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On this day in Post 9-11 Islamic History

. | 24.10.2006 15:49


Date Country City Killed Injured Description
10/24/05 Iraq Hilla 12 1 Terrorists execute twelve people working at a construction site. Five of the victims were brothers.
10/24/05 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 6 Two workers for a British agency working to clear landmines are killed in a bomb attack by religious extremists.
10/24/05 India Puchhal 1 0 A man is killed inside his home after failing to heed the warning posters at a local mosque.
10/24/05 Iraq Baghdad 20 40 Twenty passersby are massacred by three coordinated suicide attacks against a hotel. The bombs were packed with ball-bearings to maximize human suffering.
10/24/05 Pakistan Ladha 1 11 al-Qaeda militants kill the driver of a military truck with a remote-controlled bomb.
10/24/05 Iraq Baghdad 14 5 Three separate incidents include the discovery of eight bound and executed victims, a suicide car bomb that kills two civilians, and a shooting ambush that kills three municipal workers and a passerby.
10/24/04 India Anantnag 1 1 Mujahideen attempt another political assassination at a funeral. A passerby is killed in the mine attack.
10/24/04 Iraq Basra 48 0 A very heinous attack by "Unification and Jihad" leaves forty-eight unarmed police recruits dead. Their three minibuses were stooped by the Jihadists, who forced the men out by the side of the road and executed each with a shot to the head.
10/24/04 India Salbala 3 2 Mujahideen terrorists invade a home. They shoot two members of a family to death and kidnap another member, whom they later behead.
10/24/04 Algeria Boumerdes 1 1 Armed Islamists kill a security guard and injure a civilian in eastern Algeria.
10/24/03 Iraq Samarrah 3 2 Two U.S. soldiers are killed, and two others wounded by terrorist mortar attack in the Sunni triangle. In Mosul a soldier is killed while trying to protect food aid from being looted.
10/24/03 Israel Netzarim 3 2 Two Hamas (Islamic Resistance) terrorists infiltrate a Jewish settlement and then enter a barracks to go room from room shooting female soldiers as they slept.
10/24/03 Iraq Mosul 2 4 Sunni grenade attack kills two children and injures four others.
10/24/03 Iraq Amarah 1 0 Police chief is gunned down by Muslim terrorists as he leaves a mosque.
10/24/02 Nigeria Fajul 40 48 At least forty Christians are killed by a Muslim mob of several thousand, who also rape women and burn churches.
10/24/02 India Sonargund 1 0 A retired teacher is murdered by the Mujahideen.



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24.10.2006 15:56


Very Perceptive

24.10.2006 16:48

If i was to compare the few thousand deaths caused by islamic extremists to the hundreds of thousands of deaths caused by the Christian west post and pre 9-11 it would be an embarassement to you racist fuckers. And remember it was God who told Bush to bomb the fuck out of the middle east. Now crawl back to that dirt hole you call your mothers pussy.
