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Norris Green Gun Thug

ventura | 26.10.2006 19:18

In the first instance of it's kind police are threatened with death by gunshot and walk away

Police in Liverpool attending a house with a warrent for non appearence in court were told to go away in no uncertain terms.The youth they came for made a video of it all and uploaded it on to the YouTube website
Using a dog,probably a pitbull,to stop the police coming through the gate he fires a tirade of abuse at them.Finally ending with the threat that when he see's them again he is going to smoke them.I understand that means to shoot them.To be killed by gunfire.Amazingly the police get in their van and drive away.
If the above url does not work go to and enter true scouser in the search box.



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On The Liverpool

26.10.2006 22:40

The 'YouGang' library of Scousers was discussed on The Liverpool Times

This video of the ranting scally [if its the same] is discussed on it. Never spotted the dog but the threat to smoke the officers was not a threat to roll them in a giant Rizla.

I doubt even Class War could point to this video as the working class fighting back, but given they thought the French riots were good for the general wellbeing of working class people, you might just see this video get a 4 star review just because the young man is mouthing off at the cops. I'd sooner take my chances with Merseyside plod than this rather unhinged individual, who really does sound like he needs anger management if ever a man did.

If ever there was a rebbelion and kids like this held any sway over the mobs - God help us all.

The kids in the anti war protests, or those who done a gig recently are probably a better example of what we need in the way of rebels.

Eyes Higher

i don't believe it

27.10.2006 00:01

I saw the video and i could not believe they let him get away with it.I'd have called the rspca out to take the dog and arrested and charged him with threats to kill.

officer dibble

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Edited Video

27.10.2006 08:45

This video has been edited from the true one. The person was arrested and in the van when it drove away. The voice you hear was added afterwards.

This story has been covered on local TV and was shown to be a fake about two weeks ago

Liver Bird

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