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I killed 3,000

L W Jones | 30.10.2006 09:52

And left 50,000 without legs

Killed 3,000
Killed 3,000

Bin Laden Murdered 3,000 Americans at the Twin Towers.

George Bush Murdered 3,000 Americans in Iraq.

Bush had no need to go into Iraq.

There was no one there against us.

They were against the Israelis but that should have remained their affair.

But no. The 25 Traitors lured us into Iraq with bullshit.

Now we have 3,000 dead and 50,000 seriously injured by a man who was afraid to go to Vietnam.

L W Jones


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Yo !!!

30.10.2006 10:05

LW Jones is quite right, after all before the invasion Iraq was an Eden where the benevolent and loved Saddam Hussain and his two sons ( who spent their time educating young women about sexual development) ruled a land of plenty and joy.

Big up to Saddam

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