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BNP two are cleared.

Tarquin | 10.11.2006 16:24

Great publicity for the BNP.

A great day for the BNP, what a mistake the establisment have made.
The UAF who are in the pocket of the establishment are a joke.
Ketlan Ossowski's Lancaster UAF have now closed the comments section on the matter on their site, such is the disaster for the UAF. the UAF are now in crisis



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Crisis, what crisis?

10.11.2006 18:35

Don't know what makes you think UAF are in crisis. The comments were shut down on that item because you, you prick, made a zillion offensive comments. Far easier to close it rather than spend the night playing your pathetic little games.

And instead of posting under fake names, perhaps you should have the balls to post under your own, Watmough, you sad twat.

- Homepage:


10.11.2006 20:55

A shame you can't hack it in the real world Watmough, you pathetic little man.

As for Collet and Griifin, only fools expect any justice to come from the hands of the State. Their day will come, just like the rest of you Nazi scum.


to lol

10.11.2006 22:42

hey you must have missed the story about the pediophile that got jailed for hacking into kids computers....know what i'm saying??
Anyway the facists will never will so no worries here. Oh and some us us move about to hack


Krystal nacht

11.11.2006 13:20

So now the brown shirts have been given official clearance by the fourth reich we can look forward to the first new krystal nacht...and so on until the last of them tops themselves in a bunker.
