National yawn in American as rights evaporate
AJ | 31.10.2006 13:24 | World
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann addresses the Military Commissions Act; National Yawn as Our Rights Evaporate and the rise of American fascism in three Special Comments
[Transcript & Video]
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann addresses the Military Commissions Act in a Special Comment
"A government more dangerous to our liberty than is the enemy it claims to protect us from," says Keith Olbermann. "We have accepted that the only way to stop the terrorists is to let the government become just a little bit like the terrorists."
National Yawn as Our Rights Evaporate
Keith Olbermann talked to Jonathan Turley, a Constitutional law professor at George Washington University, about a new bill signed by President Bush that redefines the right of habeas corpus.
There Is Fascism, Indeed
"The confusion is about whether this secretary of defense, and this administration, are in fact now accomplishing what they claim the terrorists seek: the destruction of our freedoms, the very ones for which the same veterans Mr. Rumsfeld addressed yesterday in Salt Lake City so valiantly fought. And about Mr. Rumsfeld's other main assertion, that this country faces a 'new type of fascism.' As he was correct to remind us how a government that knew everything could get everything wrong, so too was he right when he said that, though probably not in the way he thought he meant it. This country faces a new type of fascism - indeed."
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann addresses the Military Commissions Act in a Special Comment
"A government more dangerous to our liberty than is the enemy it claims to protect us from," says Keith Olbermann. "We have accepted that the only way to stop the terrorists is to let the government become just a little bit like the terrorists."
National Yawn as Our Rights Evaporate
Keith Olbermann talked to Jonathan Turley, a Constitutional law professor at George Washington University, about a new bill signed by President Bush that redefines the right of habeas corpus.

There Is Fascism, Indeed
"The confusion is about whether this secretary of defense, and this administration, are in fact now accomplishing what they claim the terrorists seek: the destruction of our freedoms, the very ones for which the same veterans Mr. Rumsfeld addressed yesterday in Salt Lake City so valiantly fought. And about Mr. Rumsfeld's other main assertion, that this country faces a 'new type of fascism.' As he was correct to remind us how a government that knew everything could get everything wrong, so too was he right when he said that, though probably not in the way he thought he meant it. This country faces a new type of fascism - indeed."