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Palestine support Glasgow Rangers - it's official

help | 30.10.2006 18:00 | Palestine

Protest Israeli football team

Leaflet Rangers fans for Palestinian rights on Thursday
Poster Glasgow between now and Thursday
A protest is planned inside the ground by 'Rangers Supporters for Palestine'
Open organising meeting Monday Oct 30 at 7.00pm
Pollokshields Primary School , 241 Albert Drive
(for map of area )

Israeli football team Haifa Maccabi are drawn against Glasgow Rangers on Thursday this week, Nov 2, at Ibrox. Just as we protested at against the recent visit by the Israel cricket team to Scotland , it is our duty to protest against this visit by Israeli team Haifa Maccabi to Scotland . Why?

All but one of the Maccabi squad serve in the Israeli military and enforce its illegal occupation
The Israeli military has brutally murdered thousands of Palestinians, as well as British citizens
An Israeli missile attack, for example, targeted and killed three Palestinians playing football last July 11
Israel tries to smash all Palestinian social life, including sport: in March FIFA condemned the Israeli bombing of the National Football stadium
Israel’s illegal occupation makes any football league impossible: high walls and military checkpoints detain young men travelling to play
Glasgow Palestine Solidarity Campaign 0141 583 7566
Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign 0141 636 6539
Rangers Supporters for Palestine 07929 40 20 67

See poster “Palestine Supports Rangers” at
Order by e-mail from or by texting 07929 40 20 67
(also available at Monday night meeting)



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Just where in Europe IS Israel?

30.10.2006 22:57

As an estranged 'ger, this article has warmed the cockles of my heart.
A year or two ago, I was watching a Rangers v. Celtic match on TV in the company of my brother and his friends, all die-hard Rangers supporters. During the game I noticed an Israel flag being flown by supporters in the Rangers end. I asked the guys I was with if they knew why this was so? One of the lads replied, "it's cos' that other mob have got that other flag".
The despair I felt at this ingrained, reactionary bigotry is lifted a great deal by this article. Thank you for posting it. It's good to know that not all football fans are blinded by sectarianism.
So, Thursday night, the UEFA Cup. Whereabouts is Israel in Europe anyway?

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Just where in Europe IS Israel?

30.10.2006 23:00

As an estranged 'ger, this article has warmed the cockles of my heart.
A year or two ago, I was watching a Rangers v. Celtic match on TV in the company of my brother and his friends, all die-hard Rangers supporters. During the game I noticed an Israel flag being flown by supporters in the Rangers end. I asked the guys I was with if they knew why this was so? One of the lads replied, "it's cos' that other mob have got that other flag".
The despair I felt at this ingrained, reactionary bigotry is lifted a great deal by this article. Thank you for posting it. It's good to know that not all football fans are blinded by sectarianism.
So, Thursday night, the UEFA Cup. Whereabouts is Israel in Europe anyway?

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Keep your politics out of sport.

03.11.2006 18:02

Stop trying to hijack sport for you own ends.
UEFA, the governing body, allow Israeli teams into European football therefore any protest should be directed at them (if people feel the need).

The moron who ran onto the pitch last night should have been dumped into the away end to continue his protest.

If you want to have protests then we would be having them against nearly every club side across Europe for various reasons.

Have you petitioned every Scottish club that visits Parkhead to garner support against those who see the IRA indiscriminate baby killers as 'heroes'? No, I don't think so but I look foward to such leafleting in the future.

Your's unbiasedly...

J. Bond

James Bond


03.11.2006 20:29

What did you anti-Jewish zealots do during the Second World War when Jews were victims of genocide? Oops, I nearly forgot, you were singing pro Nazi songs and waving Nazi flags at Celtic Park, weren’t you?

Tony Taylor
mail e-mail:

Wha's like us?

19.11.2006 17:04

Obviously then, you do not recall the German national team playing at Ibrox in 1936?
The German team did a Nazi salute to the mainstand to 'loud applause'.
Incidentally, I am a Dumbarton supporter, with Rangers sympathies. I think it is a wee bit rich for fans of either half of the Old Firm to ask for 'politics to be kept out of football'!
Yeah, right. If only.

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