United Kingdom: Failure in the immigration policy?
BY VICTOR YANULEVICH | 01.11.2006 11:07 | Analysis | Indymedia | Migration | Birmingham | London
The problem of immigration has arisen already for a long time and it can be characterized as the most global in the world. The majority of the countries of the world were signed with some international agreements on reception of refugees. But there are many ways illegal by to get and locate in any country of the world, it turns out at the most active and enterprising refugees. Their number huge and is not present exact statistics at anybody, monitoring is spent by way of interrogation and the analysis of the general information. Any state of the world today does not own the information on illegal migrants as into operation the system of the biometric control of stay in the country from for borders just now starts to be put.
Until recently to one of the best countries of the world of satisfaction of the request for a refuge followed the United Kingdom and the refugee or given out for those got actually in paradise conditions. The apartment or the house was given to the applicant, the weekly allowance was paid. The system of deportation remedial was absent and was applied only to applicants on granting of a refuge made criminal offences. Interview was spent during till 8 months from the date of submission of the application. If the applicant after several interviews could not persuade the immigration officer on granting of a refuge, and that a psychological method has not managed to convince the applicant to leave the Great Britain after 5 years from the date of submission of the application on a refuge irrespective of reception of the status of the refugee the applicant received constant residence permit. But times have changed.
Now the United Kingdom toughens conditions for refugees. Now practically nobody finds refuge in England. Business is considered about 6 months and almost all deport. On the basis of the new rules approved by the Government of the United Kingdom immigration authorities aspire in the shortest term till 2 months to lead the basic interview to the applicant and to give it refusal. The unique opportunity to find refuge is threat of a life. And this threat of a life needs to be documented. Whether it is valid and how much difficultly to receive the status of the refugee in the Great Britain it is well visible from following cases.
In the first case spent interview in Midlands Enforcement Unit Reporting Centre (Solihull) immigration officer Munish Lall has asked the applicant on a refuge about details occurred threats of its life. The applicant was not asked on the reasons of this threat also its bad state of health during the moment of carrying out of interview did not become the reason of adjournment of interview. It is necessary to note, that the applicant had been presented personal papers and proofs that should seemed was to promote acceptance of the fair decision. But interview have been written down with the gross blunders, hence the given information has been deformed. And as the result of it the applicant was refused on granting of a refuge, and its proof simply invented. And the same person spent interview and the decision made. The appeal on this business obeyed in court and representative Home Office has supported refusal of immigration authorities anything it has not proved. Besides some facts of proofs also have been changed by representative Home Office. Validity and legality of that decision causes greater doubts. All addressed a refuge irrespective of their real position compelled to search the international protection begin for Home Office equally undesirable and guilty. About infringement of human rights supervision by legal experts how much it probably is conducted.
Other case too speaks about much. The man of 40 years Ismail Hassan Osman has arrived to the Great Britain from Sudan where it simply did not like to live. How Ismail Hassan Osman it has arrived to England has told, that "... Has paid 2 thousand pounds the "agent", engaged illegal emigration and the ship on the sea has reached to the Great Britain. The mafia is everywhere ". It has not shown any documents of documents to immigration authorities and to deport in that case difficultly. After refusal on granting of a refuge it has submitted the appeal, process of deportation was tightened for long time. And in the meantime the circle of its friends and friends same as it extends, than they are engaged anybody supervision does not conduct and does not know. With it in one house there live three persons from Iraq which also as well as it reached the Great Britain through Greece and Hungary by means of "agent". In one case the man having named as Michael has told to immigration authorities, that "... Has arrived by the plane from Russia and after passage of the control of a boundary post has returned the passport to person back accompanied it as the passport has been bought on such conditions. “Actually it has arrived by the plane from Holland. In one case young the man from Iran has told, that "... If I shall not find refuge in the Great Britain the ship on the sea I shall reach to Canada. “As in the detective novel England gradually turns to transit territory for illegal migrants.
Similar cases are not individual and certainly put not reparable harm to the immigration policy. There are statistical data, that annually to British Isles arrive tens thousand people from unsuccessful regions of the Middle East and Central Asia where pass military actions and confrontations between the contradictory parties, reigns immorality among people. Having got to the United Kingdom and having declared immigration authorities on granting of a refuge of people temporarily settle for a month in so-called rest houses. Often between them there are conflicts, make theft of property at other applicants on a refuge, to resolve incidents the police is compelled. During expectation of the decision of immigration authorities people are given to themselves, observing on the screen of TV of news about military actions of the USA and Israel start to cry out words of damnation. The aggression show not only among themselves, but also in streets of settlements where they live. It is possible to see often the broken glasses of bus stops and telephone cabins of public using, in streets about houses where they live a lot of dust.
The immigration situation heavy burden lays down on English tax bearers. Applicants, whose business are considered by immigration authorities, and then in court of all this time get support of the state. Having many applicants money resources hide them from immigration authorities as support of National Asylum Support Service (NASS) can lose. Though the National Asylum Support Service (NASS) does not satisfy the conditions under the agreement which it concludes with applicants on a refuge. Considering, that their tens thousand person lives in the country long time not carefully concerning to property which is given to them in using it is possible for itself to present how many financial assets is spent for their maintenance. Time they have not the right to work as all this. The majority addressed a refuge menacingly is not given with documents of the person, to identify them difficultly. Therefore in default process of deportation is tightened for years. Openly many the legal business concerns specializing on services for refugees from the Muslim countries. These firms help to think up a legend on a refuge for immigration authorities and to extract necessary documents as proofs. Refugee Council one of the few independent non-commercial the organizations which is not involved in any way in a policy and carries out the emergency help for refugees at a high level.
The Great Britain, with fear observing occurring pogroms of migrants to France in the urgent order enters the biometric control over the borders. Data about quantity of refugees are based only on the application of the applicant to immigration authorities with the request of granting of a refuge. In the accelerated mode Prime-minister Minister Tony Blear and its government try to take under the control of constantly arriving new refugees, identification of everyone addressed for a refuge is conducted. As a rule the great bulk arrived are young men from the Muslim countries of the East. Who they and what for have arrived tries to learn Home Office. It is necessary to note, that immigration authorities refuse in granting a refuge practically to all. That was having shifted all difficult and laborious process of the appeal of the unfortunate refugee on court. In streets of English cities every day it is possible to see the police car which is carried by past on the big speed with the included sound siren. The criminality not so falls quickly as it is declared by representatives Home Office. Now the police of Birmingham lengthways Pershore Road hangs out a plenty of precautionary posters with an inscription: “Robbers are active in this area! ". Parliament and the Government of the United Kingdom it seemed all to provide the rights of citizens of the country and arriving people behind a refuge is made as much as possible, but to a plenty not professional work of the personnel from Home Office reduces work of other people to zero. Therefore having read through on documents Home Office following words as a principle: " The Home Office works to build a safe, just and tolerant society, by putting protection of the public at the heart of everything it does " you try to understand, whether there is it democracy or it only empty demagogy.
Until recently to one of the best countries of the world of satisfaction of the request for a refuge followed the United Kingdom and the refugee or given out for those got actually in paradise conditions. The apartment or the house was given to the applicant, the weekly allowance was paid. The system of deportation remedial was absent and was applied only to applicants on granting of a refuge made criminal offences. Interview was spent during till 8 months from the date of submission of the application. If the applicant after several interviews could not persuade the immigration officer on granting of a refuge, and that a psychological method has not managed to convince the applicant to leave the Great Britain after 5 years from the date of submission of the application on a refuge irrespective of reception of the status of the refugee the applicant received constant residence permit. But times have changed.
Now the United Kingdom toughens conditions for refugees. Now practically nobody finds refuge in England. Business is considered about 6 months and almost all deport. On the basis of the new rules approved by the Government of the United Kingdom immigration authorities aspire in the shortest term till 2 months to lead the basic interview to the applicant and to give it refusal. The unique opportunity to find refuge is threat of a life. And this threat of a life needs to be documented. Whether it is valid and how much difficultly to receive the status of the refugee in the Great Britain it is well visible from following cases.
In the first case spent interview in Midlands Enforcement Unit Reporting Centre (Solihull) immigration officer Munish Lall has asked the applicant on a refuge about details occurred threats of its life. The applicant was not asked on the reasons of this threat also its bad state of health during the moment of carrying out of interview did not become the reason of adjournment of interview. It is necessary to note, that the applicant had been presented personal papers and proofs that should seemed was to promote acceptance of the fair decision. But interview have been written down with the gross blunders, hence the given information has been deformed. And as the result of it the applicant was refused on granting of a refuge, and its proof simply invented. And the same person spent interview and the decision made. The appeal on this business obeyed in court and representative Home Office has supported refusal of immigration authorities anything it has not proved. Besides some facts of proofs also have been changed by representative Home Office. Validity and legality of that decision causes greater doubts. All addressed a refuge irrespective of their real position compelled to search the international protection begin for Home Office equally undesirable and guilty. About infringement of human rights supervision by legal experts how much it probably is conducted.
Other case too speaks about much. The man of 40 years Ismail Hassan Osman has arrived to the Great Britain from Sudan where it simply did not like to live. How Ismail Hassan Osman it has arrived to England has told, that "... Has paid 2 thousand pounds the "agent", engaged illegal emigration and the ship on the sea has reached to the Great Britain. The mafia is everywhere ". It has not shown any documents of documents to immigration authorities and to deport in that case difficultly. After refusal on granting of a refuge it has submitted the appeal, process of deportation was tightened for long time. And in the meantime the circle of its friends and friends same as it extends, than they are engaged anybody supervision does not conduct and does not know. With it in one house there live three persons from Iraq which also as well as it reached the Great Britain through Greece and Hungary by means of "agent". In one case the man having named as Michael has told to immigration authorities, that "... Has arrived by the plane from Russia and after passage of the control of a boundary post has returned the passport to person back accompanied it as the passport has been bought on such conditions. “Actually it has arrived by the plane from Holland. In one case young the man from Iran has told, that "... If I shall not find refuge in the Great Britain the ship on the sea I shall reach to Canada. “As in the detective novel England gradually turns to transit territory for illegal migrants.
Similar cases are not individual and certainly put not reparable harm to the immigration policy. There are statistical data, that annually to British Isles arrive tens thousand people from unsuccessful regions of the Middle East and Central Asia where pass military actions and confrontations between the contradictory parties, reigns immorality among people. Having got to the United Kingdom and having declared immigration authorities on granting of a refuge of people temporarily settle for a month in so-called rest houses. Often between them there are conflicts, make theft of property at other applicants on a refuge, to resolve incidents the police is compelled. During expectation of the decision of immigration authorities people are given to themselves, observing on the screen of TV of news about military actions of the USA and Israel start to cry out words of damnation. The aggression show not only among themselves, but also in streets of settlements where they live. It is possible to see often the broken glasses of bus stops and telephone cabins of public using, in streets about houses where they live a lot of dust.
The immigration situation heavy burden lays down on English tax bearers. Applicants, whose business are considered by immigration authorities, and then in court of all this time get support of the state. Having many applicants money resources hide them from immigration authorities as support of National Asylum Support Service (NASS) can lose. Though the National Asylum Support Service (NASS) does not satisfy the conditions under the agreement which it concludes with applicants on a refuge. Considering, that their tens thousand person lives in the country long time not carefully concerning to property which is given to them in using it is possible for itself to present how many financial assets is spent for their maintenance. Time they have not the right to work as all this. The majority addressed a refuge menacingly is not given with documents of the person, to identify them difficultly. Therefore in default process of deportation is tightened for years. Openly many the legal business concerns specializing on services for refugees from the Muslim countries. These firms help to think up a legend on a refuge for immigration authorities and to extract necessary documents as proofs. Refugee Council one of the few independent non-commercial the organizations which is not involved in any way in a policy and carries out the emergency help for refugees at a high level.
The Great Britain, with fear observing occurring pogroms of migrants to France in the urgent order enters the biometric control over the borders. Data about quantity of refugees are based only on the application of the applicant to immigration authorities with the request of granting of a refuge. In the accelerated mode Prime-minister Minister Tony Blear and its government try to take under the control of constantly arriving new refugees, identification of everyone addressed for a refuge is conducted. As a rule the great bulk arrived are young men from the Muslim countries of the East. Who they and what for have arrived tries to learn Home Office. It is necessary to note, that immigration authorities refuse in granting a refuge practically to all. That was having shifted all difficult and laborious process of the appeal of the unfortunate refugee on court. In streets of English cities every day it is possible to see the police car which is carried by past on the big speed with the included sound siren. The criminality not so falls quickly as it is declared by representatives Home Office. Now the police of Birmingham lengthways Pershore Road hangs out a plenty of precautionary posters with an inscription: “Robbers are active in this area! ". Parliament and the Government of the United Kingdom it seemed all to provide the rights of citizens of the country and arriving people behind a refuge is made as much as possible, but to a plenty not professional work of the personnel from Home Office reduces work of other people to zero. Therefore having read through on documents Home Office following words as a principle: " The Home Office works to build a safe, just and tolerant society, by putting protection of the public at the heart of everything it does " you try to understand, whether there is it democracy or it only empty demagogy.