reflections on sack parliament
Concerned Anarchists | 11.10.2006 13:00 | SOCPA | Social Struggles | London
The main point of this post is to ask some questions about the tactics of the 'anti authoritarian' bloc in parliament square.
For those of you that wernt there, the bloc (comprising about 25 people) turned up and immediatley launched into the police lines. With consultation with other protesters, this could have been a (partial) sucess, but instead it was nothing more than a 30 second scuffle. The media scrum around the bloc outnumbered bloc participants, which some seemed pleased with, making lame attempts to block camera shots and saying 'no journos'. as the bloc was retreating, one member was overheard saying 'we just did it for the cameras'.
The blocs action resulted in the cops penning us in, exept for the anti-authoritarian bloc, most members of which disapeared, and were not seen for the rest of the day.
We are all for black blocs, anti-authoritarian and anarchist blocs (being anarchists ourselves), but the point of this one seemed dubious. As a group who are willing to confront police, we have always seen it as our responsibility to shield peaceful protesters from police brutality, but on the day, the bloc escalated the situation, then the majority left, leaving protesters who had not instigated the situtation penned in for several hours trying to force our way out, and defend against police attacks alone.
We are in favour of confronting the police, but believe that people who are going to do so are willing to bear the brunt of thier actions, not allow other people (many of whom did not intend to end up in a confrontational situation to pay the price of your actions.
We hope to see confrontational politics and anti-authoritarian blocs on demos in the future, and 100% agree with the need for confrontation and direct action, but next time we hope the bloc wont ditch fellow protesters (especially, as was mentioned earlier, that one of the stated aims of almost all confronational anarchist groups of recent times has been to defend non-confrontational activists from police brutality).
We hope to see you all soon at a much bigger and succesful action.
Concerned Anarchists
11.10.2006 14:27
For those at the demo...
11.10.2006 15:24
police powers
11.10.2006 17:39
the socpa act bans 'unauthorised' demonstrations, so in court, the police would have to prove without any reasonable doubt that you were actually a participant in such a demo and that you knew it was unauthorised.
if you were just walking towards the demo in the vicinity, the police have absolutely no power to move you away from the area, and most of them were briefed of that (one of the briefings was overheard). they also have no power to ask demand your name and address, even if they search you under 'stop and search' laws. so it's best to face them off and tell them that if they are sure you are committing a crime, then they should arrest you, otherwise they should step aside and allow you to continue your lawful business. try and get independent witnesses if the police continue to harrass you or impede your route, and make a complaint to the ipcc against their unlawful behaviour. it really is necessary to challenge them in this way.
they were telling a lot of lies that day, and were using brute force in legally indefensible actions. the worrying thing was that most people didn't challenge them. even journalists ended up giving names and addresses and getting reported under socpa - this is ludicrous and in the unlikely event it went to court on summons, they'd get off in an instant, but why go along with this harrassment and unlawful activity?
view from one person
11.10.2006 18:19
Firstly, yes, we did arrive masked up because we didn't want to be recognised and/or have our photos taken by the FIT team. We did try and get into the road which unfortunately wasn't very successful due to the huge numbers of police. I see nothing wrong with this. The demonstration was called to "Sack Parliament" with the purpose of stopping MPs getting to the opening of parliament. Given that the police are obviously going to try and stop people from doing this there was always going to be some level of confrontation.
After the initial push several of us chose to run back into Parliament Square to avoid being penned. There were also a number of people who actually shouted to let people know that a cordon was being formed and that people should move if they didn't want to get penned in. As stated, given that the aim of the demonstration was, in my understanding, was to stop parliament opening, these kind of police tactics were always likely.
The bloc wasn't brilliant by any stretch of the imagination and I was pissed off at the amount of posing for the press that went on. However I don't think it should be criticised for actually trying to do more than stand inside the Square.
I was arrested fairly early on so I don't know what happened with the bloc although I would guess that at least half ended up in the back of police vans. It's a bit churlish to blame an arrest on the actions of the group - after all it was an illegal demonstration - there was always the risk of arrest.
There were also training days that people could have gone to to learn more about public order policing. Critiqing the bloc is fair enough, but I think it'd also be nice if people had a bit more solidarity for a group of people who were actually trying to do something.
In terms of solidarity, I don't think solidarity means that you have to end up in a pen. Even on the fluffiest demonstrations everyone should constantly watch the policing, where lines are forming, where large groups of cops are suddenly moving. If I see this happening, I will shout it to let people know but I will not put myself in that pen having spotted it being about to happen.
On the bloc
11.10.2006 18:29
We were arrested outside of the FCO.
We're on bail till December 12th.
Thing is, the pigs never gave us any warnings. They just swooped as we were leaving.
Pig Pen
12.10.2006 01:28
With such little numbers it is not suprising the attempts to get to parliament failed, the cause was good, the action worthwhile, but apparently only a hundred or so people thought this. Sure it failed and turned into a media spectacle, but at least those that turned up tried.
short and sweet?
17.10.2006 15:29
matt black
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I remember a demo at:
11.10.2006 13:57
I saw one guy dressed up to look like he was out of clock work orange cum captain of the Navy, He had a megaphone and took charge of the protest group with it leading them into a trap which the police used to penn in the protesters.
Some idiot through a glass bottle and the cops charges in on them I was an observer there
and I saw from my view the cop drag out the guy who ste pup the group for the cops to 'manage' as though he was working for them and then they laid into the group once he had been removed to safety. Agent provocoteur by any chance?
a point to note
11.10.2006 14:38
11.10.2006 16:25
'They came with a plan and left when it was sensible to leave'. Maybe, but their plan was not a sensible one, and they left others to deal with the aftermath of an action they did, which to me is unfair. we are not in favour of only using peaceful means to achieve anarchy, but we are in favour of taking responsibilty for our actions (a central principle of anarchy), and showing solidarity with comrades in trouble (another central principal of anarchism), neither of which were displayed by the bloc on the day.
Yes, getting penned in sucked, and maybe we should have reacted to it sooner to avert the situation, but the individuals who caused the initial confronation had an obligation, on several levels, to stay and provide support to thoses penned in. We are not bitter about our court summons' or the time we had to spend in a pen defending against police incursions, but we are dedicated to living our lives, and conductiong our actions based on the principals of anarchism, something which we did not feel the bloc displayed on the day.
Solidarity forever! (A)
Concerned Anarchists
To Sledge
11.10.2006 17:43
They did it because.
11.10.2006 18:08
Alf Narkist
Was it worth it? Maybe not!
11.10.2006 23:08
Sad that we do not accept that protesting that we cannot protest is not the way to protest - lets get past this way of thinking.
One day someone will sadly die protesting in such an event like that and it may make him/her a martyr and it will continue to make people think that pushy protest is worth pushing.
However what if we were to make out points without protest - what would that look like. I do not recognise parliment, and cannot be there protesting when we foget that we can make things happen ourselves - nonviolently, though it may be costly - we can.
L Hoppstubbe M
L Hoppstubbe M
12.10.2006 09:14
and again, when the bearded guy got picked on by the cops why did so few actually act in solidarity and surround him? the same reason so many queued up and begged to be let out without thought for anyone else, i guess.
why come if you're aren't willing to push the boundaries a little? why not just stick to walking from A to B like you usually do?
A useful tip.
12.10.2006 11:27
Re: Curious
12.10.2006 12:45
The question from me is How many more times can people put up with being beaten like dogs by the Met at seemingly peaceful demos? I for one am still carrying wounds from Monday and do not intend to go quietly into the night, as the Met may well wish..
13.10.2006 07:57
After de-arresting someone I ran to the back of the square. However, when I saw the cordon, and people being dragged into it, I asked the police to put me in there too (they obliged). I really think voluntary solidarity should be a valued part of this kind of protest. Including asking the police to arrest you when the arrest others.
There was a wonderful moment when the police Supt tried to arrest the guy with the beard. And dozens of people shouted "I'm Spartacus" if we truly meant that we'd be stronger at the core of our being.
13.10.2006 10:22
14.10.2006 10:23
That aside, there are real physical size issues with people that young trying to push through police lines, especially when the pigs are trained up for violent situations. There are physical issues with people of any age trying to push through police lines. It's worth noting that the police really do have the monopoly on brute force here. In view of this, frontal assaults are pretty futile. I don't think any such frontal assault really happened on the day. I don't think I saw any violence except by the police (bearing in mind that I don't believe walking a banner towards police lines and getting beaten back is violence - it seems to me about as non-violent a form of confrontation as could be taken up, and anything less would just be sitting around all day being easily ignored).
In numbers like were there on the 9th, we do (at least those of us who're sufficiently able-bodied) have the advantage of being able, when we really try at it instead of sitting around waiting for something to happen, to move around at speed, to change direction, and in general provide a remarkably difficult target for the police to pin down, leading them on a bit of cat and mouse. Or we have the ability to martyr ourselves to make a point - walking into police lines, getting beaten and keeping going until something gives. Both of these tactics hold their downsides. Running the cops around on a bit of a chase tends to get a few less people arrested but makes it remarkably difficult to concentrate a targetted action. Walking into police lines and remaining peaceful* makes the point in a more socially acceptable manner, but gets your head kicked in and not a lot of people are up for having that happen.
I think we really do have to consider what practical options we have again before doing something like this rather getting lost without a plan, or only making half-hearted attempts at pushing the police line (and stepping back when they start shouting "get back"...) and going away disheartened.
(For what it's worth, I'm not an advocate of pacifism, but I do believe in playing to our strengths, and overt acts of violence aren't one of those)
Nowun Inparticlar
Stopping Paliament
17.10.2006 10:46
How do you think the Police were going to react to this threat? A softly softly approach to policing the event when there was a significant propensity for the 'democratic' (i use this term loosely, as I do sympathise with your cause to a degree) course of this country to be disrupted!? Get real. Are you people mad? I do not condone the excessive controls imposed and accusations of police violence at all, but with a potential threat to parliament what do you expect. Unfortunately I was not able to attend this demo as I was away with work so I am only going on what was covered on this website and friends who were there.
Violence breeds violence and the Police will always win; and will detract from the impact of the demo. everyone knows this. Try to organise more constructive protests in the future to stop alienating moderate supporters of the cause and future sabotages by the Police. Look how well the drax power station demo went when there was a little give from both sides - extensive and positive media coverage for a very worthy cause that has no doubt attracted many more people to support the cause and through the lack of violence, has sown the seeds for change in the future...
Stay Happy,
short and sweet?
17.10.2006 14:44
matt black
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