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Thank God the Iraqi people have the guts+determination to fight the Bush Regime!

k.hawley | 20.10.2006 20:23 | Anti-militarism

Iraq is demonstrating to the world the courage and resoluteness of England in the 1930s and 40s towards Hitler's conquering armies!

Not only have the tenacious Iraqi people bravely fought the Bush Regime's assault on their country but the Iraqis' determined battle against the Bush Nazis has also helped protect the Middele East against US Imperialism and has strongly prodded Americans to stand up for their civil rights and democxratic ideals.If the poorly equipted Iraqi people hadn't fought so long and hard agasint the Bush's hi-tek US Military,then the situations in the Middle East and in America would be vastly diferent! Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Egypt etc.would now be like Hitler's Europe of the 1930's and America would have been lulled into accepting the replacement of their constitution and civil liberties by Bush's faschist agenda! Iraq is demonstrating to the world the courage and resoluteness of England in the 1930s and 40s towards Hitler's conquering armies! The free world and its democratic ideals owe a huge vote of thanks and appreciation to the long suffering and hard fighting people of Iraq!

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20.10.2006 21:16

Something of an oversimplification. Iraq is, as was predicted widely by skeptics, a hellhole at the moment. There is nothing there that is comparable to anti-Nazi resistence movements. Iraq is embroiled in civil war, factional infighting, terrorism... and that's just a consideration of what the Iaqis are doing to each other, let alone what is happening to the "Coalition".

The momumental fuck up is largely due to Rumsfeld's complete dillitante childish attitude to military strategy.

As for the whole mess being a force for good- I'll assume you are forgetting the massive Iraqi civillian casualties, it stands an equal chance of upping the US's ante in its next war: mini nukes on Tehran?

You'll be thanking Osama bin Lden next. Why stop there; why not thank Hitler for the Marshall Plan?

Lord Helpus

Right On!

21.10.2006 20:29

Exactly! What we in the western world need to do is to follow the courageous example of the Iraqi people!

Pat Newell


22.10.2006 00:18

"Exactly! What we in the western world need to do is to follow the courageous example of the Iraqi people"

What a great idea, lets start it off. You start a group - lets call it group A, I'll start one called group B. I'll kill the members of your group, while they are shopping, looking for work and generaly going about life.

Then you can do the same to my group and we all just carry on till theres no one left.

Who said the great ideas have been done?!


Group A vastly out-numbers Group B!

23.10.2006 04:14

"I'll start one called group B. I'll kill the members of your group, while they are shopping, looking for work and generaly going about life."

Dear "start it off" - I guess I can correctly surmise your group B has already been doing a lot of training and war games in the marketplaces and residential areas of Iraq and Afghanistan?

You now also should know that Group A is everybody else in the world who is against the imperialistic faschists of Group B!



23.10.2006 10:51

So you think terrorism (targetting civillians) is a great thing. It's times like this I am thankful that MI5 exists.

Ah, it's the us & them philosophy that is used to justify murder. Grow up and go find someone who has fled from civil war and ask them what they think of your ideas! Possibly best book the dental appointment in advance.

Lord Helpus


23.10.2006 15:57

The war in Vietnam ended in a victory for the independence movement because of a combination of mass protests at home, armed resistance to the U.S. occupation in Vietnam itself--and the disintegration of the U.S. army as soldiers increasingly refused to fight.

In order to end the war on Iraqi People we need only mass protests in USA. Armed resistance to the U.S. occupation in Iraq and the disintegration of the U.S. army as soldiers increasingly refuse to figh have occured since the beginning of the war.

With a little help from our friends in America we can stop the war on Iraq

Maybe I'm a-Maze-d?

23.10.2006 21:24

"Grow up and go find someone who has fled from civil war"

Actually I'm more concerned with who started ( as in instigated,financed etc.) the civil war.

I'm sure the MI5 and its antecedents were a never ending force for harmony and peace in places like India,Africa,Palestine and Ireland.

Again if instead of fighting,the Iraqi people had just layed down and submited to US Imperialism,the American public would have also acqueised and been more agreeable to the enveloping faschist agenda of the Buish Regime!



23.10.2006 23:32

I've heard better arguments for Creationism than I have for any of the baseless "FALSE FLAG!" drivel people lap up at prisonplanet.

You are obviously a great expert in the field of covert operations, since you seem to have new information regarding MI5 operating abroad.

D'you they killed the guy that invented the everlightbulb?


Lord Helpus