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David Duke Responds to Statement by Walt and Mearsheimer

Rep. David Duke PHD | 11.10.2006 12:08 | Globalisation | World

In this article Dr. David Duke responds to a quote by Dr. Stephen Walt, co-author of the Walt and Mearsheimer paper on Israel and US Policy published by the Harvard School of Government -

To My Fellow Academics, Walt and Mearsheimer:
Act Like Real Men!
Stop Cowering to the Jewish Supremacists!
By Dr. David DukeDownload MP3

In a recent article entitled “The Usual Suspects, Academics confront anti-Semitic accusations,” Dr. Stephen Walt (co-author of the Harvard paper Israel and U.S. Foreign Policy) was interviewed by Louis Godfrey in the Salt Lake City Weekly. The article purports to distinguish between “fair-minded” academics and quote, “conspiracy theorists including former presidential candidate ….David Duke.” Unfortunately, Dr. Walt is quoted in the article as saying,
On this point, Walt can hardly hide the bitterness in his voice. “Dr. Mearsheimer and I abhor that someone like David Duke would use our scholarship to advance his agenda,” he says.
Such statements demand a response from me.
First, I am no “conspiracy theorist.” I don’t conjure any images of Jewish or any other kind of conspiracies; I simply talk about the realities of Jewish extremist power in media and government that has led America to support the criminal actions of Israel and to wage the disastrous Iraq War. Conspiracy is one of the words constantly used by our opponents to discredit us. I don’t use the word and have never used it.
The fact is that there is no truly hidden conspiracy. The pursuit of their Israeli agenda by powerful Jewish extremists in America is an obvious fact of life. It is brazen. Who were the advocates of the Iraq War? Who are they that want to compound the disaster of the Iraq War with a new and bigger war with Iran?
Answer, the Neocons, a group of radical Israeli partisans who are overwhelmingly led by Jewish extremists such as Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, David Wurmser, Douglas Feith, William Kristol, Scooter Libby, Elliot Abrams and a continuing list that looks like the guest list at a Bar Mitzvah.
Years before the Iraq War, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, David Wurmser and other American Neocons actually wrote a paper for the Israeli Government urging war against Iraq, Syria and Iran as critical to Israel’s agenda. (A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm). These are the very same Neoconservatives who lied us into the Iraq War. You can’t get more brazen and obvious than that. Neo-conservatism itself is a movement that was founded by an extreme pro-Israel radical and former Trotskyite, Leo Strauss. If I am to be labeled a conspiracy theorist than Walt and Mearsheimer must be labeled likewise, for they have precisely repeated all my arguments.
Almost every time my name is mentioned in the press it is accompanied by monikers such anti-Semite, racist, neo-Nazi, Klansman, fascist and other terms of derision. Even though my association was 30 years ago, the way it is always used as a prefix on my name, it probably should be added to my birth certificate. If there was any real fairness in the press, my correct title would be Representative David Duke, as I was a former member of the House of Representatives in Louisiana long after my prior affiliation. If the ever-present use of the term is appropriate than why is Sen. Robert Byrd not given the prefix of “former Klansman” in every news article, though indeed he was. Rep. Bobby Rush was not always referred to as “former Black Panther Bobby Rush.” Teddy Kennedy is not routinely referred to as “hero of Chappaquiddick,” A current news article Ariel Sharon does not preface him as “the man known as butcher of Beirut” or “the man responsible for the Sabre and Shatila massacre.” In fact, why are most Israeli Prime ministers such as Begin, Shamir and others not labelled “former terrorists,” which assuredly they are. The President is not introduced as “former Alcoholic” or “former cokehead” George Bush.
Need I go further?
So, why the double-standard? It is, of course, because over the past thirty years I have been one of the outstanding researchers, writers and spokesmen in the world against the dangers of Jewish extremism. It also because of my successful political races for high office where I garnered more than 60 percent of the European American vote, a level of support that made organized Jewish power frantic with fear and hatred and made them determined to besmirch my name and lessen my support.
It is not my past that that causes this reaction. If I would have sold out and become a politician that unquestionably supports Israel, my past would be a footnote not a headline. In depth profiles of me would read how great it is that David Duke has overcome his past, and we would all read stories of redemption of this righteous Gentile.
Dr. Norman Finkelstein shows this clearly when he was interviewed by Amy Goodman on the Democracy Now program. He gave a series of examples of men who are perceived to have done anti-Semitic things but who have become praised and even given Jewish awards if they come to support Israel, He pointed out Reagan’s Bitburg cemetery speech where he said that the Nazi SS soldiers were victims just as much as the Jews, and then given awards by ADL leader Abe Foxman, and then he talked about Italian Prime Minster Berlusconi’s praise of Mussolini.

NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: the president (premier) of Italy, gave this speech praising Mussolini and saying all the charges against Mussolini were false, he was basically a good guy… remember, Mussolini passed the Anti-Semitic Laws, at the end of his regime, sent Jews to their death…the ADL, Anti-Defamation League, Abraham Foxman, who is now accusing Amnesty of borderline anti-Semitism, they gave him the distinguished Statesman of the Year Award, had a big gala for him… Why is the ADL giving this guy an award? Well, the answer was simple. Because at that point, he was the only European leader who was very pro — he was very pro-Israel. They don’t care about Holocaust denial. They have no interest in it.
As to the quote about me by Dr. Stephen Walt, where he says that he abhors that I would use his scholarship for my agenda, I don’t know if the quote is authentic or not, but the allegation is certainly the very opposite of truth.
Stephen Walt is like a guy stopped by the police for speeding screaming that the guy ahead of him was going even faster. It’s as if Walt is saying, “I am not an anti-Semite, David Duke is the anti-Semite! I am a good guy; I am not like David Duke!”
Although the basic criticisms of the Jewish critics of Walt and Mearsheimer were false, and although ad hominem attacks on the paper by arguing that “bad people” such as David Duke say the same thing is an academically bankrupt argument, Jewish critics did correctly point out that every core thesis expounded by “Israel and U.S. Foreign Policy,” has been researched, documented, written about and spoken about by me for many years.
The core principles of the Walt and Mearsheimer’s paper are:
1) There is an extremely powerful, radically pro-Israel power inside the government and media of the United States.2) That this power is organized by many powerful Jewish groups and has allies among some Gentiles and some evangelical groups.3) That this power has influenced American foreign policy to support the criminal actions of Israel.4) That support of Israel and its agenda has harmed the strategic and other interests of the American people.5) That it has made America a target of terrorism6) That it had a leading role in America going to war in Iraq for the strategic interests of Israel while damaging the interests of America
Decades before publication of Walt and Mearsheimer’s Harvard paper, I warned that the Israeli support created by Jewish extremist power in the government of the United States and in the media were harming American vital interests in the Mideast and elsewhere.
Long before the carnage of 9/11, I warned that American policy in supporting Israel would spur terrorist activity against Americans and come at a terrible cost of American lives, economic expenditure, and security.
Even before the arrest and conviction of Israeli master spy, Jonathan Pollard, I warned relentlessly about the danger of Israeli spies and fifth columnists in the American government.
Long before the start of the Iraq War I warned that the Jewish extremist Neocons were leading us into a war for Israel in Iraq, a war that would cause devastating harm to both the United States and to the people of Iraq. I repeatedly warned that Saddam’s supposed weapons of mass destruction were media lies of mass deception. I warned that the war would only increase hatred and terrorism against the United States rather than diminish it. The fact that I repeatedly made these specific warnings is documented.
Long before Walt and Mearsheimer spoke out — I warned of the obvious danger inherent in having the most powerful lobby in the American congress being subservient to a foreign nation.
No matter how much I might admire these two academics for finally finding the nerve to stand up and state these truths, I will not let their slanders of me go unanswered. It is enough for me to be attacked, smeared, belittled, marginalized almost every day of my adult life by the same press that unfairly now labels Walt and Mearsheimer with the same false label they used on me for years: “anti-Semite.” For them to join the Jewish criticism of me in hopes that by attacking me they will earn a pass by the same Jewish extremists is treacherous to say the least.
I will not remain quiet while they say that they “abhor” me using their scholarship to advance my agenda. If anything, they have adopted many of my ideas and much of my research for their own thesis which is remarkably close to my own and written long after my own.
While Walt and Mearsheimer have sat in their academic ivory towers of prestige and financial reward, I labored relentlessly for years exposing the Jewish extremists who were subverting American media and government.
While they kept their mouths shut for years in fear of Jewish power, I researched, wrote, published and spoke out again and again.
Long before they were labeled as anti-Semites by the Jewish extremists, I have been physically attacked by mobs of raging Jewish radicals, accused of every possible impropriety and endured relentless personal slander in the Jewish-dominated and influenced press.
I was the victim of perhaps the most vicious and expensive political campaign of filth and slander in American history when I came very close to the portals of the US Senate and the governorship of Louisiana.
I am not an unknown person. The Jewish groups that Walt and Mearsheimer have studied have made great public efforts against my scholarship and positions. Is there any doubt that Walt and Mearsheimer have read much of my material on these matters? They surely have benefited in their own understanding of the problem from my academic research and numerous citations, footnotes and references. And, many other writers have taken my references and used them all over the world. Any google search on any of the key words and phrases contained in their paper will find thousands of references to my own, long-published writings on these matters.
Saying that I have used Walt and Mearsheimer’s scholarship to advance my agenda is the precise opposite of reality. I beg the good Professor’s pardon. Whose scholarship on these issues came first?
I have never desired or asked for Walt or Mearsheimer to publicly acknowledge my contributions to this issue. If they think they can be more effective by not mentioning me and my work, I have no problem with that. I am content that our mutual Jewish extremist opponents and many other academics around the world know that the Harvard School of Government have adopted my positions and not the other way around.
But, I have a big problem with Walt and Mearsheimer trying to wash their hands of the Jewish-extremists slanders against them by joining the Alan Dershowitz’s of the world in attacking me, for I a man who has simply told the truth about the dangers of Jewish extremist power for years.
I have never attacked all Jews. I have frequently praised courageous Jews such as Israel Shahak, Seymour Hersh, Philip Weiss, Israel Shamir and Norman Finklestein. Just as Walt and Mearsheimer wrote in their paper, I have often argued that Jewish extremists end up damaging the Jewish community at large as well as the Gentile community. You will find that precise sentiment in my book, Jewish Supremacism.
I am no anti-Semite, racist, or supremacist but a man who has endured those kinds of attacks simply because I have stood up for years and told the same truths that Walt and Mearsheimer are now finally beginning to express. When you expose Jewish racism they call you a racist. When you expose Jewish supremacism they call you a supremacist. When you attack Jewish extremism they call you an extremist, and when you attack elements of hateful Jewish anti-Gentilism, they call you an anti-Semite. When you simply quote the supremacist words of Jewish leaders they call you an anti-Semite.
Until the opponents of Jewish extremism stop playing the game according to the rules laid down by our enemies, we will never succeed in our struggle to free the American government and media from their nefarious grip. They are leading America and the world to hatred, war, death, and economic apocalypse.
Those of us who tell the truth on this matter will be demonized by those who are the real demons of war and hatred. What kind of evil, for instance, would defend a regime that spread millions of cluster bombs across southern Lebanon, explosives that kill and maim innocent children every day. The children of Lebanon will continue to do reap this gruesome harvest for years to come?
Yet, even though I have never hurt a living soul in my life, I am demonized by the press, and now Walt and Mearsheimer face it too.
I plead with Walt and Mearsheimer, you who are new to this effort for our freedom: don’t let yourself be manipulated by the same Jewish extremist power that you oppose.
The struggle against the Jewish extremists is truly a great struggle for the independence of America. The idea that the American nation and American foreign policy should not be controlled by a foreign nation or foreign interests is the very founding principle of America as expressed in the Declaration of Independence.
At the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Benjamin Franklin said, “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”
Walt and Mearsheimer, I can’t stop you from joining in the Jewish character-lynching against me. Aren’t they doing the same thing against you?
You have finally stood up and told the truth on these vital issues. I applaud you for that. I urge you not to pander to one iota of their character assassination against me or anyone else. It won’t buy you one bit of comfort or security, it will only strengthen the enemies of peace and freedom.
David Duke

Rep. David Duke PHD
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