Oxford Socialist Resistance meeting on Latin America: 20 November 2006
Andy Kilmister | 10.11.2006 17:36 | London | Oxford
Iain Bruce will be speaking on `The Revolution in Latin America Today' at a meeting organised by Oxford Socialist Resistance supporters at 7.30 pm in the Plowman Room, Oxford Town Hall, Monday 20 November. Iain has recently spent a year in Venezuela and has worked extensively in Brazil.
Iain Bruce is the author of `The Porto Alegre Alternative: Direct Democracy in Action' (Pluto Press, 2004). He has recently spent a year in Venezeula. He will be speaking in the Plowman Room, Oxford Town Hall on Monday November 20th at 7.30 pm on `The Revolution in Latin America Today'. The meeting is organised by Oxford supporters of `Socialist Resistance'. Latin America is obviously a key area for political struggle in the world today and Iain is an excellent speaker so this should be a very interesting meeting - please come along! All welcome!
Andy Kilmister
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