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Eastcroft Incinerator Expansion - WRG lodge Appeal

Jon Beresford | 15.10.2006 18:15

Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill (NAIL) has received a letter from Waste Recycling Group (WRG) announcing that they have lodged an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate, following the refusal of their planning application to expand Nottingham's Eastcroft incinerator. Click on the link below to view the letter;

We are all obviously very disappointed and angry that WRG in taking this approach, we believe that they should accept this democratic decision and not subject tax payers to an expensive legal challenge. WRG are attempting to use their power and financial might to overrule a democratic process. The people and political parties of Nottingham have clearly said NO and this has been reinforced by the Development and Control Committee decision last month. WRG now aim to force their plans on us, however we are determined more than ever to fight on.

Links: The letter about the appeal | Previous feature article on the matter

NAIL Campaigners today vowed to fight on following the announcement that WRG have lodged a appeal against Nottingham City Councils rejection of the proposed £50 million expansion of Eastcroft incinerator.

Last year Waste Recycling Group (WRG) submitted a planning application to expand their Nottingham household waste incinerator to increase its burning capacity to 250,000 tonnes a year.

WRG’s £50 million planning application was last month refused planning permission when councillors agreed with the planning officers recommendations that the plans did not fit in with the city’s aims for the development of the adjacent areas around the incinerator.

The protest group NAIL (Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill) have led the fight since the announcement in July 2005. Campaigners lobbied councillors and presented them with a 3000-signature petition, they held public meetings and carried out a series of protests aimed at WRG and the industry regulator the Environment Agency.

The group had initially celebrated the victory but are now considering their options.

NAIL spokesperson Jon Beresford said;

“The decision to refuse planning permission wads made on sound legal grounds and was part of a democratic process. The residents of Nottingham do not want to see further incineration and this is supported by all the main political parties, the Planning Officer and the Development Control committee.

WRG are attempting to use their financial mussel by subjecting the Nottingham City taxpayers to an expensive legal challenge to force this against the democratic will.

We have been overwhelmed with messages of support since the planning refusal. It is clear that our supporters want us to fight on and we intend to step up the campaign”.

Jon Beresford
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  1. No rest for the wonderful — taidghin