Protest against the BNP’s attempts to oppose the building of a new mosque.
red letter | 25.10.2006 11:54 | Birmingham
The protest starts at 2pm at the site of the proposed mosque on Black Acre Road in Dudley. Sunday 29th October
The Nazis of the British National Party (BNP) are taking advantage of the racist atmosphere against Muslims to attempt to widen their influence. But Unite Against Fascism and Love Music Hate Racism are doing everything they can to stop them.
The BNP took 11 council seats in Barking and Dagenham, east London, in the local elections in May.
Unite has organised a black history day school in the area this Saturday, with support from the GMB union and South East Region TUC.
The school runs from 12pm to 4pm at the Rush Green campus of Barking College.
Speakers include local MPs Jon Cruddas and Margaret Hodge as well as Jack Dromey, deputy general secretary of the T&G union, and Drew McConnell from the band Babyshambles.
And this Sunday in Dudley in the West Midlands, Unite and the local Muslim community will hold a protest against the BNP’s attempts to oppose the building of a new mosque.
The protest starts at 2pm at the site of the proposed mosque on Black Acre Road in Dudley.
On Monday of next week, BNP leader Nick Griffin goes back to court in Leeds. Join the protest against the BNP outside Leeds Crown Court, Oxford Row, from 9am.
At 10.30am in Leeds that day there will be a public signing of a unity against racism and fascism statement by trade unionists, faith and community leaders.
For more information about these campaigns, go to or
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red letter
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Ask Yourself
25.10.2006 14:08
You are so out of touch with the working class, you are driving people into the hands of the BNP.
Tin Pot
Too much hate
25.10.2006 14:12
Of course Islam is not the enemy
25.10.2006 14:31
Think Islams OK look at Iran!
25.10.2006 22:44
What exactly are you asking us to do, a demo to promote the building of a mosque , Why ?
What does Islam have to do with socialism, answers on a postcard please.
2 questions:
How many Islamic's in Cuba
how many socialist in the former Taliban ran Afghanistan.
Have we lost our way here, ok nuts to the BNP but spreading ANY religion under a socialist banner, ??
What were we formed for again. ? we have lost our way, that is why the BNP even exist ! because we can no longer offer a socialist opposition to oppressive state control, welcome to the wilderness of socialism.
Red not dead
26.10.2006 14:29
Ruppert DeBear
First They Came for the Jews
27.10.2006 09:14
First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.
Pastor Martin Niemöller
red letter
Wow, what a popular front!
14.11.2006 13:29
Fascism is not just a nasty bunch of people being horrible to minorities its an ideology that is rooted in the very foundation of hierarchical society, it is a tool of the state which is called upon when the working classes start taking control over their own lives. Throughout history religous leaders and politicians have sided with those who wish to coerce and control our class. Enlisting them to fight the far right is not only short sighted, in the long run it may prove dangerous. The UAF seem to have this idea that everything would be rosey if it wasnt for the BNP, they tell us to vote anyone but BNP, do you understand how stupid and patronising this sounds? Vote for those who impose the will of their paymasters, who walk all over us, who lie to us, keep us in line, who facilitate our exploitation and servitude. While the likes of Respect and the SWP might see the UAF as a good recruiting tool the one vital thing they lack is any class analysis, without this any attempts to tackle fascism are doomed to impotence and incoherence.
where's my vanguard?
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