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4 arrested as London joins Oaxaca protests

mini mouse | 30.10.2006 21:06 | Indymedia | Repression | Social Struggles | Zapatista | London

Attempts by imcistas to project Brad Will's final and fatal footage onto Mexico's London embassy were thwarted tonight when scores of police sealed off the area and provoked violent clashes with demonstrators.

imc projector is lined up
imc projector is lined up

and the film begins
and the film begins

arrests ensue..
arrests ensue..

A quiet vigil was marred by police blocking the projector beam. No law had seemingly being broken, and questions as to their authority to do this were met with silence.

Robbed of the opportunity to mark his murder in a peaceful way the samba band pumped up the volume and a more upbeat mood was established.

But as ever more police arrived and lined the front of the embassy a confrontation was inevitable, and appeared to have been started with a co-ordinated push of the band away from the kerb. At least four people were then arrested, two of them violently thrown to the ground.

Embassy staff meanwhile stole looks from darkened windows. Prominent in their gaze was a banner bearing the message that will be reaching Mexico's Vicente Fox from all corners of the globe - "The whole world is watching".

mini mouse
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A few more pics ...

31.10.2006 20:01

People gathering outside the embassy soon after 5pm.
People gathering outside the embassy soon after 5pm.

Later a projection starts on the embassy's facade ...
Later a projection starts on the embassy's facade ...

to which police quicly reacts by forming a line in front of the embassy ...
to which police quicly reacts by forming a line in front of the embassy ...

so the sambistas react forming a line in front of the cops. Then see pics above.
so the sambistas react forming a line in front of the cops. Then see pics above.




Hide the following 3 comments

Wrong Day

31.10.2006 00:41

Well done to everyone. I just wanted to put out there quickly that I received an email about this demo on various lists, all of which did not list the date of the demo - it only said 'demo tomorrow' and all of the email were dated today (Monday). I know that many other people also assumed it was on Tuesday because of this. Please please put the date of actions/demos in prop/circulation. Let's do one again this week - perhaps Tuesday (tomorrow)?


More than 4...

31.10.2006 01:55

I think there was few more than 4 people arrested

Anyway I think the good point was that we felt more empowered
than oppressed during the whole demonstration
(regardless of the vital presence of police violence and oppresion)
and we showed our strenght!

I think the Mexicans got the message as much as we could send it!


thanks for the report + solidarity

31.10.2006 17:25

thanks for the pictures and report.

well done on showing solidarity with what's happening in a far away land, and for remembering brad - a true media activist who was murdered trying to do the job he loved.

no thanks to the over the top bullies from the MET police who once again intervened simply to bust up a peaceful protest / vigil - makes me sick.
