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Governed by an unelected superstate: EU and the end of British democracy

Tim Cook | 12.11.2006 19:10 | Globalisation | Social Struggles

British governance is being handed over, and its 'control' is increasingly in the hands of unelected bureaucrats within the EU. It is up to the people of the day, to say no before Britian is swallowed up by a pan-European Constitution, which will mean being "stripped of our remaining independence; losing control of our foreign policy and armed forces; the HANDING OVER OF OUR LEGAL SYSTEM AND LAW ENFORCEMENT TO THE EU... the handing over of our remaining currency and gold reserves to the European Central Bank; and the total regulation of British domestic and international trade, by the European Union". Please, view this documentary by Phillip Day.

"The European Economic Community (EEC) began as a free-trade agreement in 1972. Today's European Union is well on its way to becoming a federal superstate, complete with one currency, one legal system, one military, one police force - even its own national anthem.

In this shocking new documentary featuring EU insiders and commentators, independent author Phillip Day covers the history and goals of the European Union, as well as the disturbing, irrevocable implications this new government has for every citizen. Whether the viewer is for or against participation, this film asks the troubling questions the mainstream media has refused to confront."

Thank you to Phillip Day

I also recommend reading "EU Q&A" within the link, "Is the EU muzzling the British press" also looks an interesting read.

A very special thank you to Phillip Day for his work

Tim Cook
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Blah Blah...

13.11.2006 16:24

...nasty foreigners...blah blah...franco-german conspiracy...blah blah...we'll all be murdered in our beds...blah blah...Britain must be free (to do whatever America tells it to)...blah blah...garlic...blah blah...two world wars and one world cup...blah of dope and tory...blah blah...

The Judge