South Africa, HIV and Foreign Medical Experts
Dr. Alexander von Paleske | 29.10.2006 18:32 | Health
Thabo Mbeki's panel of foreign doctors, their advice, how to explain and handle the HIV-epidemic and the results.
In 2000 South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki appointed a panel of foreign doctors to give him guidance in the way forward to tackle the AIDS Problem.
Amongst them the German physician Claus KOEHNLEIN and the Austrain gynaecologist Christian FIALA.
Both are well known for their dissident opinion about HIV-Aids.
In summary:
- HIV virus does not exist
- If it exists, it does not cause AIDS
- AIDS is a lifestyle disease. In the US and Europe caused by "immunsuppressive" lifestyle drugs, and/or "immunsuppressive" antiretrovirals, in Africa caused by malnutrition.
- Furthermore they claim, that in Africa HIV- tests are practically not available and the diagnosis of HIV/AIDS describes diseases, that have always been there before like TB, Malaria, Diarrhea, Leprosy.
After six years of their guidance to the President, let’s have a look at the results in South Africa, which have just been published in the international medical journal LANCET (30.9.2006)
- The death rate of females in age group 20-39 has tripled from 1997 to 2004
- The death rate in men in the age group of 30-44 has doubled from 1997 to 2004
- The HIV incidence in pregnant women was 1% in 1990, 17% in 1997 and 30% in 2004
- The total population in South Africa living with HIV is estimated 5.54 million
- 336,000 people have died of AIDS in the last 12 months, as the SAIMR president Anthony Mbewu reported recently to a subcommittee of parliament.
Now Claus Koehnlein and a journalist by the name of Engelbrecht have published a book, Virus-Wahn (Virus Mania) , in which they claim, that:
- HIV-AIDS, SARS, Bird-Flue, Hepatitis C and others are creations of the
pharmaceutical industry to sell their test kits and their antiretroviral drugs.
According to their claims, the immunodeficiency syndrome in Africa is not AIDS , but a new immunodeficiency caused by malnutrition, which in turn causes TB.
It cannot be transmitted via sexual contact, blood transfusion or during birth from mother to child.
However Africa is the real test case for their claims.
Let’s have a look at Botswana, where we have the highest per capita income in Africa, HIV Tests available since 1988, antiretrovirals applied only after 2001 and malnutrition is not significant compared to other African countries, lifestyle-drugs play no role and yet we have one of the highest HIV-AIDS incidence in Africa, affecting equally all sectors of society, rich and poor .
Furthermore in Southern Botswana we have only a handful cases of Leprosy, very little Malaria, however an explosion of diseases, we have hardly ever seen before the advent of HIV, namely Pneumocystis-pneumonia, Cryptococcal meningitis and Cytomegaly-virus infections as well as a drastic increase of cancer cases, predominantly Kaposi-Sarcoma.. Almost all of these patients are HIV-positive.
Parallel to this we observe an explosion of TB, a disease that was on a slow decline from 1967 to 1987.
Again, these patients are largely HIV positive.
So the new Immunodeficiency syndrome, created by these “experts” is nothing else but HIV-Aids, it started with the advent of the HIV epidemic, the patients are HIV positive, and in all cases the infection of one person has been transmitted from another person, who is HIV-positive.
In other words, the thesis of the AIDS-deniers is false, is nonsense , and in it’s effect to the decision making of the president a disaster.
HIV-Aids is real, it is, if untreated, deadly, and is not a fantasy-product of the pharmaceutical industry.
Unfortunately Thabo Mbeki and his Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang continue to listen to them.
Dr. Alexander von Paleske
Head, Department of Oncology
Princess Marina Hospital
Ex-Barrister-at-Law, High Court Frankfurt (M)/Germany
Amongst them the German physician Claus KOEHNLEIN and the Austrain gynaecologist Christian FIALA.
Both are well known for their dissident opinion about HIV-Aids.
In summary:
- HIV virus does not exist
- If it exists, it does not cause AIDS
- AIDS is a lifestyle disease. In the US and Europe caused by "immunsuppressive" lifestyle drugs, and/or "immunsuppressive" antiretrovirals, in Africa caused by malnutrition.
- Furthermore they claim, that in Africa HIV- tests are practically not available and the diagnosis of HIV/AIDS describes diseases, that have always been there before like TB, Malaria, Diarrhea, Leprosy.
After six years of their guidance to the President, let’s have a look at the results in South Africa, which have just been published in the international medical journal LANCET (30.9.2006)
- The death rate of females in age group 20-39 has tripled from 1997 to 2004
- The death rate in men in the age group of 30-44 has doubled from 1997 to 2004
- The HIV incidence in pregnant women was 1% in 1990, 17% in 1997 and 30% in 2004
- The total population in South Africa living with HIV is estimated 5.54 million
- 336,000 people have died of AIDS in the last 12 months, as the SAIMR president Anthony Mbewu reported recently to a subcommittee of parliament.
Now Claus Koehnlein and a journalist by the name of Engelbrecht have published a book, Virus-Wahn (Virus Mania) , in which they claim, that:
- HIV-AIDS, SARS, Bird-Flue, Hepatitis C and others are creations of the
pharmaceutical industry to sell their test kits and their antiretroviral drugs.
According to their claims, the immunodeficiency syndrome in Africa is not AIDS , but a new immunodeficiency caused by malnutrition, which in turn causes TB.
It cannot be transmitted via sexual contact, blood transfusion or during birth from mother to child.
However Africa is the real test case for their claims.
Let’s have a look at Botswana, where we have the highest per capita income in Africa, HIV Tests available since 1988, antiretrovirals applied only after 2001 and malnutrition is not significant compared to other African countries, lifestyle-drugs play no role and yet we have one of the highest HIV-AIDS incidence in Africa, affecting equally all sectors of society, rich and poor .
Furthermore in Southern Botswana we have only a handful cases of Leprosy, very little Malaria, however an explosion of diseases, we have hardly ever seen before the advent of HIV, namely Pneumocystis-pneumonia, Cryptococcal meningitis and Cytomegaly-virus infections as well as a drastic increase of cancer cases, predominantly Kaposi-Sarcoma.. Almost all of these patients are HIV-positive.
Parallel to this we observe an explosion of TB, a disease that was on a slow decline from 1967 to 1987.
Again, these patients are largely HIV positive.
So the new Immunodeficiency syndrome, created by these “experts” is nothing else but HIV-Aids, it started with the advent of the HIV epidemic, the patients are HIV positive, and in all cases the infection of one person has been transmitted from another person, who is HIV-positive.
In other words, the thesis of the AIDS-deniers is false, is nonsense , and in it’s effect to the decision making of the president a disaster.
HIV-Aids is real, it is, if untreated, deadly, and is not a fantasy-product of the pharmaceutical industry.
Unfortunately Thabo Mbeki and his Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang continue to listen to them.
Dr. Alexander von Paleske
Head, Department of Oncology
Princess Marina Hospital
Ex-Barrister-at-Law, High Court Frankfurt (M)/Germany
Dr. Alexander von Paleske
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The Origin of AIDS and HIV May Not Be What You Have Learned
29.10.2006 20:17
W. John Martin, M.D., Ph.D.
Early Polio vaccines were contaminated with SV40, subsequent Polio vaccines were contaminated with CMV. This is not a conspiracy theory, sadly it is very true and has even been admitted by our governments. Millions were infected and millions continue to suffer and died. Check it out! Then ask your self why you are not aware of this massive issue...
Aids and the Polio Vaccine
Aids and the Polio Vaccine