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China Asserts Superiority

Kwang zi | 21.10.2006 18:53 | Analysis | Culture | World

China asserts dominance in the region but if you blinked you missed it; the difference between loud and clear and subtle and clear is the difference between, “bombing into the stone-age” and gently applying Asian lateral diplomacy. DPRK (Kim Jong il) rebuffs six-party talks but promises China during independent talks, that nuclear testing will cease. Miss war whore/status quo/dead children, Condoleezza Rice, and the rest of the world are left in no doubt which nation exercises the greater degree of influence in the region; a clear message has been sent – the world has taken note.

Rice returns to the U.S. carrying her flag/face in a bag! China leaves Bush’s war whore looking like a third-rate player on the world stage (‘if the shoe fits ..’).

It seems the world prefers civilised diplomacy to the binary logic and brutish behaviour of U.S. ‘diplomacy’. Do we all recall these now infamous remarks; “dead or alive”, “with us or against us”, “painful response”, “bomb you into the stone-age”; these binary, brutish remarks are in stark contrast to the softly, softly, oblique approach of Asians. The effectiveness of the respective approaches is made clear – one would almost think the whole nuclear sword rattling performance was a set-up! Asians would be in no doubt that the whole affair had been orchestrated at America’s expense. The bereft Bush administration has been made to look like circus monkeys (‘if the banana fits ..’ ).

Think a thousand ‘cuts’ and you would be getting close to an appreciation of what is in store. America’s monumental loss of face is only the beginning of a well-planned strategy. After demonstrating its regional superiority to the world, China is now making its (long anticipated) move on the dollar! Adopting the Euro as standard will prove to be the most devastating blow the USA could receive – and not a shot fired! Such is the real art of war – did you catch that, Wyatt?

America, replete with Zionist nose-ring, blindly pursues violent solutions in the Middle East while China, India and other nations seize the initiative in Asia, Africa, the Pacific and other important regions. The Australian treasurer’s recent remarks regarding the U.S. dollar indicate Australia’s new economic direction. In the famous words of John Howard, “America has no better friend than Australia”, that is until a superior performer comes along! The road to economic security is indeed paved with yellow bricks. It’s goodbye Uncle Sam and hello, Uncle Han!

The future of America lies with the good sense of the population not a Zionist led incompetent regime. Regardless of anything said by the incumbents in the lead-up to the forthcoming elections, I would respond with a question, name one constructive achievement?

Kwang zi


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22.10.2006 04:35

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