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I feel sick

Carol 88 | 03.11.2006 01:53

I have just read some of the disgusting smears against my husband and I and I feel I must redress the balance.

Carol White.

First and foremost i know i must expect the usual people to come on here and post obvious lies and halftruths against us but i do hope atleast the truth can be told .

The allegation made that I was made pregnant while my husband was in prison is the most humorous. If you check the very pics you put up you will see that our baby was already born when they were taken. How stupid are you.

But most hurtful or at least the most supid is the series of postings that are violent and agressive and directed against Tony my husband

I want to call a spade a spade, so let me be very clear tht i have never cheated on my husband and nor do i intend to. People in Leeds running websites are behind mostof the accusations we no this.

It has been made clear and we allready no it that some of the posts are by people who claim to be nationalists. they are not and they are grasses which is why we are being victimised by there childishness.

While the jew lover Griffin and his horrible sidekick are being protected by a proper pornographer Tony and I sit at home at night and have to put up with endless amounts of abusive phonecalls from the 635 group who got our details from this site posted by supposed nationalists. They do not even care that we know there mobile numbers.

mark c, arthur b, david a, jgw, tom L, we know you have all posted very nasty things on here about me. Sso have Leeds Afa ect.

Please leave us alone we are not interested. mistakes have been made but to threaten me and my children and tell awful lies that are not trrue is disgusting.

we do not post on the c18 website and not any other site.

I hope the admin leafs this on here so people can leave us alone and notbe sold lies by perverts and grasses.

Carol 88


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Pots Calling Kettles Black

03.11.2006 05:57

What does the 88 happen to stand for, Mrs Goebells?

Is it your deal old evil chum, who wanted to destroy the world, Adolf Hitler, by any chance?

All harassment is wrong, sure, but you can't expect to use anti-Semitism on Indymedia, such as "Jew Lover" on Indymedia, and expect any sympathy, expect from Nazi trolls.

Racial hate is far more evil than any supposed harrasment against convicted nazis and their accomplices. Your scumbag of a husband hands out evil racist materials to schoolkids, which I supposed you are proud of. Most people are sick to the back gills of white supremacists, be it Griffin or your husband. You are all Holocaust deniers, and racist scumbags, so the sob stories won't touch many hearts.

Most people shed tears for the victims of the Holocaust, but not people like yourself who read Mein Kamph day and night, you loser.

Tony White is a convicted thug who beats up anti-racist protestors, and according to Nick Lowles of Searchlight, encourages violence against journalists, trade unionists, and anybody who opposes your sick little views through Redwatch. He was seen lurking outside the courthouse the other day, lookin threateningly at anti-racist protestors, seeking out trouble.

Why don't you suggest he stays at home, watching Neighbours, rather than threatening people? Most if not all of the actors are so-called "aryans", as you lot call them.

If Tony White stopped using violence against innocent people, and peddling nazi literature which encourages racial attacks, he would soon be forgotten, and so would you! Victims of Redwatch have suffered far more harm than nazis like you, have ever suffered. Hyprocrisy they call it.

Of, I supposed you've never heard of Redwatch, eitther??? Everyone knows Tony White is part of cowardly, sick Redwatch.

Redwatch Victim

Fuck the pair of them

03.11.2006 16:37

Carol White is a Nazi activist of some years standing. She has been less active openly over the past few years only because her husband, Tony White, has been discredited to such an extent that none of the mainstream fascist organisations (along with the Hitlerite sect - the BPP) will have him as a member. Howeverm she is still involved in fascist activity, still a vicious racist, and as her '88' monicre shows, still a confirmed Nazi. She deserves no more sympathy from antiracists than her idiot thug husband, and would not know the 'truth' if she were beaten senseless with it.

While the White's and their few-remaining comedy Nazi friends (such as the odious gimp Tony Foy) have provided some Indymedia readers with more than a few belly laughs over the years, I doubt anyone really cares which fascist scumbag has shagged 'Evil Carol'. Somewhat typically, it is generally their fellow fascists who are obsessed with the White's sordid personal lives.

Tony White is a SCUMBAG, who just can't stay away from Nazi violence (nor from children - whose minds he consistently tries to poison.) He has been involved in plenty of violence against soft-targets, and like his wife is still involved with 'Redwatch'. In particular, he is one for attacking people's homes and cars, and making threatening phonecalls and internet posts. He has always been a coward, and now unable to hide, he is in fear of reaping his just reward.

IF the White's are receiving threatening phonecalls - and 'fuck them' if they are - it is unlikely that these are coming from members of the '635 Group', who are better known for action, rather than for making threats. More likely, as with calls to Eddy Morrison, and if these calls are taking place at all, it is White's fellow fascists who are venting their spleens. Either way, it has not taken much for the White's to come crying to Indymedia, how pitiful bearing in mind their track-record of harrassment and violence against anti-racists and non-whites. More than likely, they hope this can be used as mitigation in Tony's sentencing at the beginning of December - though his provocative apperance at the start of Griffin's trial is more likely to count against him. Tony White, accurately assessed psychologically, would probably be detained indefinitely.

Tony White regularly posts on the C18 Guestbook.

Fuck the pair of them, they are total scum, and deserve all they get. How pitiful that they are whining about a few comments by their fellow Nazi on Indymedia.



Feeling Sick?

03.11.2006 18:22

Carol White's favourite train-spotter, Kevin Watmough, about to get kicked in the cagoolis at Pudsey.


Informers and the BPP

03.11.2006 19:19

Tony White is a young man of limited intelligence who has made many poor choices, and generally paid the price for those choices. White can certainly be a nasty piece of work, but Watmough is of a far different calibre: He is certainly an informer, of that there should be no question, and a coward to boot. I hear on the grapevine that he is currently in hiding; trying to save his own skin as usual; more untermenschen than ubermenschen! The degenerate rump BPP now resembles 'Laurel and Hardy' - If only, like them, they could be silent!


"Vulcan" you swine.

04.11.2006 02:56

Mr Tom Linden, who posted loads of porn and smutty comments about Mrs White (Carol 88) previously has obviously had a sudden change of heart.

Is it becasue you only have a couple of beats left in your own (heart)?

Tin Pot

The Crazy Gang

04.11.2006 11:51

Eddy The Nazi
Eddy The Nazi

Right lets have a stab at this if i can. I have been reading all of this stuff with the Nazi's here and on a few yahoo groups and have come to the conclusion Kev Wotmuff is a police informant not only is he giving information to the police regarding his fellow Nazi's but he is also giving information on us leftwing activists. Kev Wankmouth serves two very usefull purposes to his handlers his fellow Nazi's have also realised this and now the knives are out for him. According to our sources Kev whatamuff grassed Tony White and whites fellow Nazi Foye. According to information recieved via Nazi sites on msn ,yahoo etc etc Foye was paid a visit by west yorkshire's Homicide and Major Enquiery Team who happened to come from the Dudley Hill police station in Bradford and not from Milgarth police station in Leeds.
From what we can gather it didn't take long for White and Foye to realise that Whatamouth now living in Bradford had grassed them up along with scores of other fascists.
Firstly i predict Kev Wankmouth will have no other option than to come out in Searchlight as a traitor to his fellow Nazi's a hero to the anti racist brigade. Obviously Searchlight will re name him re house for his own protection.
Secondly the fascist threat in Leeds now lies with the BNP the likes of Eddy Morrison have had their day and are now no longer a threat as their credibility within rightwing circles disappeared a long long time ago the fascists have wised up to the antics of Morrison and friends. The likes of Wankmouth and Morrison feed off the bottom suckers in their movement making a few pence selling badges cd's etc spending all the parties money on beer and cannabis thats right wankmuff we know your ex dealer lives opposite that pub bottom of cockshottlane Bramley anyway all this is going to end nicely for us no more BONEHEADS in Leeds.


mail e-mail:

Apologies to Mrs White

04.11.2006 13:27

Quality of that film is not that great. But it is Tony. You might want to consider being unfaithful to him. The faceparty scandal goes further than a few BNP bodyguard you now. Problem with the whole Faceparty thing is they are almost all jailbait. So at least it wont get posted on indymedia. Unless someone on SF has it in for you.

Leni Riefenstahl

Lay off Carol

04.11.2006 14:22

Once again, the knives are out and once again, the victim is hardly in a position to fight back.
Mrs White, whom I know well, is being castigated because of her loyalty to her husband, Tony.
Yes, she is a nationalist; yes, she does support nationalist parties; yes, she has been an activist.
So what? She is merely following her own beliefs just like those who would denigrate her. She has been accused of being everything from a slut to a rabid Nazi. This, of course, is how the left-wing rabble operates; by rumour and innuendo!

Let's be fair

Carol 88

04.11.2006 14:36

Mrs White is being 'castigated' for her 'loyalty' to Adolf Hitler.


Nationalists my arse!!!

05.11.2006 09:29

True nationalists are concerned with the success of a given particular nation, including the sum of all segment communities, be it, black, Asian, Irish, Hindu, Muslim, ecomonically, socially, sportingly, and culturally, to improve the prominence of a given country on the world stage. They might also seek independence of a particular nation, as in Wales or Scotland, for purposes of self-governance.

"White nationalists", on the other hand, claim a particular country for themselves, friends, and peer group, while selfishly excluding the citizenship of all other citizens, who legally, socially, and ethically, as minorities, are members of the nation, as much as the overriding majority. The United Nations guarantees the rights of all peoples born in a particular country to be bona fide citizens, thus, these supposed national thinkers, aren't, by legal definition, "nationalists" at all, but merely racist "funda-mentalists" who have a narrow, immoral, and self-destructive view of what constitutes a nation.

BPP and BNP aren't thus nationalists, but Ku Klux Klan-style racial segregationalists, or being the majority, racial supremacists, or national socialists, NAZIS, in other words.

Tony White is a thus, not a beleagured "nationalist", but a hardened Nazi who hates people of different races and religions.

So much for his wife's outpourings, begging for sympathy...

Professor Poopsnaggle


05.11.2006 11:37

Quite right Proffessor.


Thus who lives stubbornly in ghettos

06.11.2006 21:14


As you never feel the poem grievance of being a fascist that your post comment is poor and miscancellous for everyone who lives in Germany. Fuck off!

'Aryan' Default


07.11.2006 10:56

Has anyone seen the hilarious 'Warning Received' thread on VNN where top wankers Sid Williamson and Tommy Williams are whining about being "intimidated" by 70-odd year old dwarf, John 'Griff' Wood?!


The Despiccable Duo

07.11.2006 11:17

Both vile Williams and his idiot side-kick Williamson have shown themselves to be beneath contempt by mocking a dead woman. Looking beyond the bluster of their VNN posts, it's obvious that both are scared; they know they've over-stepped the mark. If I were a psychiatrist, I would diagnose Tommy Williams as being an inadequate psychopath. Williams is just a fool falling in with the class bully (Williams) because he was too cowardly to stand up for himself at the 'Red, White and Blue' festival.


Spelling mistakes.

08.11.2006 13:48

I wonder if the so called Carol White was ever educated, her spelling is disgusting to say the least.

Leaf = Leave
Supid = Stupid
Agressive = Aggressive
tht = That
no = Know
allready = already
there = their
Sso = so
me and my children = my children and I
trrue = true
sold = told

Dear dear, what a dreadful way to show you're ignorance Carol, get educated !!!!!!!!!!!

The Teacher

Where will it end?

08.11.2006 14:21

The postings against John Wood by Williams and Williamson get more and more viscious.
Even the most stupid of readers must know that they have overstepped the mark of decency.
Wood, I should imagine, may well bring the two adversaries to book one way or another. Litigation isn't cheap but Wood appears to be able to afford it.
Personally, if I had his money, I would be tempted to forget a court action and invest in some muscle to solve the problem.


Thanks for the lesson, but....

08.11.2006 17:37

Thanks for the lesson, The Teacher, but I think, in this sentence, the word you were actually looking for was "your". No contraction needed.

"Dear dear, what a dreadful way to show you're ignorance Carol, get educated "

You should have learned this in first year of junior school, sweetie.

"a dumb nazi"


08.11.2006 18:06

I just hope Val is watching!

Acker Bilk

You gotta love "bystander"

09.11.2006 01:08

Are you (Griff) really posting on here in some stupid attempt to strengthen your case against Club Foot and Piss pants when you get them on to Judge Judy?

For a bloke with no testicles, you sure do post as if you had a huge pair of (working) ones.

Just because you cannot post with all your (ex-) Nazi mates, does not mean we want a kiddly fiddler posting on here.

Piss off.

Tin Pot


11.11.2006 19:55

Yes Williams (club foot, limping boy) and willamson (tied up testicles & pay for protection)
It is about time somebody started to make these 2 idiots think before they type lies & rubbish about people. Yes Wood has got the cash to take them to Court, and no doubt it may cost alot to do so. But over the years, both williamson & williams have slandered eachother, made threats about eachother, and proved to be cowards in the end. They have threatened & submitted liabel lies on the internet about loads of people.
I doubt this will be a lesson to either of them, as neither of them have a brain inside that scummy scull of theirs. What with both of them being known to piss themselves, maybe this will just be another way of shutting them up for a few days, and they return to the internet because they cant keep their fingers away from the keyboard.
Williamson & Williams are both spongers of the state, neither have any money, 1 has numerous kids & costs a fortune in laundry bills, the other has a child by a lesbian & takes drugs. So what do you expect !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tin pot, like his name, just rattles!

12.11.2006 16:27

There are a few on here who would like to see Williamson and Williams eat shit.
They may not have much love for Wood but they are eager to see what is going to happen to these two tow-rags!


"a dumb nazi"

19.11.2006 16:37

In fact your typescript is just as bad. The word you were searching for was "Learnt" not Learned.

You should have learned this in first year of junior school, sweetie.

Tut tut, only criticise if you know dearest.

The Teacher