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sophie | 11.11.2006 23:09 | Culture | Globalisation | Oxford

Open meeting for all interested in doing positive, imaginative actions for Buy Nothing Day

The perennial buying frenzy in Oxford centre getting you down? And we all know it’s going to get worse as Christmas approaches. Then there’s the January sales Aaargh!!!

Activists unite to counter this depressing, soul-sapping madness on Buy Nothing Day! In the past this day of anti-consumerist creativity has been really positive – and a great laugh
It’s guaranteed that whatever you’re fighting for, capitalism will at the heart of the issue, and there’s a lot of scope to tie a variety of campaigns etc in.

Come to a meeting at the OARC, 7.30ish this Wednesday; bring your weird and wonderful ideas. A meeting for this is definitely necessary, but if you can’t make it, turn up on the day (we’ll try and work it around the 13th anniversary of Campsfield).

Ideas include some beautiful anti-capitalist carol singing….
Some more details to follow nearer the day.

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13.11.2006 10:03

Can't make the meeting but please, please, please stop Oxford from being filled with 60 more temples to shopping! See my posting last week about the massive plans for the Westgate shopping centre expansion - including a multi-storey car park on Oxpens Road that will be built on social housing and make 14 disabled people homeless!

We need to stop this shopping madness and all the air pollution/CO2 it will bring with it! Most of the land belongs to the people of Oxford - it should be used for housing to stop the pressure for houses on our greenbelt!

It's not too late to stop this madness - write to Yvette Cooper, Minister for Planning before 20th November and ask her for a public enquiry now!

Yvette Cooper MP, Minister for Planning
c/o Mark Newman
Thames Valley Planning Team
Government Office for the South East
1 Walnut Tree Close
Surrey GU1 4GA

Green Goblin