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Close to 24 million stand up against poverty in resounding message for leaders

Colin Revell | 19.10.2006 13:54 | Education | Globalisation | Social Struggles | World

Is this a clear message from the UN on how the Blair Government and all other 'neoliberal' Governments across the world need to 'reform' the 'welfare-state' that does not violate millions of disabled peoples basic human rights. The current welfare reforms bill reforms is totally against UN anti-poverty message that 24 millions USA citizens have sent a resonding messages to their political leaders.

We now within CAWRB ( ) and Disabled People's and others movements all need to educate the UK citizens of how these Welfare Reforms bill proposals by Blairs Government will force disabled people into 'Poverty and Slavery' in the UK which is going against the grain and thinking of international social policy on eradicating poverty. See below...

New York, Oct 17 2006 4:00PM

See link:-

BUT, as we are all well aware this is not the first time Mr Blair's Government has ignored the UN, is it???


Colin Revell

Colin Revell
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Indymedia is suppressing posts by campagners against poverty states

19.10.2006 15:22

Why is this happening?

Is Indymedia UK now shared with agencies of the state that get to modify, moderate and suppress posts that raise questions about how the poverty states are causing poverty?


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