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a difference | 07.11.2006 19:58 | World

It is possible to reverse engineer the plots by the positions that puppet "lobby groups" or factions are put into. The world needs the people of integrity from the entire of the spectrum (within + without congress) to get up to speed with some of the scams of the past - to see the effect they have had ,yes, to stop them - but also to see what good things might have worked without those criminal distortions

Some neo cons seem to have got withdrawn from the "war" front to try to bury ALL ethical engagement in the world whatsoever.
Attempts to talk up "gridlock" or "logjam" are trying to cover up any "big tent" talk that might allow sense to come out of the situation.
Attempts to see common ground might get used against the alleged "radicals" that make sense despite "fashion". . . .
. . . . but, even as we remain sceptical about all dodgy results, using energy to uncover the scams - we dont need to fall into the usual traps!
(ps - radicals input re democracy is VERY timely, AFTER - SAY WHAT DEMOCRACY COULD DO !)
cheers, plus!

a difference