jordan Thornton is such a threat.
That Mossad listen to him wanking in his bed.
Jordan Thornton lives in fear.
That MI6 have spiked his beer.
Jordan Thornton wear a tinfoil hat
And inject sodioum pentathol into his cat.
Jordon Thornton would be a farce
If wasn't for the fact
He's just an arse.

The runner up a haiku from Nikolai Poliakov



copyright free

Lord Tennis' son
