AUSTRALIA; Today's English Lesson
Comprehension | 29.10.2006 23:52 | Analysis | Anti-racism | Repression | World
Hello girls and boys today we discover the real meaning of Clean, Cleansed, Lies, War Criminal and last but not least the word Rid!
- not dirty: free from dirt or impurities
- unadulterated: containing no foreign matter or pollutants
- free of infection: not infected or diseased
- washed: freshly laundered or washed after use
- particular about personal hygiene: taking pains over personal hygiene or grooming
- empty: containing nothing at all
clean (adj)
spotless, dirt-free, unsoiled, fresh, sparkling, hygienic, sanitary, uncontaminated, unpolluted, sterile, pure, wholesome, untainted, unadulterated,...
clean (v)
scrub, scour, wipe, cleanse, dust, vacuum, launder, mop, polish
- make somebody or something thoroughly clean: to remove dirt from somebody or something, especially by washing thoroughly
- make something free from unpleasantness: to free a place, person, or society from something wrong or unwelcome
- make somebody free from sin: to free somebody or something from sin...
lies (n)
mendacity, deception, deceit, falsehood, fabrication, dishonesty, deceitfulness, untruthfulness, unreliability, spuriousness, inaccuracy
lie (2)
- deliberately say something untrue: to say something that is not true in a conscious effort to deceive somebody
- be deceptive: to give a false impression
- falsehood: a false statement made deliberately
- false appearance: a situation based on deception or a false impression
lie (n)
untruth, falsehood, fib, tall tale, story, white lie, invention
War Criminal
war criminal
- crime during war: a crime committed during wartime that is in violation of international agreements concerning the conventions of war, e.g. the mistreatment of prisoners or genocide
- empty of something: to free, relieve, or empty a place or thing of something, usually something undesirable
- free yourself from something: to free somebody or yourself from something undesirable
rid (v)
free, clear, purge, liberate, divest, do away with, relieve, exonerate, get rid of
About the writer
- understanding: the grasping of the meaning of something
- intellectual ability: the ability to grasp the meaning of something
- set of questions on text: an exercise consisting of a set of questions on a short text, designed to test students' understanding of it
comprehension (n)
understanding, grasp, knowledge, command, conception, ability
Lib MP demands explanation on Al Hilaly decision
Howard's abc Monday, October 30, 2006
A Liberal backbencher is demanding that the Opposition explain why Sydney Muslim cleric Sheikh Taj el-Din Al Hilaly was not deported when Labor was in Government.
During a sermon in Sydney last month, Sheikh Al Hilaly likened scantily dressed women to uncovered meat.
He later declared his wish to rid [cleans] the world of the White House.
Former Labor immigration minister Chris Hurford has said that in 1986 he decided the sheikh should be denied permanent residence and described it as appalling that his decision was changed.
Prime Minister John Howard says the decision not to deport Sheikh Al Hilaly was blatantly political.
Liberal MP Tony Smith says he wants to know why Mr Hurford was over-ruled by the Hawke government.
"He obviously at the time was seeking to take the right decision but he was stymied and ultimately over-ruled but it's in the public interest that we hear from those who actually took the decision as to why they took it, that's the important first step," he said.
"The first thing the public needs is an explanation from those in the Labor government who took the decision to grant him residency when their ministers at the time were seeking precisely the opposite.
"And frankly it's also about time we heard Mr Beazley publicly and categorically condemn that decision which the then Labor government took - a government he was a cabinet minister in."
Labor says the sheikh was first given a visa under a Coalition Government.
Al Hilaly pulls out of Islamic festival as kevin rudd and howard's abc managed to changed his original comment to suit themselves. Now suddenly his words have been changed? "Clean" has now turned into 'Rid' by floppositon mp rudd and the abc. How say you rudd?
Tourists may be warned to stay away from Sydney
Fears that travel advisories such as those warning Britons and Canadians about race violence in Sydney last year will cause a massive loss of income for Australian tourism this summer season.
Australian Government Enforces Racism
What concerns us most of all is that decent people, and there are very, very many of them, would also be very upset about racial scapgoating for the war criminals war on terror that killed over 665,000 innocent musilm men, women and children in Iraq and their having a tough enough time as it is.
Latest campaign to demonise Islam and intimidate the Muslim Community
“The public furore ignited in response to the reported comments made by Sheik Taj Al-Din Al-Hilali has little to do with the question of crime or culpability. What is clear is that a consistently negative view of Islam and Muslims is being generated in this country with the aim of demonising Islam and silencing the Muslim community.”
debnam has got to go!
The New South Wales Flopposition Leader, peter debnam, says an anti-American statement made by Sydney cleric Sheikh Taj el-Din Al Hilaly was a virtual declaration of war on Western society. So debnam actually thinks war crimes against humanity and the death of 665,000 Iraqi men, women and children for democracy is a fair argument? Sack him before it's too late, please!
Llearn about who said 'rid'
by tinka 2006-10-30 5:33 AM +0800
Start with,
Get rid of Hilaly now
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - 26 Oct 2006
ANDREW Bolt writes: now what comes of being too sweet to criticise Sheik Taj el-Din al-Hilaly? See how stupid we were not to deport him years ago? ...
'Get rid of the White House, then I'll resign'
Islamic body to get rid of mufti role The Australian
Australia Muslims may fire mufti United Press International
Muslims set to dump defiant Hilaly after outbursts
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 27 Oct 2006
MUSLIM leaders will stage an emergency summit and could move to sack the defiant Mufti of Australia, who yesterday declared his wish to rid the world of the ...
Why have they still got a licence to print?
Don't forget the gravy
by Sheik Yameat 2006-10-30 6:34 AM +0800
They seem to have dropped the Mufti's comments about the Whitehouse going by the airtime dedicated to this story on ABC spews radio and are concentrating on uncovered meat.
Meanwhile on AM the follow up story to these calls for a new moderate mufti was that the Australian government is planning to spend 90 million dollers to get more Christian chaplins into the school system.
The lib/lab parrot gang
by Parrot Press 2006-10-30 6:48 AM +0800
Hilaly may resign within 24 hours, Australia - 28 minutes ago
By staff writers and AAP. A PROMINENT Muslim has said Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly has "no option whatsoever" but to resign, despite ...
Top Muslim cleric won't resign: Trad
The Age, Australia - 1 hour ago
A close friend of Australia's top Muslim cleric Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali says the controversial figurehead will not resign. Lebanese ...
Confusion over mufti's future
The Australian, Australia - 1 hour ago
THE future of controversial Muslim cleric Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly is in dispute this morning, with one close friend saying he expected him to resign within ...
Sydney sheik making headlines again
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 3 hours ago
Australia's most senior Islamic cleric, Sheikh Taj Aldin Alhilali, has made headlines again with more controversial comments. In ...
Muslims 'must deal with cleric'
New Zealand Herald, New Zealand - 5 hours ago
CANBERRA - Islamic leaders must listen to the Australian community and deal with Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, says Prime Minister John Howard. ...
Secret bid to save sheik
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - 8 hours ago
AUSTRALIA'S top Muslim cleric was hanging on to his job last night as his power base crumbled around him. The board of the Lebanese ...
Sheik Hilali praises Iraq jihadists
The Australian, Australia - 8 hours ago
TAJ Din al-Hilali has praised militant jihadists in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling them men of the highest order for fighting against coalition forces - which ...
Close ally says mufti must go, Australia - 8 hours ago
A CONFIDANT of Sheik Taj Aldin al Hilali yesterday joined the chorus of politicians and community leaders asking him to step down. ...
Sheik Hilaly 'will be voted out', Australia - 9 hours ago
By Richard Kerbaj. TAJ al-Din al-Hilaly is set to be stripped of his title of mufti on the grounds that Australia's 300,000 Muslims ...
Sheik tries to lie his way out of trouble
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 9 hours ago
Hilaly and his supporters are not the only ones feeding the denial, writes Paul Sheehan. On Thursday the imam of the Lakemba Mosque ...
I'm not fresh meat: Muslim women hit back, Australia - 9 hours ago
By John Stapleton. BANKSTOWN might be less than 30 minutes' drive from the Lakemba Mosque, but yesterday it seemed like 1000 years away. ...
Muslims thrash out plan to deal with Hilaly
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 9 hours ago
THE future of Sheik Taj el-Din al Hilaly lies in a plan drawn up by a powerful Muslim organisation, which may ask senior clerics from Australia and New Zealand ...
Sheik 'not welcome', Australia - 9 hours ago
AUSTRALIA'S leading Muslim cleric was rejected by his own faith yesterday when organisers of a Brisbane Muslim festival said he would not be welcome. ...
Ranting cleric 'should quit', Australia - 9 hours ago
By Evelyn Yamine. THE powerbase of Sheik Taj el-Dene Elhilaly is crumbling after one of his closest confidantes last night joined ...
Crisis plan 'confidential'
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 13 hours ago
Prime Minister John Howard has urged Muslim leaders to listen to the Australian community when deciding the fate of besieged cleric Sheik Taj el-Din al Hilaly. ...
Mufti's Qld visit cancelled, Australia - 13 hours ago
ORGANISERS of an Islamic festival due to be held in Brisbane next weekend have withdrawn an invitation for controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali ...
Clerics to discuss mufti's future, Australia - 19 hours ago
SENIOR clerics will meet at Sydney's Lakemba Mosque tonight to discuss the future of controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali - following public ...
Responsibility with leaders: PM
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 19 hours ago
Islamic leaders must listen to the Australian community and deal with Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, Prime Minister John Howard says. ...
Meeting to decide cleric's future
The Australian, Australia - 21 hours ago
MUSLIM leaders will decide on the future of controversial Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly tonight. Sheik Hilaly has said he will stand ...
Meeting to decide mufti's future
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 22 hours ago
Sheik Alhilali says he will stand down if he is proved to have been deliberately offensive in his sermon that suggested women provoked sexual attacks. ...
How a vile sermon of ignorance has done Australia a big favour
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Oct 28, 2006
WHEN you think about it, Sheik Hilaly has done us a favour. For one thing, his recently translated sermon, declaring women as Satan's ...
Mufti praises terror guru
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - Oct 28, 2006
SHEIK Taj el-Din el-Hilaly, Australia's leading Muslim cleric, supports Islamic fundamentalists fighting wars with suicide bombers and terror. ...
English not required says a defiant mufti
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Oct 28, 2006
SHEIK Taj Aldin Alhilali has given the first indication that he would be prepared to stand down, as NSW Premier Morris Iemma joined the chorus of those calling ...
How a vile sermon of ignorance has done Australia a big favour
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Oct 28, 2006
WHEN you think about it, Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali has done us a favour. For one thing, his recently translated sermon, declaring ...
Sheik will stand down if proven offensive
Advertiser Adelaide, Australia - Oct 28, 2006
SHEIK TAJ ALDIN ALHILALI says he will stand down if he is proven to have been deliberately offensive with the sermon that suggested women provoked sexual ...
NZ Muslims disown Australian cleric, New Zealand - Oct 27, 2006
A New Zealand Islamic group says Australia's top Muslim who likened scantily dressed women to uncovered meat has no connection to New Zealand. ...
Muslims at odds over Hilali ban
The Australian, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
THE Lebanese Muslim Association is hopelessly divided over how to handle Taj Din al-Hilali and unable to move against the nation's most senior Muslim cleric. ...
No one can sack me, says defiant Hilali
The Australian, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
A DEFIANT Taj Din al-Hilali whipped up anti-US sentiment among his supporters yesterday and declared he could not be sacked as the leader of the nation's ...
Muslims set to dump defiant Hilaly after outbursts
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
MUSLIM leaders will stage an emergency summit and could move to sack the defiant Mufti of Australia, who yesterday declared his wish to rid the world of the ...
Now sheik bags Bush, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
AUSTRALIA'S leading Muslim cleric says he will resign only when the world is "clean of the White House". Under pressure to quit ...
Relaxed sheik gets rock star treatment
The Australian, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
WHILE the rest of the country expressed outrage at his comments, Taj Din al-Hilali enjoyed rock star status when he arrived at Lakemba Mosque yesterday. ...
He was only quoting a scholar, says spokesman
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
THE defence by Taj el-Din al Hilaly of his inflammatory remarks on women and sex rests on three factors - his audience already knew he condemned rape, he wasn ...
Now cleric aims insults at White House, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
A DEFIANT Sheik Taj Aldin al Hilali says he will only resign when the world is "clean of the White House". Under pressure to step ...
Defiant Sheik fires broadside at Bush
The Age, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
A defiant Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali says he will only resign when the world is "clean of the White House". Under pressure to step ...
Australian cleric refuses to quit over "meat" sermon
Reuters - Oct 27, 2006
By James Grubel. suspended from preaching after describing women who do not dress modestly as "uncovered meat", rejected calls to ...
PM says Sheik has not integrated
Daily Telegraph, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
PRIME Minister John Howard says Australia's Mufti Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly has not integrated properly into Australian society. ...
Cleric turns fire on White House
The Age, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Australia's leading Muslim cleric, Sheikh Taj Aldin Alhilali, says he will only resign when the world is "clean of the White House". ...
Sheik fires broadside at US White House
The Age, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Australia's leading Muslim cleric, Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, says he will only resign when the world is "clean of the White House". ...
I won't quit, says sheik
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
A frame grab from Channel 9 showing Sheik al Hilaly in bed apologising for his comments regarding women provoking sexual assault. ...
Australian cleric suspended over "meat" sermon
Reuters - Oct 26, 2006
CANBERRA (Reuters) - Australia's top Muslim cleric has been barred from preaching for three months after describing women who do not dress modestly as ...
'Get rid of the White House, then I'll resign', Australia - Oct 26, 2006
AUSTRALIA'S leading Muslim cleric, Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly, says he will only resign when the world is "clean of the White House". ...
Sheikh apologises for comments
ABC Online, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
TONY EASTLEY: After coming under intense pressure over his comments that scantily-dressed women provoke sexual violence, one of Australia's most senior Muslim ...
Muddle-headed Mufti, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
By Natalie O'Brien. "He has probably spent more time working for women's rights than for his own family" – Asma al-Hilaly, daughter. ...
Stay away Mufti, says Beattie
The Age, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Queensland Premier Peter Beattie has withdrawn the welcome mat for embattled Muslim cleric Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, saying he hopes the mufti cancels a ...
Sheikh invokes Pope's defence
The Age, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Besieged Muslim cleric Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali believes his comments have been misinterpreted in the same way the Pope was misunderstood in a sermon on Islam. ...
Sheik stood down from Lakemba sermons
Ninemsn, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Besieged Muslim cleric Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali has been stood down from giving sermons at his Lakemba mosque in Sydney for the next two to three months, a ...
Muslim’s Words About Women Rile Australians
New York Times, United States - Oct 26, 2006
By REUTERS. CANBERRA, Australia, Oct. 26 — Australia’s top Muslim cleric compared women who do not wear a head scarf to uncovered ...
Sheik Hilaly 'misinterpreted' like Pope
Daily Telegraph, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
BESIEGED Muslim cleric Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly believes his comments have been misinterpreted in the same way the Pope was misunderstood in a sermon on Islam ...
Cleric unpunished for comments against women
New Zealand Herald, New Zealand - Oct 26, 2006
SYDNEY - No action will be taken against Australia's top Muslim cleric for likening scantily-dressed women to uncovered meat and saying they're responsible for ...
Islamic Council defends sheik
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
THE Islamic Friendship Council of Australia has sought to fend off criticism of besieged Muslim cleric Sheik Taj Aldin al-Hilaly. ...
Trad says Sheik's good work forgotten
Ninemsn, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
The Islamic Friendship Council of Australia has sought to fend off criticism of besieged Muslim cleric Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, saying all his good work has ...
Muslims risk backlash: PM
The Age, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Photo: AP. Australia's Islamic community must resolve the dispute surrounding leading cleric Taj Aldin Alhilali or risk a lasting ...
Muslims risk backlash over sheik row: PM
The Age, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Australia's Islamic community must resolve the dispute surrounding leading cleric Taj Aldin Alhilali or risk a lasting backlash against Muslims, Prime Minister ...
Sheik ban not enough: Goward, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
FEDERAL Sex Discrimination Commissioner Pru Goward says a temporary ban on sermons by Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly is not sufficient punishment for his comments ...
Sheik's punishment not enough: Goward
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner Pru Goward says a temporary ban on sermons by Sheik Taj el-Din al Hilaly is not sufficient punishment for his comments ...
Goward says sheik ban not enough
The Age, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner Pru Goward says a temporary ban on sermons by Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali is not sufficient punishment for his comments ...
Daughter defends Muslim cleric
Advertiser Adelaide, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
THE daughter of besieged Muslim cleric Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly said his comments have been misinterpreted and the media should "leave him alone". ...
Hilali to stay on at Lakemba mosque
The Australian, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
SHEIK Taj Aldin al-Hilali, the Muslim leader at the centre of a storm over comments blaming women for rape, will be giving no more sermons for several months ...
Muslims must resolve al-Hilaly row: PM
The Australian, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
AUSTRALIA'S Islamic community must resolve the dispute surrounding leading cleric Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly or risk a lasting backlash against Muslims, Prime ...
Sheik spared over rape sermon, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
By Staff Writers. NO action will be taken by senior Muslims over Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly's comments that scantily-dressed women ...
Sheik's punishment: shut up
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Frame grab from Channel 9 showing Sheik Hilaly in bed apologising for his comments regarding women provoking sexual assault. Sheik ...
Sheik suspended from speaking at Lakemba
The Age, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, the Muslim leader at the centre of a storm over comments blaming women for rape, will be giving no more sermons for several months at ...
NSW opposition leader says Muslim cleric should resign
Radio New Zealand, New Zealand - Oct 28, 2006
New South Wales state parliament opposition leader Peter Debenham says the country's senior Muslim cleric, Sheikh Taj el-Din Al Hilaly, should resign. ...
Sheik fires salvo at US leader
Border Mail, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
A DEFIANT Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali says he will only resign when the world is “clean of the White House”. Under pressure to ...
NZ Muslims reject hardline sheik's comments
NZ City, New Zealand - Oct 27, 2006
Leaders of New Zealand's Muslim community are making it clear they do not share the views of a hardline Australian preacher. Sheik ...
Australia Muslims may fire mufti
United Press International - Oct 27, 2006
SYDNEY, Oct. 27 (UPI) -- Australian Muslims have called for an emergency summit to consider firing their defiant mufti after he ...
“Meat” mufti ups ante
Hot Air, MD - Oct 26, 2006
AUSTRALIA’S leading Muslim cleric, Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly, says he will only resign when the world is “clean of the White House”. ...
Mufti Suspended From Speaking In Mosque
Bernama, Malaysia - Oct 26, 2006
MELBOURNE, Oct 27 (Bernama) -- Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, the Australian Muslim leader at the centre of a storm over comments blaming women for rape, will be ...
Mufti ill at reaction to sermon
Border Mail, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
AUSTRALIA’S most senior Muslim cleric cannot be sacked or deported despite the outrage caused by him saying that immodestly dressed women invite sexual ...
Sheik should leave: Sophie
Border Mail, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
AUSTRALIA’S top Muslim cleric should resign and consider moving to Iran after publicly saying women who do not wear the hijab invite sexual assault, the ...
We're not fresh meat: Muslim women hit back
The Australian, Australia - 23 minutes ago
By John Stapleton. SYDNEY'S Bankstown might be less than 30 minutes' drive from the Lakemba Mosque, but yesterday it seemed like 1000 years away. ...
Confusion over mufti's future, Australia - 1 hour ago
THE future of controversial Muslim cleric Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly is in dispute this morning, with one close friend saying he expected him to resign within ...
Confusion over mufti's future
Advertiser Adelaide, Australia - 44 minutes ago
THE future of controversial Muslim cleric Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly is in dispute this morning, with one close friend saying he expected him to resign within ...
Sheik will 'not step aside'
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 46 minutes ago
A close friend of Australia's top Muslim cleric Sheik Taj el-Din al Hilaly says the controversial figurehead will not resign. Lebanese ...
Confusion over mufti's future
Daily Telegraph, Australia - 49 minutes ago
THE future of controversial Muslim cleric Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly is in dispute this morning, with one close friend saying he expected him to resign within ...
Confusion over mufti's future
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - 56 minutes ago
THE future of controversial Muslim cleric Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly is in dispute this morning, with one close friend saying he expected him to resign within ...
Sydney sheik making headlines again
The Age, Australia - 3 hours ago
Australia's most senior Islamic cleric, Sheikh Taj Aldin Alhilali, has made headlines again with more controversial comments. In ...
Islamic body to get rid of mufti role
The Australian, Australia - 8 hours ago
TAJ Din al-Hilali is set to be stripped of his title of mufti on the grounds that Australia's 300,000 Muslims do not need a national leader. ...
Ranting cleric 'should quit'
Daily Telegraph, Australia - 8 hours ago
By Evelyn Yamine. THE powerbase of Sheik Taj el-Dene Elhilaly is crumbling after one of his closest confidantes last night joined ...
We're not fresh meat: women hit back
The Australian, Australia - 8 hours ago
BANKSTOWN might be less than 30 minutes' drive from the Lakemba Mosque, but yesterday it seemed like 1000 years away. The almost ...
Hilaly praises Iraq jihadists, Australia - 9 hours ago
By Richard Kerbaj. SHEIK Taj al-Din al-Hilaly has praised militant jihadists in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling them men of the highest ...
Queensland Muslims snub under-fire Sheik
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 10 hours ago
Organisers of an Islamic festival due to be held in Brisbane next weekend have withdrawn an invitation for controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali ...
Queensland Muslims snub under-fire Sheik
The Age, Australia - 10 hours ago
Organisers of an Islamic festival due to be held in Brisbane next weekend have withdrawn an invitation for controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali ...
Mufti's Qld visit cancelled
The Australian, Australia - 13 hours ago
ORGANISERS of an Islamic festival due to be held in Brisbane next weekend have withdrawn an invitation for controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali ...
Mufti's Qld visit cancelled
Daily Telegraph, Australia - 13 hours ago
ORGANISERS of an Islamic festival due to be held in Brisbane next weekend have withdrawn an invitation for controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali ...
Mufti's Qld visit cancelled
Advertiser Adelaide, Australia - 13 hours ago
ORGANISERS of an Islamic festival due to be held in Brisbane next weekend have withdrawn an invitation for controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali ...
Mufti's Qld visit cancelled
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - 13 hours ago
ORGANISERS of an Islamic festival due to be held in Brisbane next weekend have withdrawn an invitation for controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali ...
English not required says a defiant mufti
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 17 hours ago
SHEIK Taj el-Din al Hilaly has given the first indication that he would be prepared to stand down, as NSW Premier Morris Iemma joined the chorus of those ...
Clerics to discuss mufti's future
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - 19 hours ago
SENIOR clerics will meet at Sydney's Lakemba Mosque tonight to discuss the future of controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali - following public ...
Clerics to discuss mufti's future
Daily Telegraph, Australia - 19 hours ago
SENIOR clerics will meet at Sydney's Lakemba Mosque tonight to discuss the future of controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali - following public ...
Islamic leaders to deal with Sheik: PM
The Age, Australia - 19 hours ago
Islamic leaders must listen to the Australian community and deal with Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, Prime Minister John Howard says. ...
Clerics to discuss mufti's future
Advertiser Adelaide, Australia - 19 hours ago
SENIOR clerics will meet at Sydney's Lakemba Mosque tonight to discuss the future of controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali - following public ...
Clerics to discuss mufti's future
The Australian, Australia - 19 hours ago
SENIOR clerics will meet at Sydney's Lakemba Mosque tonight to discuss the future of controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali - following public ...
Meeting to decide cleric's future
Advertiser Adelaide, Australia - 21 hours ago
MUSLIM leaders will decide on the future of controversial Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly tonight. Sheik Hilaly has said he will stand ...
Meeting to decide cleric's future, Australia - 21 hours ago
MUSLIM leaders will decide on the future of controversial Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly tonight. Sheik Hilaly has said he will stand ...
Meeting to decide cleric's future
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - 21 hours ago
MUSLIM leaders will decide on the future of controversial Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly tonight. Sheik Hilaly has said he will stand ...
Meeting to decide Sheik's future
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 22 hours ago
Sheik Alhilali says he will stand down if he is proved to have been deliberately offensive in his sermon that suggested women provoked sexual attacks. ...
Meeting to decide cleric's future
Daily Telegraph, Australia - 21 hours ago
MUSLIM leaders will decide on the future of controversial Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly tonight. Sheik Hilaly has said he will stand ...
Meeting to decide Sheik's future
The Age, Australia - 22 hours ago
Sheik Alhilali says he will stand down if he is proved to have been deliberately offensive in his sermon that suggested women provoked sexual attacks. ...
Sheik to 'stand down if found offensive'
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Oct 28, 2006
Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali says he will stand down if he is proven to have been deliberately offensive with the sermon that suggested women provoked sexual ...
I suppose now they will expect him to get on the dole que?
abc bully story
by howhards 2006-10-30 7:32 AM +0800
Sheikh will step aside, Muslim colleague says
An open letter has been sent to senior Sydney Muslim cleric Sheikh Taj El-din Al Hilaly, asking him to step aside from his position as the leader of Australia's largest Muslim congregation.
Last night a meeting was held behind closed doors by the Lebanese Muslim Association (LMA), which runs the main mosque in Sydney's south-west.
Already Sheikh Al Hilaly has been asked not to preach for three months, after it was revealed he had compared some women to uncovered meat during a sermon.
Dr Jamal Rifi is a close friend of the Sheikh and founder of Muslim Doctors Against Violence.
Dr Rifi sent the letter and says he thinks the Sheikh will step aside.
"I have no doubt whatsoever," he said.
"He knows where I stand, he knows where he stands and he has no option whatsoever but to put the interests of the community and society."
In other developments:
The Federal Government says it is up to the Islamic community to resolve the controversy surrounding recent comments by the Sydney cleric Sheikh Taj el-Din Al Hilaly. (Full Story) Forget it!
- not dirty: free from dirt or impurities
- unadulterated: containing no foreign matter or pollutants
- free of infection: not infected or diseased
- washed: freshly laundered or washed after use
- particular about personal hygiene: taking pains over personal hygiene or grooming
- empty: containing nothing at all
clean (adj)
spotless, dirt-free, unsoiled, fresh, sparkling, hygienic, sanitary, uncontaminated, unpolluted, sterile, pure, wholesome, untainted, unadulterated,...
clean (v)
scrub, scour, wipe, cleanse, dust, vacuum, launder, mop, polish
- make somebody or something thoroughly clean: to remove dirt from somebody or something, especially by washing thoroughly
- make something free from unpleasantness: to free a place, person, or society from something wrong or unwelcome
- make somebody free from sin: to free somebody or something from sin...
lies (n)
mendacity, deception, deceit, falsehood, fabrication, dishonesty, deceitfulness, untruthfulness, unreliability, spuriousness, inaccuracy
lie (2)
- deliberately say something untrue: to say something that is not true in a conscious effort to deceive somebody
- be deceptive: to give a false impression
- falsehood: a false statement made deliberately
- false appearance: a situation based on deception or a false impression
lie (n)
untruth, falsehood, fib, tall tale, story, white lie, invention
War Criminal
war criminal
- crime during war: a crime committed during wartime that is in violation of international agreements concerning the conventions of war, e.g. the mistreatment of prisoners or genocide
- empty of something: to free, relieve, or empty a place or thing of something, usually something undesirable
- free yourself from something: to free somebody or yourself from something undesirable
rid (v)
free, clear, purge, liberate, divest, do away with, relieve, exonerate, get rid of
About the writer
- understanding: the grasping of the meaning of something
- intellectual ability: the ability to grasp the meaning of something
- set of questions on text: an exercise consisting of a set of questions on a short text, designed to test students' understanding of it
comprehension (n)
understanding, grasp, knowledge, command, conception, ability
Lib MP demands explanation on Al Hilaly decision
Howard's abc Monday, October 30, 2006
A Liberal backbencher is demanding that the Opposition explain why Sydney Muslim cleric Sheikh Taj el-Din Al Hilaly was not deported when Labor was in Government.
During a sermon in Sydney last month, Sheikh Al Hilaly likened scantily dressed women to uncovered meat.
He later declared his wish to rid [cleans] the world of the White House.
Former Labor immigration minister Chris Hurford has said that in 1986 he decided the sheikh should be denied permanent residence and described it as appalling that his decision was changed.
Prime Minister John Howard says the decision not to deport Sheikh Al Hilaly was blatantly political.
Liberal MP Tony Smith says he wants to know why Mr Hurford was over-ruled by the Hawke government.
"He obviously at the time was seeking to take the right decision but he was stymied and ultimately over-ruled but it's in the public interest that we hear from those who actually took the decision as to why they took it, that's the important first step," he said.
"The first thing the public needs is an explanation from those in the Labor government who took the decision to grant him residency when their ministers at the time were seeking precisely the opposite.
"And frankly it's also about time we heard Mr Beazley publicly and categorically condemn that decision which the then Labor government took - a government he was a cabinet minister in."
Labor says the sheikh was first given a visa under a Coalition Government.

Al Hilaly pulls out of Islamic festival as kevin rudd and howard's abc managed to changed his original comment to suit themselves. Now suddenly his words have been changed? "Clean" has now turned into 'Rid' by floppositon mp rudd and the abc. How say you rudd?

Tourists may be warned to stay away from Sydney
Fears that travel advisories such as those warning Britons and Canadians about race violence in Sydney last year will cause a massive loss of income for Australian tourism this summer season.

Australian Government Enforces Racism
What concerns us most of all is that decent people, and there are very, very many of them, would also be very upset about racial scapgoating for the war criminals war on terror that killed over 665,000 innocent musilm men, women and children in Iraq and their having a tough enough time as it is.

Latest campaign to demonise Islam and intimidate the Muslim Community
“The public furore ignited in response to the reported comments made by Sheik Taj Al-Din Al-Hilali has little to do with the question of crime or culpability. What is clear is that a consistently negative view of Islam and Muslims is being generated in this country with the aim of demonising Islam and silencing the Muslim community.”

debnam has got to go!
The New South Wales Flopposition Leader, peter debnam, says an anti-American statement made by Sydney cleric Sheikh Taj el-Din Al Hilaly was a virtual declaration of war on Western society. So debnam actually thinks war crimes against humanity and the death of 665,000 Iraqi men, women and children for democracy is a fair argument? Sack him before it's too late, please!

Llearn about who said 'rid'
by tinka 2006-10-30 5:33 AM +0800
Start with,
Get rid of Hilaly now
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - 26 Oct 2006
ANDREW Bolt writes: now what comes of being too sweet to criticise Sheik Taj el-Din al-Hilaly? See how stupid we were not to deport him years ago? ...
'Get rid of the White House, then I'll resign'
Islamic body to get rid of mufti role The Australian
Australia Muslims may fire mufti United Press International
Muslims set to dump defiant Hilaly after outbursts
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 27 Oct 2006
MUSLIM leaders will stage an emergency summit and could move to sack the defiant Mufti of Australia, who yesterday declared his wish to rid the world of the ...
Why have they still got a licence to print?
Don't forget the gravy
by Sheik Yameat 2006-10-30 6:34 AM +0800
They seem to have dropped the Mufti's comments about the Whitehouse going by the airtime dedicated to this story on ABC spews radio and are concentrating on uncovered meat.
Meanwhile on AM the follow up story to these calls for a new moderate mufti was that the Australian government is planning to spend 90 million dollers to get more Christian chaplins into the school system.
The lib/lab parrot gang
by Parrot Press 2006-10-30 6:48 AM +0800
Hilaly may resign within 24 hours, Australia - 28 minutes ago
By staff writers and AAP. A PROMINENT Muslim has said Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly has "no option whatsoever" but to resign, despite ...
Top Muslim cleric won't resign: Trad
The Age, Australia - 1 hour ago
A close friend of Australia's top Muslim cleric Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali says the controversial figurehead will not resign. Lebanese ...
Confusion over mufti's future
The Australian, Australia - 1 hour ago
THE future of controversial Muslim cleric Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly is in dispute this morning, with one close friend saying he expected him to resign within ...
Sydney sheik making headlines again
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 3 hours ago
Australia's most senior Islamic cleric, Sheikh Taj Aldin Alhilali, has made headlines again with more controversial comments. In ...
Muslims 'must deal with cleric'
New Zealand Herald, New Zealand - 5 hours ago
CANBERRA - Islamic leaders must listen to the Australian community and deal with Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, says Prime Minister John Howard. ...
Secret bid to save sheik
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - 8 hours ago
AUSTRALIA'S top Muslim cleric was hanging on to his job last night as his power base crumbled around him. The board of the Lebanese ...
Sheik Hilali praises Iraq jihadists
The Australian, Australia - 8 hours ago
TAJ Din al-Hilali has praised militant jihadists in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling them men of the highest order for fighting against coalition forces - which ...
Close ally says mufti must go, Australia - 8 hours ago
A CONFIDANT of Sheik Taj Aldin al Hilali yesterday joined the chorus of politicians and community leaders asking him to step down. ...
Sheik Hilaly 'will be voted out', Australia - 9 hours ago
By Richard Kerbaj. TAJ al-Din al-Hilaly is set to be stripped of his title of mufti on the grounds that Australia's 300,000 Muslims ...
Sheik tries to lie his way out of trouble
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 9 hours ago
Hilaly and his supporters are not the only ones feeding the denial, writes Paul Sheehan. On Thursday the imam of the Lakemba Mosque ...
I'm not fresh meat: Muslim women hit back, Australia - 9 hours ago
By John Stapleton. BANKSTOWN might be less than 30 minutes' drive from the Lakemba Mosque, but yesterday it seemed like 1000 years away. ...
Muslims thrash out plan to deal with Hilaly
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 9 hours ago
THE future of Sheik Taj el-Din al Hilaly lies in a plan drawn up by a powerful Muslim organisation, which may ask senior clerics from Australia and New Zealand ...
Sheik 'not welcome', Australia - 9 hours ago
AUSTRALIA'S leading Muslim cleric was rejected by his own faith yesterday when organisers of a Brisbane Muslim festival said he would not be welcome. ...
Ranting cleric 'should quit', Australia - 9 hours ago
By Evelyn Yamine. THE powerbase of Sheik Taj el-Dene Elhilaly is crumbling after one of his closest confidantes last night joined ...
Crisis plan 'confidential'
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 13 hours ago
Prime Minister John Howard has urged Muslim leaders to listen to the Australian community when deciding the fate of besieged cleric Sheik Taj el-Din al Hilaly. ...
Mufti's Qld visit cancelled, Australia - 13 hours ago
ORGANISERS of an Islamic festival due to be held in Brisbane next weekend have withdrawn an invitation for controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali ...
Clerics to discuss mufti's future, Australia - 19 hours ago
SENIOR clerics will meet at Sydney's Lakemba Mosque tonight to discuss the future of controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali - following public ...
Responsibility with leaders: PM
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 19 hours ago
Islamic leaders must listen to the Australian community and deal with Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, Prime Minister John Howard says. ...
Meeting to decide cleric's future
The Australian, Australia - 21 hours ago
MUSLIM leaders will decide on the future of controversial Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly tonight. Sheik Hilaly has said he will stand ...
Meeting to decide mufti's future
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 22 hours ago
Sheik Alhilali says he will stand down if he is proved to have been deliberately offensive in his sermon that suggested women provoked sexual attacks. ...
How a vile sermon of ignorance has done Australia a big favour
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Oct 28, 2006
WHEN you think about it, Sheik Hilaly has done us a favour. For one thing, his recently translated sermon, declaring women as Satan's ...
Mufti praises terror guru
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - Oct 28, 2006
SHEIK Taj el-Din el-Hilaly, Australia's leading Muslim cleric, supports Islamic fundamentalists fighting wars with suicide bombers and terror. ...
English not required says a defiant mufti
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Oct 28, 2006
SHEIK Taj Aldin Alhilali has given the first indication that he would be prepared to stand down, as NSW Premier Morris Iemma joined the chorus of those calling ...
How a vile sermon of ignorance has done Australia a big favour
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Oct 28, 2006
WHEN you think about it, Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali has done us a favour. For one thing, his recently translated sermon, declaring ...
Sheik will stand down if proven offensive
Advertiser Adelaide, Australia - Oct 28, 2006
SHEIK TAJ ALDIN ALHILALI says he will stand down if he is proven to have been deliberately offensive with the sermon that suggested women provoked sexual ...
NZ Muslims disown Australian cleric, New Zealand - Oct 27, 2006
A New Zealand Islamic group says Australia's top Muslim who likened scantily dressed women to uncovered meat has no connection to New Zealand. ...
Muslims at odds over Hilali ban
The Australian, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
THE Lebanese Muslim Association is hopelessly divided over how to handle Taj Din al-Hilali and unable to move against the nation's most senior Muslim cleric. ...
No one can sack me, says defiant Hilali
The Australian, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
A DEFIANT Taj Din al-Hilali whipped up anti-US sentiment among his supporters yesterday and declared he could not be sacked as the leader of the nation's ...
Muslims set to dump defiant Hilaly after outbursts
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
MUSLIM leaders will stage an emergency summit and could move to sack the defiant Mufti of Australia, who yesterday declared his wish to rid the world of the ...
Now sheik bags Bush, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
AUSTRALIA'S leading Muslim cleric says he will resign only when the world is "clean of the White House". Under pressure to quit ...
Relaxed sheik gets rock star treatment
The Australian, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
WHILE the rest of the country expressed outrage at his comments, Taj Din al-Hilali enjoyed rock star status when he arrived at Lakemba Mosque yesterday. ...
He was only quoting a scholar, says spokesman
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
THE defence by Taj el-Din al Hilaly of his inflammatory remarks on women and sex rests on three factors - his audience already knew he condemned rape, he wasn ...
Now cleric aims insults at White House, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
A DEFIANT Sheik Taj Aldin al Hilali says he will only resign when the world is "clean of the White House". Under pressure to step ...
Defiant Sheik fires broadside at Bush
The Age, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
A defiant Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali says he will only resign when the world is "clean of the White House". Under pressure to step ...
Australian cleric refuses to quit over "meat" sermon
Reuters - Oct 27, 2006
By James Grubel. suspended from preaching after describing women who do not dress modestly as "uncovered meat", rejected calls to ...
PM says Sheik has not integrated
Daily Telegraph, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
PRIME Minister John Howard says Australia's Mufti Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly has not integrated properly into Australian society. ...
Cleric turns fire on White House
The Age, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Australia's leading Muslim cleric, Sheikh Taj Aldin Alhilali, says he will only resign when the world is "clean of the White House". ...
Sheik fires broadside at US White House
The Age, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Australia's leading Muslim cleric, Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, says he will only resign when the world is "clean of the White House". ...
I won't quit, says sheik
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
A frame grab from Channel 9 showing Sheik al Hilaly in bed apologising for his comments regarding women provoking sexual assault. ...
Australian cleric suspended over "meat" sermon
Reuters - Oct 26, 2006
CANBERRA (Reuters) - Australia's top Muslim cleric has been barred from preaching for three months after describing women who do not dress modestly as ...
'Get rid of the White House, then I'll resign', Australia - Oct 26, 2006
AUSTRALIA'S leading Muslim cleric, Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly, says he will only resign when the world is "clean of the White House". ...
Sheikh apologises for comments
ABC Online, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
TONY EASTLEY: After coming under intense pressure over his comments that scantily-dressed women provoke sexual violence, one of Australia's most senior Muslim ...
Muddle-headed Mufti, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
By Natalie O'Brien. "He has probably spent more time working for women's rights than for his own family" – Asma al-Hilaly, daughter. ...
Stay away Mufti, says Beattie
The Age, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Queensland Premier Peter Beattie has withdrawn the welcome mat for embattled Muslim cleric Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, saying he hopes the mufti cancels a ...
Sheikh invokes Pope's defence
The Age, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Besieged Muslim cleric Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali believes his comments have been misinterpreted in the same way the Pope was misunderstood in a sermon on Islam. ...
Sheik stood down from Lakemba sermons
Ninemsn, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Besieged Muslim cleric Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali has been stood down from giving sermons at his Lakemba mosque in Sydney for the next two to three months, a ...
Muslim’s Words About Women Rile Australians
New York Times, United States - Oct 26, 2006
By REUTERS. CANBERRA, Australia, Oct. 26 — Australia’s top Muslim cleric compared women who do not wear a head scarf to uncovered ...
Sheik Hilaly 'misinterpreted' like Pope
Daily Telegraph, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
BESIEGED Muslim cleric Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly believes his comments have been misinterpreted in the same way the Pope was misunderstood in a sermon on Islam ...
Cleric unpunished for comments against women
New Zealand Herald, New Zealand - Oct 26, 2006
SYDNEY - No action will be taken against Australia's top Muslim cleric for likening scantily-dressed women to uncovered meat and saying they're responsible for ...
Islamic Council defends sheik
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
THE Islamic Friendship Council of Australia has sought to fend off criticism of besieged Muslim cleric Sheik Taj Aldin al-Hilaly. ...
Trad says Sheik's good work forgotten
Ninemsn, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
The Islamic Friendship Council of Australia has sought to fend off criticism of besieged Muslim cleric Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, saying all his good work has ...
Muslims risk backlash: PM
The Age, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Photo: AP. Australia's Islamic community must resolve the dispute surrounding leading cleric Taj Aldin Alhilali or risk a lasting ...
Muslims risk backlash over sheik row: PM
The Age, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Australia's Islamic community must resolve the dispute surrounding leading cleric Taj Aldin Alhilali or risk a lasting backlash against Muslims, Prime Minister ...
Sheik ban not enough: Goward, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
FEDERAL Sex Discrimination Commissioner Pru Goward says a temporary ban on sermons by Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly is not sufficient punishment for his comments ...
Sheik's punishment not enough: Goward
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner Pru Goward says a temporary ban on sermons by Sheik Taj el-Din al Hilaly is not sufficient punishment for his comments ...
Goward says sheik ban not enough
The Age, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner Pru Goward says a temporary ban on sermons by Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali is not sufficient punishment for his comments ...
Daughter defends Muslim cleric
Advertiser Adelaide, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
THE daughter of besieged Muslim cleric Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly said his comments have been misinterpreted and the media should "leave him alone". ...
Hilali to stay on at Lakemba mosque
The Australian, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
SHEIK Taj Aldin al-Hilali, the Muslim leader at the centre of a storm over comments blaming women for rape, will be giving no more sermons for several months ...
Muslims must resolve al-Hilaly row: PM
The Australian, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
AUSTRALIA'S Islamic community must resolve the dispute surrounding leading cleric Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly or risk a lasting backlash against Muslims, Prime ...
Sheik spared over rape sermon, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
By Staff Writers. NO action will be taken by senior Muslims over Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly's comments that scantily-dressed women ...
Sheik's punishment: shut up
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Frame grab from Channel 9 showing Sheik Hilaly in bed apologising for his comments regarding women provoking sexual assault. Sheik ...
Sheik suspended from speaking at Lakemba
The Age, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, the Muslim leader at the centre of a storm over comments blaming women for rape, will be giving no more sermons for several months at ...
NSW opposition leader says Muslim cleric should resign
Radio New Zealand, New Zealand - Oct 28, 2006
New South Wales state parliament opposition leader Peter Debenham says the country's senior Muslim cleric, Sheikh Taj el-Din Al Hilaly, should resign. ...
Sheik fires salvo at US leader
Border Mail, Australia - Oct 27, 2006
A DEFIANT Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali says he will only resign when the world is “clean of the White House”. Under pressure to ...
NZ Muslims reject hardline sheik's comments
NZ City, New Zealand - Oct 27, 2006
Leaders of New Zealand's Muslim community are making it clear they do not share the views of a hardline Australian preacher. Sheik ...
Australia Muslims may fire mufti
United Press International - Oct 27, 2006
SYDNEY, Oct. 27 (UPI) -- Australian Muslims have called for an emergency summit to consider firing their defiant mufti after he ...
“Meat” mufti ups ante
Hot Air, MD - Oct 26, 2006
AUSTRALIA’S leading Muslim cleric, Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly, says he will only resign when the world is “clean of the White House”. ...
Mufti Suspended From Speaking In Mosque
Bernama, Malaysia - Oct 26, 2006
MELBOURNE, Oct 27 (Bernama) -- Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, the Australian Muslim leader at the centre of a storm over comments blaming women for rape, will be ...
Mufti ill at reaction to sermon
Border Mail, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
AUSTRALIA’S most senior Muslim cleric cannot be sacked or deported despite the outrage caused by him saying that immodestly dressed women invite sexual ...
Sheik should leave: Sophie
Border Mail, Australia - Oct 26, 2006
AUSTRALIA’S top Muslim cleric should resign and consider moving to Iran after publicly saying women who do not wear the hijab invite sexual assault, the ...
We're not fresh meat: Muslim women hit back
The Australian, Australia - 23 minutes ago
By John Stapleton. SYDNEY'S Bankstown might be less than 30 minutes' drive from the Lakemba Mosque, but yesterday it seemed like 1000 years away. ...
Confusion over mufti's future, Australia - 1 hour ago
THE future of controversial Muslim cleric Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly is in dispute this morning, with one close friend saying he expected him to resign within ...
Confusion over mufti's future
Advertiser Adelaide, Australia - 44 minutes ago
THE future of controversial Muslim cleric Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly is in dispute this morning, with one close friend saying he expected him to resign within ...
Sheik will 'not step aside'
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 46 minutes ago
A close friend of Australia's top Muslim cleric Sheik Taj el-Din al Hilaly says the controversial figurehead will not resign. Lebanese ...
Confusion over mufti's future
Daily Telegraph, Australia - 49 minutes ago
THE future of controversial Muslim cleric Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly is in dispute this morning, with one close friend saying he expected him to resign within ...
Confusion over mufti's future
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - 56 minutes ago
THE future of controversial Muslim cleric Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly is in dispute this morning, with one close friend saying he expected him to resign within ...
Sydney sheik making headlines again
The Age, Australia - 3 hours ago
Australia's most senior Islamic cleric, Sheikh Taj Aldin Alhilali, has made headlines again with more controversial comments. In ...
Islamic body to get rid of mufti role
The Australian, Australia - 8 hours ago
TAJ Din al-Hilali is set to be stripped of his title of mufti on the grounds that Australia's 300,000 Muslims do not need a national leader. ...
Ranting cleric 'should quit'
Daily Telegraph, Australia - 8 hours ago
By Evelyn Yamine. THE powerbase of Sheik Taj el-Dene Elhilaly is crumbling after one of his closest confidantes last night joined ...
We're not fresh meat: women hit back
The Australian, Australia - 8 hours ago
BANKSTOWN might be less than 30 minutes' drive from the Lakemba Mosque, but yesterday it seemed like 1000 years away. The almost ...
Hilaly praises Iraq jihadists, Australia - 9 hours ago
By Richard Kerbaj. SHEIK Taj al-Din al-Hilaly has praised militant jihadists in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling them men of the highest ...
Queensland Muslims snub under-fire Sheik
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 10 hours ago
Organisers of an Islamic festival due to be held in Brisbane next weekend have withdrawn an invitation for controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali ...
Queensland Muslims snub under-fire Sheik
The Age, Australia - 10 hours ago
Organisers of an Islamic festival due to be held in Brisbane next weekend have withdrawn an invitation for controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali ...
Mufti's Qld visit cancelled
The Australian, Australia - 13 hours ago
ORGANISERS of an Islamic festival due to be held in Brisbane next weekend have withdrawn an invitation for controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali ...
Mufti's Qld visit cancelled
Daily Telegraph, Australia - 13 hours ago
ORGANISERS of an Islamic festival due to be held in Brisbane next weekend have withdrawn an invitation for controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali ...
Mufti's Qld visit cancelled
Advertiser Adelaide, Australia - 13 hours ago
ORGANISERS of an Islamic festival due to be held in Brisbane next weekend have withdrawn an invitation for controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali ...
Mufti's Qld visit cancelled
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - 13 hours ago
ORGANISERS of an Islamic festival due to be held in Brisbane next weekend have withdrawn an invitation for controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali ...
English not required says a defiant mufti
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 17 hours ago
SHEIK Taj el-Din al Hilaly has given the first indication that he would be prepared to stand down, as NSW Premier Morris Iemma joined the chorus of those ...
Clerics to discuss mufti's future
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - 19 hours ago
SENIOR clerics will meet at Sydney's Lakemba Mosque tonight to discuss the future of controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali - following public ...
Clerics to discuss mufti's future
Daily Telegraph, Australia - 19 hours ago
SENIOR clerics will meet at Sydney's Lakemba Mosque tonight to discuss the future of controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali - following public ...
Islamic leaders to deal with Sheik: PM
The Age, Australia - 19 hours ago
Islamic leaders must listen to the Australian community and deal with Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, Prime Minister John Howard says. ...
Clerics to discuss mufti's future
Advertiser Adelaide, Australia - 19 hours ago
SENIOR clerics will meet at Sydney's Lakemba Mosque tonight to discuss the future of controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali - following public ...
Clerics to discuss mufti's future
The Australian, Australia - 19 hours ago
SENIOR clerics will meet at Sydney's Lakemba Mosque tonight to discuss the future of controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali - following public ...
Meeting to decide cleric's future
Advertiser Adelaide, Australia - 21 hours ago
MUSLIM leaders will decide on the future of controversial Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly tonight. Sheik Hilaly has said he will stand ...
Meeting to decide cleric's future, Australia - 21 hours ago
MUSLIM leaders will decide on the future of controversial Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly tonight. Sheik Hilaly has said he will stand ...
Meeting to decide cleric's future
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - 21 hours ago
MUSLIM leaders will decide on the future of controversial Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly tonight. Sheik Hilaly has said he will stand ...
Meeting to decide Sheik's future
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 22 hours ago
Sheik Alhilali says he will stand down if he is proved to have been deliberately offensive in his sermon that suggested women provoked sexual attacks. ...
Meeting to decide cleric's future
Daily Telegraph, Australia - 21 hours ago
MUSLIM leaders will decide on the future of controversial Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly tonight. Sheik Hilaly has said he will stand ...
Meeting to decide Sheik's future
The Age, Australia - 22 hours ago
Sheik Alhilali says he will stand down if he is proved to have been deliberately offensive in his sermon that suggested women provoked sexual attacks. ...
Sheik to 'stand down if found offensive'
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Oct 28, 2006
Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali says he will stand down if he is proven to have been deliberately offensive with the sermon that suggested women provoked sexual ...
I suppose now they will expect him to get on the dole que?
abc bully story
by howhards 2006-10-30 7:32 AM +0800
Sheikh will step aside, Muslim colleague says
An open letter has been sent to senior Sydney Muslim cleric Sheikh Taj El-din Al Hilaly, asking him to step aside from his position as the leader of Australia's largest Muslim congregation.
Last night a meeting was held behind closed doors by the Lebanese Muslim Association (LMA), which runs the main mosque in Sydney's south-west.
Already Sheikh Al Hilaly has been asked not to preach for three months, after it was revealed he had compared some women to uncovered meat during a sermon.
Dr Jamal Rifi is a close friend of the Sheikh and founder of Muslim Doctors Against Violence.
Dr Rifi sent the letter and says he thinks the Sheikh will step aside.
"I have no doubt whatsoever," he said.
"He knows where I stand, he knows where he stands and he has no option whatsoever but to put the interests of the community and society."
In other developments:
The Federal Government says it is up to the Islamic community to resolve the controversy surrounding recent comments by the Sydney cleric Sheikh Taj el-Din Al Hilaly. (Full Story) Forget it!
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