A glimpse of national ID card enforcement
little brother | 19.10.2006 14:01 | Education | Repression | Technology | London
University of Westminster shows the way in ID card enforcement! This university's marketing slogan is most revealing - "educating for a professional life", they say. With a basic principle of compulsory carrying of cards, a 'three strikes' policy to deny you entry to premises & services if you forget your card, and making it a disciplinary offence if you refuse to show one, this kind of education will most certainly be invaluable for future life if the government gets away with introducing its national ID policy.
Just look at these extract from the University of Westminster ID card page:
It gives an impression of a mini-state gone mad with power. Actually many universities are like mini-states... but that's another story. But this should be a lesson of things to come if there is no effective revolt against ID cards and databases.
Basic principles
*Students and staff must carry ID card at all times whilst on University premises.
*Entry to the university can be denied if you are not carrying your ID card - a three strikes policy is in operation.
*The ID card remains the property of the University and must be relinquished to security staff if requested.
Discplinary Offences
*Do not allow anyone else to use your ID card. To do so is a discplinary offence and will be reported to your Head of School. Your card may be temporarily confiscated.
*ID cards must be shown on request to any University member of staff when requested. Refusal to do so is a discplinary offence.
Want to do something about ID cards and other repressive laws?
*** Join the Defy-ID grassroots campaign network ***
Two important events are listed on the Defy-ID web-site:
- the London anarchist bookfair on Oct 21 and a national Defy-ID gathering on Nov 25.

It gives an impression of a mini-state gone mad with power. Actually many universities are like mini-states... but that's another story. But this should be a lesson of things to come if there is no effective revolt against ID cards and databases.
Basic principles
*Students and staff must carry ID card at all times whilst on University premises.
*Entry to the university can be denied if you are not carrying your ID card - a three strikes policy is in operation.
*The ID card remains the property of the University and must be relinquished to security staff if requested.
Discplinary Offences
*Do not allow anyone else to use your ID card. To do so is a discplinary offence and will be reported to your Head of School. Your card may be temporarily confiscated.
*ID cards must be shown on request to any University member of staff when requested. Refusal to do so is a discplinary offence.
Want to do something about ID cards and other repressive laws?
*** Join the Defy-ID grassroots campaign network ***
Two important events are listed on the Defy-ID web-site:

- the London anarchist bookfair on Oct 21 and a national Defy-ID gathering on Nov 25.
little brother
National ID card offences - already in place
19.10.2006 15:03
New offences under the ID Cards Act include the following (at least correct just before Bill was passed):
*refusal to obey an order to register = £2500
*failure to submit to fingerprinting and biometric scanning = £2500
*failure to provide information demanded by the government = £2500
*failure to attend an interview at a specified place and time = £2500
*failure to notify authorities about a lost, stolen, damaged or defective card = up to 1yr in prison and/or a fine
*failure to renew a card = £1000
*failure to attend subsequent fingerprinting and biometric scanning when demanded = £1000
*failure to provide subsequent information when demanded = £1000
*failure to attend subsequent interview at specified place and time when demanded = £1000
*failure to notify authorities of any change in personal circumstances (including change of address) = £1000
*providing false information = up to 2 years and/or a fine
More and upto date info:
*refusal to obey an order to register = £2500
*failure to submit to fingerprinting and biometric scanning = £2500
*failure to provide information demanded by the government = £2500
*failure to attend an interview at a specified place and time = £2500
*failure to notify authorities about a lost, stolen, damaged or defective card = up to 1yr in prison and/or a fine
*failure to renew a card = £1000
*failure to attend subsequent fingerprinting and biometric scanning when demanded = £1000
*failure to provide subsequent information when demanded = £1000
*failure to attend subsequent interview at specified place and time when demanded = £1000
*failure to notify authorities of any change in personal circumstances (including change of address) = £1000
*providing false information = up to 2 years and/or a fine
More and upto date info:

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