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Leeds Nazi Kevin Watmough named as informer

Observer | 26.10.2006 10:59 | Anti-racism | Sheffield

The man behind 'Redwatch, 'Blood & Honour UK, 'Aryan Unity' and the current front-man of the so-called "British Peoples Party" has been named as a grass.

'Blood & Honour's poster-boy Kevin 'Gluebag' Watmough
'Blood & Honour's poster-boy Kevin 'Gluebag' Watmough

There have been persistant rumours for many years that Leeds Nazi Kevin Watmough is a police informer, something that puts him in the same boat as his comrades Eddy Morrison and Tony White. While those around Watmough are always getting nicked, he remains untouched, seemingly allowed to run 'Redwatch', 'Blood & Honour UK', and whatever other pitful Nazi outfit he's involved with, with impunity. As he has come under attack from fellow Nazis, he has arrogantly and openly confessed not only to running 'Redwatch', but to organizing attacks on 'Bloody Sunday' marches and other crimes, without any apparent interest from the Law. While Hull-based Nazi Simon Shepperd is being prosecuted for racism on the internet, Watmough who is in an identical position, remains untouched. While Tony White is facing a jail-term for owning and distributing Nazi propaganda, Watmough (the person who supplied White with the material) is busy peddling all manner of fascist paraphenalia.

In an Indymedia thread about White's impending demise, a vicious spat has broken out between the Nazis, with the 'old comrades' posting up each others photos and personal details, and those of their families (including a photo from Tony Whit's wedding.) According to a friend of White's posting on the thread, Watmough made a statement to Bradford police against White, something which seems very plausible. The Nazi says to Watmough, "you made a statement to Bradford police saying whitey did stuff on the net and made statues copied videos etc, thats why he turned on you lot."

The thread can be found at:

We know Watmough is not alone in informing against White, disgruntled Bedford-based Nazi, Chantelle Hall, has also given a statement against him, and we also strongly suspect that so has Eddy Morrison. Again, we doubt these 3 are alone, but what surprises us is that Watmough in particular has got away with it so long. But then again, you can never underestimate the stupidity of a fascist.



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Some leading fascist grasses

26.10.2006 11:29

John Wood
John Wood

Eddy Morrison
Eddy Morrison

Kevin Watmough
Kevin Watmough

Tony White
Tony White

Chantelle Hall
Chantelle Hall

Blood and 'Honour'??!!! LOL!!



26.10.2006 11:58

They are all weak-minded scumbags. I would not want to be in a police station with any of them. The cops must look at that lot and think it's a gift on a plate; The perverted and degenerate Wood, always tampering with young girls, and with his stockpile of prescription painkillers; The alcoholic poof Morrison, who's well-known for selling info on other Nationalists; The glue-sniffing woman-hater Watmough, a total coward in any circumstances; the vile Chantroll Hall who is beneath contempt; and Sad mentally-ill Tony White, who it surprises me isn't on smack. Who would work with this shower?


YIKES! warn us before you post horrific photos like that

26.10.2006 12:12 contact lenses just melted in disgust.

mine eyes!

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Guess what else they have in common?

26.10.2006 15:48

That's right, they've all thrown one up Chantelle (except TW.)

So you may as well add the Saltdean sofa soaker to it, as apparently, when she was giving a well known Yorkshire member felatio, and putting her finger in the chocolate biscuit box, the Saltdean hard-man was outside the bathroom giving himself a "bit of a tug."

Isn't that funny, grasses getting a tug.

Tin Pot

Watmough, Chantroll, & Williamson

26.10.2006 15:56

Please spare us any more details Tin Pot!



26.10.2006 15:58

That's a great photo of Watmough btw, has he got his teeth in?! What a fine example of the 'master race'!!



26.10.2006 17:38

I see Watmough is now sqirming over on Vanguard about the above piece; like a worm on a pin! They are even trying to blame the article on John Wood of Sheffield, who is being referred to as if he were a Jew - How ridiculous when he has been in the Nationalist movement so long.

Williamson, the 'Saltdean Sofa-Soaker' as dubbed by his new-found pal Tommy Williams, is sucking up to Watmough and Morrison; the fool. "I know 100% that neither yourself or [sic.] Ed would inform on a comrade." Of course this moron knows nothing, he's only been around 5 minutes and rarely leaves Sussex. Watmough has long been suspected of being an informer, and Morrison certainly IS one - Not only selling information to Special Branch and 'Searchlight', but in the past to Leeds AFA. He seems to have disappeared at the moment, my guess being that he has gone on a bender with the loot Gerry Gable has given him for his latest batch of information. Between them, and the clueless incontinent Williamson, they are certainly running an excellent disinformation campaign on behalf of their paymasters.


I agree Ajax

26.10.2006 18:15

The mere fact that Watmough brings this up is enough to make me think he protests too much.

He's probably passing info on Loyalists to Searchlight too?

I hear that Searchlight have as good as set up shop in the PUP's offices, running campaigns against peopl eover there.

Danny Baldwyn

think about it

26.10.2006 18:57

It doesn't take much detective work to trace the pictures of Whiteys wedding does it now ? and we can be sure no reds were in attendance... think back a little to see who is really the trouble causing snitch .......we've seen that all the snivelling reds can do is post up old pictures so who was the cameraman ?

DC I Reagan

Assets not grasses

26.10.2006 20:29

The point surely is that the thug and 'respectable' ends of the Nazi movement are thoroughly infiltrated and controlled by bought-off or blackmailed servants of the state. Rather than protected police grasses, we have people who are protected by manipulating the organisations on behalf of the security services so that the organisations serve in their small way the interests of the estabished state


Me thinks the gluebag protesteth too much...

26.10.2006 22:30

"The mere fact that Watmough brings this up is enough to make me think he protests too much."

My thoughts exactly when I read his VNN post.

Yorkshire Lad

Watmough's V.N.N. thread gone

26.10.2006 22:38

Just been over on V.N.N. and Watmough's thread trying to worm out of being a grass has been completely removed!! He must have realised he had made himself look a right cunt!


For AB

26.10.2006 22:54

Either that or they've confirmed hes an informer and fucked him off!!!



26.10.2006 23:02

Dunno what the reason is for the removel of the VNN thread But I think its confirmed definitly Watmough is a grass.


Never trusted him

26.10.2006 23:13

Thing is with Watmoaugh hes a creepy little cunt who does all the boring shit jobs nobody else wants to do - thats how he as got on. But that is the classical behaver pattern of a grass or police informer - make yourselfs useful, do the shitty jobs, keep your ears open and eyes pealed - the bloke is dodgy as fuck always has beeen.


TW's wedding

26.10.2006 23:13

"It doesn't take much detective work to trace the pictures of Whiteys wedding does it now ? and we can be sure no reds were in attendance... think back a little to see who is really the trouble causing snitch .......we've seen that all the snivelling reds can do is post up old pictures so who was the cameraman ?"

So observed DCI Reagan.
As one who was present at the wedding, I remember two cameramen there at the time. One was Watmough and the other, I believe was Wood.
Later, on the WNP website, copies of both Watmough's and Wood's photographs were displayed.
At the time, White, Watmough and Wood were the best of friends otherwise, they would never have been invited.

One who was there

Tom Linden

27.10.2006 00:13

Tom (Aka Danny Baldwyn)

How were you found out?

Because when we stole your canoe and clothing, your working mens club ticket/card had your monicker on it.

"Danny Baldwyn, Harrogate".

Initially, we thought that the fat slapper you were once throwing one up may have been having a laugh.

But when that post came up we just knew it was you.

What do you have against TW etc, except that they are younger and were "here" years before you?

It's also obvious that Mark C has helped you out.

Result, the nazis have gone public on eachother.

Red Action Man


27.10.2006 00:14

Whitey got out the nick 3 years ago and he either bottled it or stuck to what he was overheard saying." that lot are a bunch of fucking grassing hypocrites and im meant to be the grass, i wouldnt have been in there if i was what a fucking mug i am eh". He went to the last WNP meeting and was told to get out by Whatmouth and John Woods he then told security to sit it out and proceeded to tell all what he thought of John, Eddie & Kev and told how Kev had made a statement to the police. Allegedly the police paid Kev a visit and told him to make a statement against whitey or they would turn his mummys house over. When Whitey shouted at Whatmouth and threatened Sid and John Woods Whatmouth walked out shouting so what they would have turned my mamas over and I couldnt have that. As I say I do not know if whiteys arse has gone or whether he just got disillusioned with the freaks but he does seem to have gone to ground he popped up at court wearing a police t shirt last time, before that he was having a go at Andi Ali and even there when asked by a copper which side he was on he laughed and said "independant i'm here to confront the three mobs that said i didnt have the bottle to turn up, i am here and don't need anyone behind me, even though he did have a small group of blokes sat in cars dotted about " as he pointed at whatmouth and the BPP, then the BNP and then laughed at the anti BNP contingent saying youre all the same, and started singing the one on the right by Johnny Cash .
So the plot thickens. One thing is certain the last time nazis fell out one was killed the others ended up locked up, from what i am hearing about firearms etc in Bramley at the moment I know where my bets will be placed.
As for those wedding photos just look at who was there Mark Atkinson & his missus, John Woods and two pretty big fuckers who so far have remained un-nameable look at who never appears in the photos and make up your own minds.

ITN....In The No(know)

Mr NomoreWhite

27.10.2006 00:50

Who gives a fuck with shitey out the way we can get on with some serious business in Leeds. He has been a thorn in the side of anti nazi activities popping up and down at peoples houses to firebomb them or put others up to it and running round with his camera or attacking people like he and foy did with C H in Armley. one thing though where have the photos gone he takes a lot of pictures that have never appeared on any sites so weather he jacks off to them or he has a large dossier of photos for other purposes, i did hear him saying to a pig once i dont give them to redwatch these are for my own purposes if any of these fuckers get clever i have my own e-fit and collection of mugs of them to point out to whoever i need to.
Good riddance. cant wait till the fucking big man swings.Another fascist celeb bites the dust paving the way to make it a truly nazi free zone.

Red Skull

Nice one Tony!

27.10.2006 10:35


Red N Black

Ring dem bells!

27.10.2006 13:23

Fucking grassers the lot of you none of you have a clue what the other is doing left or right
trying to bait someone who is supposedly a fruit loop give it a fucking rest who are these lot going to vent their revenge on because i can sure as hell tell you it wont be the ones mouthing off in here. Probably me or others uninterested in any of this shit till its pointed out to us.



27.10.2006 15:20

You Nazis really are crapping your pants aren't you?!


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