China: Upcoming SL/B forum
Spartacist League/Britain | 28.10.2006 12:37
At 2pm on Saturday 4 November 2006, the Spartacist League/Britain will be holding a forum at the University of London Union entitled:
“Market reforms” exacerbate contradictions in China
Defend, extend the gains of the 1949 Chinese revolution!
For a China of workers and peasants councils in a socialist Asia!
“Market reforms” exacerbate contradictions in China
Defend, extend the gains of the 1949 Chinese revolution!
For a China of workers and peasants councils in a socialist Asia!
Spartacist League/Britain Forum
“Market reforms” exacerbate contradictions in China
Defend, extend the gains of the 1949 Chinese revolution!
For a China of workers and peasants councils in a socialist Asia!
2 pm, Saturday 4 November 2006
Room 2B, University of London Union, Malet Street, London WC1
For details phone: 020 7281 5504
Write to: PO Box 42886, London N19 5WY
For background reading visit:
For the latest issue of Workers Hammer:
“Market reforms” exacerbate contradictions in China
Defend, extend the gains of the 1949 Chinese revolution!
For a China of workers and peasants councils in a socialist Asia!
2 pm, Saturday 4 November 2006
Room 2B, University of London Union, Malet Street, London WC1
For details phone: 020 7281 5504

Write to: PO Box 42886, London N19 5WY
For background reading visit:

For the latest issue of Workers Hammer:

Spartacist League/Britain