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MPAC Champions Rights of Muslim Women

Watching Islamophobia | 02.11.2006 22:40

The majority of mosques in Britain ban women from using them

While domestic violence may be no higher than the national average, Muslim women are far less likely to report it

Many Muslim women feel unable to speak to their Imams about family or marital issues

Muslim women seeking to enter mosques to pray are turned away agressively and sometimes violently

The Muslim Council of Britain patronises women and is unwilling to help them

It is not only old men with misogynistic and patriarchal views, but many young Muslim men as well

When confronted or threatened, the first response of many religious Muslim men is to shout and lash out

Mulism women are routinely denied education after puberty because it is seen as "unnecessary" in their role as Muslim women

Now, if Martin Bright or the Panorama team had been behind these revalations on a prime time TV documentary, you can be sure that Bob Pitt over at Islamophobia-Watch would have been howling like a banshee about "demonisation" of the Muslim community. So I was surprised to see that nothing appeared on his blog after the airing of "Women Only Jihad" on Channel 4 earlier this week.

Strage isn't it? Well, strange until you realise that the reason is that MPAC were behind the documentary. It was their women's sub-committee (with the support of male colleagues) who led the charge.

Funny thing is, when the issue is gay rights, rather than women's rights, those who trigger these types of media confrontations are accused of 'dividing the community' or contributing to the demonisation of Muslims in the press, and so-forth.

Actually, that's unfair. Muslim women - like Irshad Manji - who have raised feminist issues have also routinely been accused of such being 'divisive' and non-Muslim critics of Muslim misogyny have - of course - been accused of 'Islamophobia' - usually by MPAC, or IHRC through their "Islamophobia Awards".

So what's up?

"Women Only Jihad" is easily one of the clearest indictments (as the bullet points above show) of the anti-women streak in a significant proportion of British Muslims and I'm really puzzled that MPAC have chosen to air so much dirty laundy under the glare of the TV lights. I am not puzzled that Bob Pitt has chosen to ignore the issue, however.

More surprising, however, was the prime-time sales pitch which went roughly along these lines: This is an issue that affect the wider community - not just Muslims - because if women are more integrated into the mosques then they won't be testosterone-filled male-enclaves of radicalism. Did I get that right?


Is this part of a power-play in which MPAC jostles with the MCB? Perhaps. But if it is sincere, then I applaud them. I hope they will win this battle and consider taking on the issue of gay Muslims next.

But I worry that my more conspiratorial theory might me more on the money. Even though the MPAC women made contact with local women during their tour of sexist mosques, it did not appear that they made any attempt to enlist their support. One group in particular - women who had set up a prayer room in a house near the mosque - seemed suitable candidates for recruitment to the cause. If any attempt was made to do this, it wasn't shown in the documentary. This does tend to hint at a publicity stunt more than a sincere effort. In that vane, it should be noted that during a meeting with the Lancichire Council of Mosques, it was MPAC's Asghar Bukhari who seemed the most aggressive and keen to escalate the confrontation in front of the cameras.

Still, that caveat aside, it's a good debate they've started. Let's hope it goes somewhere and that they don't fall foul of Mr Pitt.

As a liberal secularist, for me it seems a win-win situation. At worst, Mulsim women might gain a stronger voice and start to deconstruct oppressive patriarchy. At best, liberalisation will gnaw away at the reactionary foundations of the religion and - as it has done in Christianity - will begin to undermine it.

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Who are MPAC?

03.11.2006 14:06

With respect, if you're going to repost things from weblogs, for fucks sake bear in mind that people on this site haven't necessarily followed your, I'm sure very valuable, ongoing personal narrative.

So an introduction to the issues would be very useful for people to get a grip on the story. Who are MPAC, what's the difference between them and the MCB (or indeed the MCC)?

Buggered if I'm going to drive up traffic to anyone's weblog when they haven't the courtesy to add necessary context when they spam Indymedia.

(this is not aimed solely at you and yes I am feeling a bit grumpy today)

Lazy Me, Lazy You