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COMMUNIST PARTY of the PHILIPPINES defending Saddam Hussein

Socorro de Manuel | 07.11.2006 11:29 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles | World

[1] Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) defending Saddam Hussein; [2] CPP Praising North Korea's "Nuclear Breakthrough"; [3] CPP & NDFP Greeting North Korea's Dictator Kim Jong Il on His Birthday; [4] CPP-NDFP Chiefs rubbing shoulders with Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (BAYAN)

CPP-NDFP Chiefs rubbing shoulders with Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (BAYAN)
CPP-NDFP Chiefs rubbing shoulders with Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (BAYAN)

(1) US puppet court's sham trial of Saddam Hussein serves Bush interests not Iraqi people's--CPP

Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines
November 6, 2006

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today denounced the sham trial and yesterday's sentencing to death of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, saying it does not serve the Iraqi people's aspirations for justice but only serves US ultra-Rightist interests and, in particular, the narrow political agenda of US President George Bush and his Republican party.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said in sentencing Saddam Hussein to death, the Special Tribunal formed in 2004 by the US colonial authority in Iraq "is a mockery of justice." Rosal scored the manipulation of the trial by the Bush government which dictated the verdict and pushed for the sentencing of Saddam days ahead of the previous schedule in order to precede tomorrow's mid-term elections in the US with the hope of influencing its outcome in favor of the increasingly isolated Bush-led Republican Party.

"Saddam was tried not by a real and independent Iraqi court by a US puppet court. It was formed under conditions of occupation and has proven itself incapable of being providing the accused a fair trial and guarantee of his right to defend himself," Rosal said. "The puppet court was manipulated all the way by the US to ensure a guilty verdict in order to provide justification for the US invasion and its continued occupation of Iraq."

Rosal said that the Republicans desperately needed a rushed guilty verdict to drown the widespread criticism of the US war on Iraq, further inflamed by revelations that refuted the Bush regime's justification of the invasion by claiming that Saddam was hiding weapons for mass destruction and ties with the al Qaida.

"The American public has become more and more highly critical of the US war against Iraq not only because of the justifications have all been proven to be lies, but also because it has brought nothing but hardship, suffering and oppression to the Iraqi people, as well as pains due to a mounting death toll and pangs of an unwelcome occupier's guilt to the American people," added Rosal.

"It is the American people, not Bush, his cronies amassing wealth for contracts in Iraq and his fellow neoconservative diehards in the Republican Party, who are being made to shoulder the human and financial costs of the war against Iraq," said Rosal. Around 50,000 Iraqi civilians and 3,000 American troops have been killed in Iraq since 2003.

Rosal said "The trial of Saddam Hussein was far from fair and was directed not at achieving justice. It sought only to damn Saddam Hussein as a criminal, and thus hope to justify to the world and to the American people that it was just for the US to invade and continue to occupy and exercise hegemony over Iraq."

Rosal noted that Saddam was denied legal counsel and a fair trial for one year after he was detained by US occupation forces in 2003. Three of Saddam's defense lawyers were assassinated during the course of the trial prompting him to go on a hunger strike. Three judges who did not conform exactly to US dictates were also replaced one after another. "The trial was such a mockery that Saddam's defense, including the presentation of defense witnesses, was aborted in order to rush the guilty verdict."

"The Iraqi people will not be able to achieve justice as long as the US remains a colonial force and exercises hegemony over Iraq," said Rosal.

The CPP spokesperson said further that "The Bush government desperately hopes that the guilty verdict will demoralize and weaken the patriotic forces of resistance in Iraq. But, it is the opposite that will happen—all the more will the Iraqi people be enraged and all the more will the resistance rise against the US occupation and dictation over their country."

Rosal urged international community as well as the American people to condemn the sham trial of Saddam and call for the formation of a truly independent tribunal. He reiterated the CPP's call for the respect of the Iraqi people's right to national self-determination and worldwide support for the immediate and complete withdrawal of all US occupation forces from Iraq.



(2) CPP congratulates DPR-Korea for nuke breakthrough

by CPP Information Bureau

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today congratulated the people and government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for successfully and safely carrying out its first-ever nuclear test and hailed the successful test as a “militant assertion of national sovereignty and the right of an independent country to develop its own powerful self-reliant defense capability amidst constant efforts by the US to impose its imperialist hegemony over the world, maintain its monopoly of nuclear weapons along with a few other powerful countries, and subvert the sovereign will of the DPRK.” Yesterday, the DPRK government announced that it has successfully carried out an underground test of its nuclear weapons, developed after four decades of painstaking self-reliant efforts, “with 100% of sheer indigenous wisdom and technology… under secure conditions… at a stirring time when all the people of the country are making a great leap forward in the building of a great, prosperous, powerful socialist nation.” There were no reports of radiation leak from the test site. The announcement was met expectedly, however, with condemnation by the US government which called the test a “provocative act threatening international peace and stability.”

“The Filipino people and their revolutionary movement regard the DPRK nuclear test as a significant positive development in the effort of freedom-loving peoples the world over to challenge the US imposition of Pax Americana over the world, break the US and other big imperialist powers’ monopoly over nuclear weapons, and compel the world’s peoples to kneel before its hegemonic power,” said CPP spokesperson Gregorio “Ka Roger” Rosal.

“Now, in the face of the DPRK's advance in scientific and technical knowhow with nuclear power, the US is significantly deterred from threatening and carrying out military strikes against the DPRK. The US is afraid that it can no longer try to bully the DPRK,” said Rosal. With the success of its first-ever nuclear weapons test, North Korea becomes the ninth country in the world to have nuclear weapons, along with the United States, Russia, France, China, Britain, India, Pakistan and Israel.

“Of course, US imperialism and other imperialist powers and their client states will condemn the DPRK’s nuclear breakthrough which broke their monopoly of nuclear weapons and confronts the imperialist-imposed pacifism that oppress and cause great hardships on the countries and peoples of the world,” said Rosal.

The CPP also regard the development of the DPRK's nuclear capability as an important breakthrough in fulfilling its energy requirements and further boosting its economic potential, aside from developing its capability to defend its national sovereignty.

“Contrary to imperialist propaganda, the strengthening of the nuclear capability of the DPRK does not pose a threat to other nations' sovereignty and to genuine world peace. In the past, the DPRK has shown respect for the independence of other countries in the same way that it wants the US to respect the sovereign will of the DPRK. The development of nuclear capability in the hands of independent countries that persist in the fight against US hegemonism and aggression realistically deters the US from using its nuclear weapons and military might to attack these countries, and is thus a positive factor in our common striving for genuine peace in the world,” added Rosal.;date=061010;language=eng


(3) CPP-NDF-Philippines Greet Comrade Kim Jong Il On His Birthday

The Communist Party of the Philippines extends its warmest greetings to Comrade Kim Jong Il, General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the National Defense Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and respected leader of the Korean people on his birthday on 16 February. Central Committee
Communist Party of the Philippines
February 16, 2006

Comrade Kim Jong Il has continued and developed the Juche idea introduced by Comrade Kim Il Sung as the guiding principle in building a strong and progressive socialist country.

Under Comrade Kim Jong Il's leadership, the Workers' Party of Korea has built a powerful Korean People's Army that is confident and capable of defending the motherland from external threats. Under his leadership the Workers' Party of Korea, the Korean People's Army and the Korean people have stood as one in asserting national sovereignty in the face of numerous attempts at bullying by the imperialist powers led by the United States.

Comrade Kim Jong Il has welded the unity of the people in overcoming many difficulties brought about by natural calamities and economic blockades imposed by the imperialists who wish to destroy Korea's socialist revolution and construction.

We support the Korean people's profound aspiration for the independent reunification of Korea, for peace and progress. Under Comrade Kim Jong Il's wise leadership, we hope that the Korean people will realize this deep national desire in the near future.

We wish Comrade Kim Jong Il, the Workers' Party of Korea and the Korean people more victories in the future in your struggle to build a society free from exploitation, a nation with dignity and a progressive and prosperous socialist country.

The Communist Party of the Philippines and the revolutionary Filipino people are ever committed to pursue our common cause of building a better world for mankind free from the exploitative and oppressive imperialist system, a world free from the dangers of war, a world of solidarity, friendship and cooperation among peoples.



(4) Message Of Greetings On The Occasion Of The Birth Anniversary Of Comrade Kim Jong Il

by Luis G. Jalandoni, NDFP Chief International Representative

On behalf of the 17 revolutionary allied organizations of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) and the Filipino people, the NDFP extends its warmest comradely greetings to Comrade Kim Jong Il, General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and Chairman of the National Defense Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on the occasion of his birth anniversary on 16th February.

Message Of Greetings On The Occasion Of The Birth Anniversary Of Comrade Kim Jong Il

Luis G. Jalandoni
Chief International Representative
National Democratic Front of the Philippines
February 16, 2006

On behalf of the 17 revolutionary allied organizations of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) and the Filipino people, the NDFP extends its warmest comradely greetings to Comrade Kim Jong Il, General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and Chairman of the National Defense Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on the occasion of his birth anniversary on 16th February.

Born amid the flames of the struggle against the Japanese war of aggression and occupation, Comrade Kim Jong Il grew in an environment of intense struggle against imperialism and during the great undertaking of constructing socialism in his beloved Korea. Armed with the correct ideological and political principles, he has helped develop and strengthen the Workers’ Party of Korea and the Korean People's Army into a force that is ever-ready and capable to defeat any enemy that would attack and invade Korea and seek to reverse the victories of the Korean people.

Comrade Kim Jong Il’s trust in the Korean people has forged unity among the Party, the People’s Army and the Korean people. This unity continues to be an invincible force in facing the imperialist enemy and overcoming the effects of natural disasters.

Amidst the onslaught of political, economic and military attacks and threats of US imperialism, the Korean people, under the leadership of Comrade Kim Jong Il, have time and again defended Korea’s independence and national sovereignty. Not only have they determinedly countered these attacks and threats, they have defended the gains that the people and the Party won in their struggle against imperialism and reaction.

The struggle of the Korean people, like the struggle of the Filipino people, against imperialism is part of an ever-growing and intensifying international fight against imperialism and reaction. With every victory of the people, the enemy is weakened and international solidarity is forged and strengthened.

We join Comrade Kim Jong Il and the Korean people in their fervent aspiration for the peaceful reunification of their country under the banner of independence, peace and national unity.

Long live Comrade Kim Jong Il!
Long live the Korean people!
Long live international solidarity!


Socorro de Manuel


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07.11.2006 12:28

Truly inspirational Stalinist drivel!!

Progressive Contrarian
- Homepage:


07.11.2006 13:23

"Amidst the onslaught of political, economic and military attacks and threats of US imperialism, the Korean people, under the leadership of Comrade Kim Jong Il, have time and again defended Korea’s independence and national sovereignty. Not only have they determinedly countered these attacks and threats, they have defended the gains that the people and the Party won in their struggle against imperialism and reaction."

And the great Kim kong in doing all of this has allowed his people to starve.........oh hail to the great one.......... out of the frying pan into the fire eh.

And Saddam, whilst he has been stitched by the yanks big stylee was still a fascist twat who killed loads of his own people.
