Yahoo News Re not guilty verdict
10.11.2006 16:00
Is there no justice in the world?
Is there no justice in the world?
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10.11.2006 16:06
10.11.2006 16:30
Lancaster UAF
10.11.2006 17:32
Tumble Weed
10.11.2006 18:56
concerned of gipton
10.11.2006 19:26
But then again is the saying.. time and tide wait for no man
Im sure the Reaper will Collet his dues very soon.
I was put off my T too.
Tioch Faid Ar Lah!
Typical leftie idiots...
11.11.2006 01:30
You have a slight problem though, lefties. MOST of the people in this country don't agree with you, and you can't even debate any right wingers in public to further your cause. Now why would that be?
All you can offer is "Don't vote BNP". Why aren't you telling Joe Public to welcome in ten million more muslims to this country over the next ten years? Why not? Because you know bloody well that MOST people want this country to be ALL WHITE again - you remember, like it's been for the past two hundred THOUSAND years?
Leftie death threats...
11.11.2006 11:03
Like Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich, your political forbears Nazi?
Since when have the BNP won any 'debates', the vast majority of people in this country view you as the deluded Nazi cretins you are?
Stay at home watch TV whilst the government sorts this out
11.11.2006 11:15
The judicial system was created and is perpetuated by and for the benefit of white men - how could Prick Griffin and that other little toe rag go wrong?
What an own goal!! Now they get loads of free publicity to peddle their rascist shite and convince all those fools who believe in our democratic system to vote for them.
Combat Combat 18
bnp verdict....
11.11.2006 12:47
2. to actually get a jury in leeds to convict in anoter thing. due to lethargy by leeds anti fascists and socialists- the bnp have been able to build from polling 3.8% in 2002 in a single ward there- to getting a councillor in, a few near misses and a 17.5% average vote at the council elections where they stood in leeds in 2006. staisticlaly- there was likely to be a sympathiser or two in the jury
3. again- the dangers of the left trusting the searchlight agenda and searchlight scams like this one. we cannot trust the state, its asesets, collaburators and grasses to do the job for us in stopping the bnp.
4. this will probably result in even more recruitment and organisation at a greater rate than their already huge rate of growth (11 new groups formed last month). expect a huge electoral challenge in may off this (with griffin standing for the welsh assembly, i suspect)
5. the scariest thing. the jury probably aquitted them because of the widespread hostile mood amoung ordinary people agaisnt muslims
6. the response from uaf/swp etc has been the usual nonsense. they have learned not a single lesson fron the euronationalist slant of the bnp since 1999, and are becoming increasingly irrelevant
all in all, an depressing but forseeabel outcome. when will the left adopt the tactics which they know will stop the bnp?
May 2007 is coming..........
Race laws a capitalist invention
11.11.2006 18:19
If you're as anti-capitalist as you claim to be why support the prosecution of people just because the State decides it doesn't like them. The State takes its time in prosecuting Muslims with 'Behead anyone who insults Islam placards' (have any been charged?) but can you imagine the police standing around protecting BNP supporters with 'Behead anyone who insults Christianity' placards? No, they'd be arrested immediately.
The BNP are now heroes in the eyes of ordinary working-class whites because of the State's legislation, and you think that legislation is not powerful enough?
11.11.2006 23:15
ooops, you did it again
12.11.2006 00:15
Three hundred plus BNP v 12 SCUM! Fucking made our year that did, and was nearly as good as the actual result!
The left is now all but dead. The far-right is on the march, and it’s nearly time to start choosing the trees to hang you scum from.
Ted Baker
12.11.2006 00:24
on the other hand, these 2 people are "useful idiots" in that they are promoting fear and hatred - things an authoritarian government love. i do wish the courts and law would be applied fairly. it would be wonderful if actual social justice campaigners could say what they like down at parliament square.
this verdict is essentially another sign of the law being used to divide people.
yes, i'm glad they can say what they like, i wish i could too....
london activist
Very Lucky Indeed
12.11.2006 04:03
Ever wondered what the BNP detailed accounts look like? So do American investigators. Mark Cotterill set up the American Friends of the BNP in January 1999. He held a series of meetings in the USA to raise money for the party. And he raised cash - not all accounted for. Links between America and the BNP go back to 1995 when William Pierce addressed the BNP annual rally - and there are questions about financing that go that deep. Mark Cotterill resigned from the American Friends in mysterious circumstances in August 2001 - perhaps not unrelated to Green Card irregularities. Evidence from the Southern Poverty Law Center suggests that the American Friends of the BNP raised a minimum of of $85,000. Between January 1999 and April 2002. Cotterill claimed only $1,788.82 was raised. Far from pursuing the fund raisers, US investigators are empowered to investigate the beneficiaries.
When BNP head Nick Griffin was asked by CNN if the party had ever received checks as large as "$10,000 and $16,000" from the United States, Griffin replied, "We've seen some very useful donations, yeah."
Each of the AFBNP's members paid a minimum $10 in dues every month. An amount easily transferred by Paypal. Beyond the threats from former members, Nick Ryan's interview notes paint a picture of Nick Griffin that makes charges of racism seem frivolous. Laundering money for a foreign power is a serious and extraditable offence.
Nick Griffin, told Wales onSunday, "The politicians, those in charge of the mass media, police chiefs andothers responsible for creating this multi-racial hell hole must face trial and paythe ultimate penalty". (Wales on Sunday 11.8.96)
But just who is paying Nick Griffin?
Mark Cerr - Former Accountant
free speach is free speach
13.11.2006 15:04
---My thoughts exactly. i dispise the BMp and their pathetic Boot boys but we live in a free sociaty (or rather wwe should live in a free sociaty) and people should be able to say things we dislike as well as things we like.
if we don't alow one person to speak then we will be silences and anyway how do we ridicule people like this if we don't alow them to spew forth their pathetic drivle?
elizabeth vledon
cyberman/ kermit the frog
15.11.2006 00:13
concerned of gipton
16.11.2006 01:36
Why do you hide behind false names you big antifash warrior you
16.11.2006 11:02
This to 'Concerned Of Gipton'! Probably doesn't want you big tough Nazi warriors sending pizzas round, it's about all you're good for wanker.
"Why do you hide behind false names you big antifash warrior you"
Signed: "aNtIaNtIfA"
God, you Nazis are fucking dense.
An Apology
16.11.2006 11:53
Concerned Of Gipton
17.11.2006 16:38
As for impending jail i'm betting its going to be a white christmas for Tony and his family and its not gonna be in the nick, maybe more sunny shores ha ha ha, anyway keep guessing and you may hit the right button.
PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE, oooop i'm shouting as usual,
"I what i want and its white, white, white" better ban that advert eh!
Notice a few sites have been down lately, awww well we know whos to blame politics is dirty but the war got dirtier on here.
(matthew its your bro and da who's next)YAKKETY YAK, DONT TALK BACK!
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