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As Predicted: US Vetoes UN SC Resolution On Gaza Massacre

Reuters | 11.11.2006 20:29 | Anti-racism | Palestine | World

Once again, the US Government has proven itself to be in the pocket of the Zionist Lobby, reinforcing everything said about the relationship by its critics.

US vetoes UN resolution condemning Israel on Gaza
11 Nov 2006 18:52:15 GMT
Source: Reuters

By Irwin Arieff

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 11 (Reuters) - The United States on Saturday vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution urging an immediate withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza and condemning an Israeli attack there that killed 18 Palestinian civilians.

Nine of the council's 15 members voted for the measure, while four abstained: Britain, Denmark, Japan and Slovakia.

But the "no" vote cast by U.S. Ambassador John Bolton -- his second since he arrived at U.N. headquarters in August 2005 -- was enough to kill the resolution.

Bolton's first veto, on July 13, 2006, killed a resolution reacting to an earlier Israeli incursion in Gaza.

The United States has cast 82 vetoes in the United Nations' 61 years, and nine of the last 10 council vetoes, seven of which dealt with the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

The measure defeated on Saturday was backed by Arab, Islamic and nonaligned nations and formally proposed by Qatar.

It would have called on the Palestinian Authority to "take immediate and sustained action to bring an end to violence, including the firing of rockets on Israeli territory."

It would have urged the international community to take steps to stabilize the situation, revive the Middle East peace process and consider "the possible establishment of an international mechanism" for the protection of civilians.

It also would have condemned Israeli military operations in Gaza and called on the Jewish state to withdraw all troops from Gaza and end its operations in all Palestinian lands.


Seven children and four women were among the dead in Wednesday's shelling of Beit Hanoun, for which Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has apologized, calling it an accidental "technical failure" by the Israeli military.

But Palestinian leaders have called it a massacre.

Bolton said Washington regretted the loss of life but was "disturbed at language in the resolution that is in many places biased against Israel and politically motivated."

He said the suggestion of a mechanism to protect civilians would raise false hopes, and he was disturbed the measure made no mention of the word "terrorism" or the Palestinians' elected Hamas government, which refuses to acknowledge Israel's right to exist or renounce violence.

Palestinian U.N. Observer Riyad Mansour said Arab foreign ministers meeting in Cairo on Sunday would decide on the next steps following the measure's defeat. One option was to bring the measure to a vote in the 192-nation General Assembly, where Washington did not have veto power.

The U.S. veto sent the wrong message to both Israeli and Palestinian militants, Mansour told reporters. "Will that help extremist elements to take issues into their own hands on both sides? You bet!"

Governments that abstained said they were unable to support the text because it was unbalanced.

"It is absolutely right that the Security Council should meet on this important issue," said British Deputy Ambassador Karen Pierce. But "any statement from this council must be balanced and must serve the interests of both parties, and that interest is peace."

Congo Republic Ambassador Basile Ikouebe, who voted for the measure, expressed "deep disappointment" that the veto had prevented council members from being "able to express ourselves clearly on such a serious situation."

AIPAC Eats New Congress Critters for Lunch
Friday November 10th 2006, 8:34 pm

Lest we forget who runs Congress, consider the following “briefing” posted on the AIPAC website yesterday:

AIPAC Builds Ties With New Lawmakers

AIPAC reached nearly every lawmaker elected in Tuesday’s mid-term congressional elections as part of its effort to educate political candidates on the value of the U.S.-Israel relationship. During the campaign that ended Tuesday, nearly every viable candidate met with AIPAC professional staff members and submitted a position paper summarizing his or her views on U.S. Middle East policy. A non-partisan organization, AIPAC has for decades worked with Republican and Democratic members of Congress to strengthen the ties between the United States and Israel.

Should American politicians be "building relationships" with an organization which is currently under investigation by the FBI, for espionage?

Israeli Brutality In Gaza Continues, UN Calls For Peace

Israel is sending a clear message to the world, that it cannot be reasoned with or made to rethink its policies of death & destruction, in its perpetual war to wipe Palestine off the map.

True Lies About U.S. Aid to" Israeli " War Machinery
Cost of Israel to U.S. Taxpayers

The Israel Lobby
John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt



Tonight (mon/londonW11) Screening award winning film 'Wall'

13.11.2006 11:16

Monday Love at Cafe 26 in W11 London continues with the award winning film 'Wall'

One love. x

Monday Love Crew
- Homepage:


Hide the following 6 comments

Jews will respond to attacks made by Arabs

12.11.2006 14:31

As long as the arabs constantly send rockets over the Gaza boarder into Israel, the citizens of Israel have a right to respond and fight back. No longer will the Jews let their fellows be attacked and murdered by others that think its okay to kill them.

If the arab killers stopped hidding amongst their civilian population while shooting at Jews then the civilians would not be hurt when the Israeli military responded. When the arab civlian population rises up and fights their sons, brothers, uncles and say enough is enough and stop the attacks directed at Israel then there will be peace.


Kelly sounds a bit

12.11.2006 17:41


kelly :P

Power Of The Zionist Lobby

13.11.2006 06:13

"As long as the arabs constantly send rockets over the Gaza boarder into Israel ..."

IDF artillery attacks, which are more numerous (and accurate), always preceded the rockets.

How Israel put Gaza civilians in firing line,,1945798,00.html

"the citizens of Israel have a right to respond and fight back"

But the Palestinians do not? Don't forget who picked this fight.

The complete text of
The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict
Published by
Jews for Justice in the Middle East

As the periodic bloodshed continues in the Middle East, the search for an equitable solution must come to grips with the root cause of the conflict. The conventional wisdom is that, even if both sides are at fault, the Palestinians are irrational "terrorists" who have no point of view worth listening to. Our position, however, is that the Palestinians have a real grievance: their homeland for over a thousand years was taken, without their consent and mostly by force, during creation of the state of Israel. And all subsequent crimes—on both sides—inevitably follow from this original injustice.

This paper outlines the history of Palestine to show how this process occurred and what a moral solution to the region's problems should consist of. If you care about the people of the Middle East, Jewish and Arab, you owe it to yourself to read this account of the other side of the historical record.

"the civilians would not be hurt when the Israeli military responded"

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight ... This isn't the result of systemic racism, and creating an army of a population which has been deceived into beliving their opponents are not human being. The amount of "innocent mistakes" the Israeli military makes, if that's your excuse, you'd think they didn't train their personnel. And we know that isn't true ...

Sorry, but the Olmert Regime was caught in several blatant LIES in this vein during their long-planned assault on Lebanon. Shout "Wolf!" as loud as you wish. Nobody's buyin' it anymore.

"When the arab civlian population rises up and fights their sons, brothers, uncles and say enough is enough and stop the attacks"

Kinda like the Israelis will someday have to do to the Extremists leading them down this destructive path to their own annihilation?

"then there will be peace."

If the Zionist Extremist have their way, there will never be peace, since they are the Profiteers of this Perpetual War of their creation ...

But that's not the subject here, Distractionist.

The subject is the power of the Zionist Lobby over the current Neo-Fascist Regimes around the world, and the wielding of the US Veto at the Security Council, once again, as an Israeli weapon, blocking the Justice that the rest of the world demands.

AIPAC Eats New Congress Critters for Lunch
Friday November 10th 2006, 8:34 pm

Lest we forget who runs Congress, consider the following “briefing” posted on the AIPAC website yesterday:

AIPAC Builds Ties With New Lawmakers

AIPAC reached nearly every lawmaker elected in Tuesday’s mid-term congressional elections as part of its effort to educate political candidates on the value of the U.S.-Israel relationship. During the campaign that ended Tuesday, nearly every viable candidate met with AIPAC professional staff members and submitted a position paper summarizing his or her views on U.S. Middle East policy. A non-partisan organization, AIPAC has for decades worked with Republican and Democratic members of Congress to strengthen the ties between the United States and Israel.

Should American politicians be "building relationships" with an organization which is currently under investigation by the FBI, for espionage?

Israeli Brutality In Gaza Continues, UN Calls For Peace

Israel is sending a clear message to the world, that it cannot be reasoned with or made to rethink its policies of death & destruction, in its perpetual war to wipe Palestine off the map.

True Lies About U.S. Aid to" Israeli " War Machinery
Cost of Israel to U.S. Taxpayers

U.S. Vetoes of UN Resolutions Critical of Israel

Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation

death speaks to death

13.11.2006 09:57

as an englishwhitemale i can well understand that the world is suspicious of me.

so be it.

let the world know me as i am, a killer of women and children on mass-industrial scales.

before me, nonenglishnonwhitemales could only kill on a pre-industrial scale, and indeed the difference maybe in the decimal place only - death is death in any number.

now, as an englishwhitemale i must make good some damage:

'what was grown crooked you can't straighten out'

too true, but we must try.

kellyp is now on the list.

our agents are out tracking [her] now and will dispense the appropriate response to those who condone and dismiss child killing on a mass-industrial scales.

englishwhitemale sez no to racist colonizers killing women and children on a mass-industrial scale

englishwhitemale will not play by the rules invented by killers of women and children on mass-industrial scales


all invited for the removal of killers of women and children on mass-industrial scales.

the scene is set
the die is cast
the cat is out of the bag

and all other possible variations

what follows is the next act
what follows is the next move
what follows is the chase


Threatening behaviour

13.11.2006 16:26

Moderators, englishwhitemale has now made death threats in public on two Israel-related threads. How can anyone be expected to hold a rational reasoned discussion on Indymedia when criminals such as this are allowed to post illegal threats? How can you leave such comments up for all to see? This reflects very badly on the site.

As to what he was actually getting all worked up about, Kellyp was only stating facts. You may not agree with Kelly's interpretations of those facts but that doesn't give you any right to call for his/her death. You don't give any refutation of the facts and don't back up your rant with any reason at all.

Just about what I expected to read.


"a rational reasoned discussion"

13.11.2006 20:03

oh how very droll.

does the apologist for crimes against humanity want debating time?

how quaint, but where on earth will it get anyone?

its been tried, the results being massacre after massacre and the racist drivel that eminates from every media outlet from here to tel aviv.

you equate our line in the sand with death threats?

good, but entirely without basis.

want to join the list?

of course, if you think talking to a parasite will clear it from your system, then liberal mealy mouth hysteric is your man/woman.

forget about those of us who are 60 years tired of this divertisment and anti-tactic.

history moves on and will be written by those unafraid of action and consequence.

writh and wring your hands if you must, take those of you who are too conditioned to blank out the lack of hope in your uninspiring hippy philosophy, see if the flowers in the barrels of the idf will stop the bullets blowing your childrens brains out and then come back here and whine.
