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Housing Co-ops in Cambridge: The Future

Argyle Street Housing Co-op | 17.11.2006 14:11 | Cambridge

Affordable community living

Do you want to
* Live sustainably?
* Know your neighbours?
* Have control of your own housing?


A day of talks and workshops

Hosted by the Argyle Street Housing Co-operative

CHARLIE BAKER Urbanism Environment Design
How to build an affordable housing co-op

HELEN RUSSELL Co-op Housing in Brighton & Hove
Small steps and big ideas from Brighton

ANDY BROWN Cambridge Architectural Research
Designing for sustainable building


Saturday 25 November 10am-5pm
At the Ross Street Community Centre, Cambridge

Admission free
Lunch included

Places limited so book soon by phoning (01223) 411615

Argyle Street Housing Co-op
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do you want to help the govt privatize social housing?

18.11.2006 11:51

If so join the 'housing coop' bandwagon that is currently being used by the capitalist labour party across the land as a mask for its long term plans of handing public sector housing over to big business, with the help of various careerist housing coop groups and members.

Remember - Govt funding is available if you give up all your anti-capitalist principles and join the world of property development.


nah mate!

19.11.2006 16:43

The council has tried to flog off the local council housing before and simply can't do it - the tenants are well organised and well informed. I don't know anyone who's involved in the housing co-op who is in favour of selling off council housing - in fact I'd say most of them are in favour of its extension.

What these groovy girls and boys are doing is being pro-active and creating an alternative to private landlords which is run ethically, cooperatively and democratically - it's not posed as an alternative to council housing but as an alternative to the market.

The Argyll St. Co-op who are running this event have provided housing that is far cheaper than any you'll find elsewhere in town for many years and it's owned and controlled by those who live there - so these weird fantasies of yours that this is some back door privatisation are frankly just a load of tripe.


Check out Radical Routes for the independent DIY co-op approach

20.11.2006 12:50

Radical Routes is a UK network of autonomous co-ops committed to social change. Setting up your own co-op independent of the state, the local councils etc. is perfectly possible.

For details see

- Homepage:

not as weird as it sounds

21.11.2006 00:06

No doubt Argyle street coop are all wonderful people.Full respect to them all.

But its a fact that the state is coopting the coop movement right now to sell stock transfer to council tenants across the land.

Check out the 'community gateway' model dreamed up by the Confederation of Coop Housing . You will find plenty of references to New labour big wigs on their web pages because they are funded by govt grants.

Check out the coincidental rebranding of the coop group stores as 'The Cooperative' . The coop group is affiliated to the labour party through the cooperative party. Ed Balls-Gordon Browns number 2 and possible next chancellor is a coop party MP.

This is exactly what happened to the Labour Party when the Blair-Brownites took over. It may seem like tripe now but a year from now....

un co-opted