La Sociedad Civil cubana condena el bloqueo
Joel Mayor Lorán | 31.10.2006 21:43
Desde la perspectiva diversa de un amplio espectro de más de 100 organizaciones, la Sociedad Civil cubana condena una vez más el bloqueo impuesto por el gobierno de Estados Unidos a nuestro país, y reafirma su adhesión, por voluntad propia, al proyecto revolucionario.
Desde la perspectiva diversa de un amplio espectro de más de 100 organizaciones, la Sociedad Civil cubana condena una vez más el bloqueo impuesto por el gobierno de Estados Unidos a nuestro país, y reafirma su adhesión, por voluntad propia, al proyecto revolucionario.
Juristas, historiadores, estudiantes, pastores de iglesias, dirigentes sindicales, integrantes de los CDR y la FMC, y miembros de diferentes asociaciones coincidieron en rechazar el engendro yanki, durante la cuarta edición del Foro de la Sociedad Civil cubana contra el bloqueo y la anexión, celebrado en el capitalino Centro Juvenil Recreativo José Antonio Echeverría.
Este foro se consolida como un mecanismo útil con el fin de ampliar el conocimiento de la población sobre los efectos de la guerra económica del gobierno de Estados Unidos contra nuestra nación, expresó el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Felipe Pérez Roque.
El Canciller propuso que una vez más sea circulada la declaración final del encuentro como documento oficial de la Asamblea General de la ONU, a propósito de la decimoquinta votación sobre el bloqueo el próximo día 8 de noviembre en ese órgano.
Pérez Roque subrayó que nunca antes el bloqueo había sido aplicado con tanta saña, pues sus ejecutores se han tornado expertos en la materia, también porque la globalización extiende el alcance de los intereses norteamericanos y la administración de Bush ha hecho de esta una de las líneas principales para su anhelado plan de anexión. Sin embargo, precisó que asimismo aumenta nuestra confianza en derrotar tales aspiraciones, Cuba se yergue independiente y concita la admiración del mundo.
Juristas, historiadores, estudiantes, pastores de iglesias, dirigentes sindicales, integrantes de los CDR y la FMC, y miembros de diferentes asociaciones coincidieron en rechazar el engendro yanki, durante la cuarta edición del Foro de la Sociedad Civil cubana contra el bloqueo y la anexión, celebrado en el capitalino Centro Juvenil Recreativo José Antonio Echeverría.
Este foro se consolida como un mecanismo útil con el fin de ampliar el conocimiento de la población sobre los efectos de la guerra económica del gobierno de Estados Unidos contra nuestra nación, expresó el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Felipe Pérez Roque.
El Canciller propuso que una vez más sea circulada la declaración final del encuentro como documento oficial de la Asamblea General de la ONU, a propósito de la decimoquinta votación sobre el bloqueo el próximo día 8 de noviembre en ese órgano.
Pérez Roque subrayó que nunca antes el bloqueo había sido aplicado con tanta saña, pues sus ejecutores se han tornado expertos en la materia, también porque la globalización extiende el alcance de los intereses norteamericanos y la administración de Bush ha hecho de esta una de las líneas principales para su anhelado plan de anexión. Sin embargo, precisó que asimismo aumenta nuestra confianza en derrotar tales aspiraciones, Cuba se yergue independiente y concita la admiración del mundo.
Joel Mayor Lorán
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31.10.2006 22:55
1.Reunidos in Havana, today 31 of October of 2005, representing ones of an ample phantom of organizations and Cuban civil associations we expressed ours more energetic sentence to the new outbreak of the acts of aggression of the reactionary government of the United States of America and demanded the immediate and unconditional cease of the political criminal of blockade against our town.
2.El Tuesday 8 of November, the General Assembly of the United Nations will again debate and put under voting the intitulado Project of Resolution “Necessity to put aim to the blockade economic, commercial and financial tax by the United States of America against Cuba”. This encounter, that gives continuity to II the Forum of the Cuban civil society against Bloqueo - celebrated the 15 of October of 2004 -, is added to the actions which they are carried out in Cuba and anywhere in the world to denounce the consequences of the blockade for our town.
3.El objective of this policy is to annihilate our martiana and socialist revolution, and the example of justice and hope that of her emanates for our own town and the world. We have resisted with determination almost half century of brutales aggressions, having paid an elevated price by our inclaudicable will to defend the right to national independence and a life with honor. The plans to restore Capitalism and to reimponer the imperial domination on the Cuban nation are condemned the failure. We will not surrender, nor we will give the revolution. We will defend it until the last consequences.
4.El blockade sensibly affects the economy of the country: it was, it is and it will be - while the fundamental obstacle for our development is not dismantled. With a noticeable criminal character, it extends its impact on all the sectors of the national life, affecting the health, the education, the nourishing security, the sport, the culture, the transport, the house and environment. In spite of so difficult test, the iron will of the town and its determination to advance, have allowed to reach high levels in our social development.
5.El government of the United States of America, of facist and genocida ancestry, is responsible for serious crimes against the humanity. In its eagerness of being able and domination, agrede and occupies towns, exterminates innocent civilians, breaks international laws, maintains an unjust international order and criminal, it makes the worse lies to justify its sly intentions, impoverishes whole continents, it puts in danger the environmental sustainability, despises the life and it prevents the anxieties of development, justice and peace in the world.
6.La American extreme right and the vindictive been mafiosas organizations of Cuban origin in Florida - whom they do not pardon that we have constructed a genuine revolution - has elaborated a plan for Cuba. It is the Bush Plan for the annexation, that it tries to make us return to the past oprobioso and whatever the cost eliminating the same existence of the Cuban Nation. We resisted again to being pariahs in our own ground. We will preserve the dignity conquered with the sacrifice of the best children and daughters of our town.
repudiamos Cuban representing 7.Los of the ONGs reunited the appointment of an imperial agent here on salary to coordinate the denominated “transition” to Capitalism in Cuba. Our resistance will make fail its sly intentions.
8.Rechazamos the acts of subversion directed to finance and to construct artificially to a servile internal counterrevolution to the interests of the power that us agrede. The loving town of its mother country despises to treasonous and the mercenarios ones that they attack it.
9.Demandamos are respected the rights of the Cuban families and the right of our towns to maintain and to develop bows of solidarity, cooperation and friendship. We protested is respected the right of the ONGs Cuban to maintain to interchanges and respectful relations of cooperation of our independence and national dignity.
10.Denunciamos the extension of the antiCuban propagandistic campaigns and the tending defamation actions to create a file that justifies aggression acts and the new outbreak of the blockade genocida. The accusations on promotion of the terrorism, the development of research programs for the production of biological weapons, the promotion of activities of drug trafficking and actions of espionage and destabilization are totally false. Cuba has been a bastion in the fight against the terrorism and the drug traffic at world-wide level; their biotechnological programs are exclusively based on the health of our town and whichever towns in the world they need our medicines and treatments; it is the poverty enquistada by centuries of operation colonial and deepened by the application of neoliberal doctrines and nonCuba, the main factor of destabilization and crisis in the underdeveloped countries of our hemisphere.
11.Demandamos to the international governments, organisms and ONGs of the world who are not put under and denounce the American maneuvers directed to debilitate and to discredit the example of valentía, anger and solidarity of the Cuban revolution.
12.Reclamamos to the government of the United States the unconditional rise of the blockade economic, financial and commercial against Cuba and the cease of its aggressive policy against our town, violatorios of the international right and the will of the General Assembly of the United Nations expressed in successive Resolutions approved by this organ from 1992.
13.Exigimos to the government of the United States who stops the shelter to the terrorist Luis Clemente Posada Tracks and who comes to his immediate extradition to Venezuela. The hypocritical and shameless attitude of a government is embarrassing who autotitula paladín of the antiterrorism. Silence is shamefaced accomplice before such immorality. The ONGs Cuban we condemned the acts of terrorism of State that are committed against our town.
14.Reclamamos the immediate liberation of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters kidnapped in jails of Maxima security of the empire, victims of hatred and the impotence of the enemy failed ones of the Cuban nation, in spite of to be declared null by the Court of Appeals of Atlanta, the fixed judgment in which unjustly was condemned.
15.Ante the increase of the aggressions, we ratified our determination to deepen the revolutionary work and to construct an independent, shared in common and still more right mother country, preserving the social conquests reached and defending to the last consequences the unit of the town around Fidel and the revolution. Until the victory always.
Havana, 31 of October of 2005
“Year of the Bolivariana Alternative for the Américas”