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The Blair Holocaust

Jim Bean | 12.10.2006 21:09

Nearly a million by now.

I killed
I killed

The Blair Holocaust.

Blair slaughters one in forty Iraqi people.


Civilians are being harmed by our presence in Iraq, not helped unless it is helpful to be slaughtered.

What are we doing and why? No one knows except the Israelis.

We are progressively subverting our legal obligations under the Geneva conventions.

If we don’t get out now there will be non one left to slaughter.

Jim Bean


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I'm an Israeli and i don't know

12.10.2006 22:52

Well actually i do know, but i know the same things you do, It's for money and oil and oppression as a goal by itself, It's in order to cause more terrorist attacks and farther the political control over the population, it's for propaganda and for immigration control, it's for this and much much more, but mostly it's about money and power.
BTW, as i already pointed out when you posted this an hour ago, Hitler actually only killed 6 million Jews, there were many others too, many many more.
but why compare, and if you want to compare genocides, why the holocaust in particular? Every genocide, in fact, every murder is horrendous in it's own right.

mail e-mail:

Don't forget the sanctions deaths.

12.10.2006 23:39

You could also add to that figure the million or so victims of the brutal sanctions regime of 1990 - 2003 which acording to UNICEF and others cost over a million lives, mostly children. Blair was PM during the last 6 years of the sanctions.
Apart from the deaths there is a huge refugee problem in Iraq. In a commons reply this summer International Development Secretary Hilary Benn said that the number of people internally displaced in Iraq is 1.3 million. Then add to that the numbers of refugees in Jordan and Syria and it all adds up to a catastrophe of the first order.
Bring the troops home now!
Paul O'Hanlon

Paul O'Hanlon
mail e-mail:

Oh you sicko

13.10.2006 08:26

That photograph contained an endorsement on the reverse 'my adventures in Poland' and was sent by the Einsatzgrupen killer to his father.

It is a major piece of Holocaust imagery and causes great upset to Jewish people in particular.

It is sickening that it is used to score political points by people who cannot ever comprehend the true horror of the Holocaust.

Further what do you mean 'only the Israelis know'? - perhaps we know the reason for all ills in the World - we have been blamed for everything from Aids to the Tsunamis - this of course is merely a modern day blood libel, such as the Jews have suffered since the middle ages.



13.10.2006 14:35



let's drop the holocaust references shall we

13.10.2006 15:00

I'm getting thoroughly bored by the easy but highly inaccurate use of the term Holocaust in relation to any mass murder/ killings. Again there is a reference to Israel which is just easy anti-Semitism and contributes nothing to the cause.

I've been appalled by the amount of anti-Semitism creeping into the anti-war movement. Not drawing a distinction between the Israelis state and 'Jews' is cheap, ignorant or gratuitously stupid. Using 'Holocaust' to make Jew-baiting or even Israeli-baiting comments is thick and crass... and not even that relevant in terms of Iraq.

I'm fed up of having pro-Palestine marches ruined by people in 'swastika' hoodies, carrying placards saying the Palestinians weren't responsible for the holocaust [duh - which proves what exactly?] or chants comparing Israel to Nazi Germany etc. etc.

When will we ever learn???


Rachel Feminista

Rachel speaks sense

14.10.2006 12:23

No-one can pretend that the war in Iraq was a good idea, but the anti-war movement's solidarity with organisiations such as Hezbollah and Hamas doesn't help its cause any.

Furthermore, I think you'll find that on a week-by-week basis, the majority of Iraqis who are killed - sunni, shia, indiscriminately - are being murdered by other Iraqis. Or (if you believe George Galloway) 'The Resistance movement'. Be careful from where you draw your allies.

mail e-mail:

Your Pound Your War

15.10.2006 16:45

Every Pound buys a bullet, every bullet someone's child.
Without Trade Union Money this government could not have got elected in the first place, £1 of your union subs goes straight to the Labour party every week, opt out and they pay it for you via the co_operative party.
Despite the genocide, the lies and the murder of those who spoke out, they still give them millions of your pounds every month and now they are about to give more to clear new labours debts, to get them re elected to continue the new world order oil Nazi crusade, all in your name, all with...
Your pound !
Your pound Your Bloody war
Hypocrites ?
