Eddy Morrison Back From Retirement!!!
Antifascist | 10.10.2006 16:48 | Anti-racism
Antifascists will hardly be surprised to hear that veteran Leeds Nazi Eddy Morrison was back from his latest (the last in a long line) retirement faster than he'd fall from his Bramley tower block. Morrison, last seen squealing on a Leeds pavement, retired shortly after standing in the local elections, when he was caught cheating, got a pitifully small vote, and didn't even turn up for the count. After his usual tearful 'farewell', the old fascist was soon back peddling demented and hate-fuelled ideas. Usually, this downmarket tin-pot fuhrer can be relied upon to found some new Hitlerite sect to "unite the Right" and prop him up financially, but currently it is not his chairmanship of a 'new' Nazi group that should concern antiracists, but his chairmanship of local Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
Morrison has been on the bottle for years, even selling information (including the addresses of his own 'comrades') to Leeds Antifa, Special Branch, and 'Searchlight' in return for beer-money, and he has plundered the coffers of whatever Nazi outfit he has ever held the reigns of. He was drinking until very recently, and when his fascist pals finally called "Time", turned to a series of insuarance scams to fund his lifestyle. This alone would seem to make Morrison an inappropriate choice to chair an AA meeting. But Morrison is a vicious and ruthless racist, arrested this very year for racially abusing his asylum-seeker neighbour, and with a long string of convictions for racist violence. He is considered dishonest and trustworthy even by his fellow Nazis and has abused every position he has ever held; he is already using AA meetings to peddle his racist views.
Alcoholism is something that affects people of all colours, cultures, and religions, and it is entirely inappropriate that those who attend AA meetings should have to deal with a veteran Nazi like Eddy Morrison, whose involvement in British fascist politics could hardly be better documented. Whether drinking or not, the vile racist views of Morrison are unlikely to change, and he should not be able to abuse yet another position. Please help to make Alcoholics Anonymous aware of this Nazi scumbag.
Alcoholics Anonymous,
PO Box 1,
Stonebow House,
York YO1 7NJ.
Tel. 01904 644026
Morrison has been on the bottle for years, even selling information (including the addresses of his own 'comrades') to Leeds Antifa, Special Branch, and 'Searchlight' in return for beer-money, and he has plundered the coffers of whatever Nazi outfit he has ever held the reigns of. He was drinking until very recently, and when his fascist pals finally called "Time", turned to a series of insuarance scams to fund his lifestyle. This alone would seem to make Morrison an inappropriate choice to chair an AA meeting. But Morrison is a vicious and ruthless racist, arrested this very year for racially abusing his asylum-seeker neighbour, and with a long string of convictions for racist violence. He is considered dishonest and trustworthy even by his fellow Nazis and has abused every position he has ever held; he is already using AA meetings to peddle his racist views.
Alcoholism is something that affects people of all colours, cultures, and religions, and it is entirely inappropriate that those who attend AA meetings should have to deal with a veteran Nazi like Eddy Morrison, whose involvement in British fascist politics could hardly be better documented. Whether drinking or not, the vile racist views of Morrison are unlikely to change, and he should not be able to abuse yet another position. Please help to make Alcoholics Anonymous aware of this Nazi scumbag.
Alcoholics Anonymous,
PO Box 1,
Stonebow House,
York YO1 7NJ.
Tel. 01904 644026
Hide the following 58 comments
Re Eddy Morrison
10.10.2006 20:36
"ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. "
Alcoholism crosses all boundaries, real or imaginery, natural or man-made. And recovery from alcoholism does likewise. I am an alcoholic, and I have seen Eddy Morrison at an AA meeting on quite a few occasions. Never once have I heard him mention his politics. Nor have I seen or heard him pass any racial remark. To imply otherwise is for the writer of this post to display total ignorance of the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous.
If he/she or anyone else contacts AA's HQ at York I'm afraid their complaint will be met with indifference. AA has no outside opinions, therefore the politics of Mr Morrison and, indeed, anyone else are of no consequence to Alcoholics Anonymous.
Let Mr Morrison get on with his recovery, or do you believe only those of your particular political views are entitled to that?
10.10.2006 22:21
AA's Christianity
10.10.2006 22:37
Morrison's recovery??!!!
10.10.2006 22:39
Toy-Town Nazi Morrison
10.10.2006 22:53
"Name: Wolff88
From: UK
Sent: 17:19 GMT on 9 October
Topic: Zionist YouTube R&R
Just had my YouTube account deleted, for uploading videos with so called inappropriate content. Most of my videos were of film footage of Hitler and various Nazi rallies, with some videos courtesy of Anaskin. These Zionists actually fear us and our beliefs, how far will they go to shut us up, and why am I still amazed at the level of Zionist control? The morons at YouTube are a bunch of spineless parasites!
88 R&R"
What a joke you are Morrison. And a liar.
Thick as shit far right scum
11.10.2006 01:17
Someone please educate these scum about history!
Red warrior
11.10.2006 07:59
You've forgotten...
11.10.2006 08:45
Celtic Leaguer
Interesting statistics...
11.10.2006 11:12
This is the line I like - 'Most users ever online was 6...'
Must be the master-race gathering for the assault on parliament.
Lancaster UAF
BPP Forum Statistics
11.10.2006 12:46
Red N Black
11.10.2006 13:10
Morrison's Blog
11.10.2006 13:32
11.10.2006 14:08
Liked this: "I am currently National Political Advisor to the British People's Party " (translation: "My idiot mate Kevin Watmough is incapable even of my derisory efforts on the BPP site so is helping me pay off my offie bill.")
11.10.2006 14:19
Lack of bottle?
11.10.2006 14:39
Eddy's Blog
11.10.2006 15:04
AA and politics
11.10.2006 18:41
This thread is therefore a bit tacky and really quite irrelevant. Attack the BPP for their policies which I find obnoxious but personal stuff of this nature just brings Indymedia down to their level.
Recovering AA member
11.10.2006 19:24
11.10.2006 19:49
He IS abusing that position.
And he HAS been challenged.
As to whether or not he desires to stop drinking, that remains to be seen, he hardly has a good track record. He's a liar, a racist, and has abused every position he's ever held, so who cares if HE recovers or not?
poor eddy.leave the man alone
11.10.2006 21:20
concerned of gipton
Morrison's blog
12.10.2006 01:07
He does mention Indymedia a lot though. :-)
Lancaster UAF
12.10.2006 08:39
Between you and me
12.10.2006 21:58
It would seem that Wood is now in possession of something very dear to Morrisson's heart and it isn't a bottle of brandy!
Ear to the ground
13.10.2006 00:18
wondering how they could cross to the other side. One of them stumbled over an
old bottle and he bent down, picked it up and opened it.
Suddenly a genie appeared..."Thanks lads," he said, "I owe you one; how can I
help you?"
One of the men explained their predicament in trying to cross the river.
"No problem," answered the genie, "You can have a wish each to help you on your
way." With that, he left.
The first one said "I wish I could swim strongly enough to beat the current and get
to the other side." He jumped into the rushing waters and was soon safely on the
opposite bank.
The second man said "I wish I had a sharp axe so that I could chop down a tree,
hollow it out and cut a couple of oars from the branches." Suddenly he found an axe
in his hand. He worked quickly and soon had a dug-out canoe which he got into and
paddled it across the river.
The last fellow said "I wish that I could join the BNP instead of this shower.” He turned round and walked over the bridge!
From Eddy's blog:
13.10.2006 10:42
Interesting stuff in my mail box from the Hibernian exposing Indymedia's carryings on. As I am a popular hate figure there I thought I might as well reproduce it. makes VERY interesting reading!
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 8:07 AM
Subject: The Hibernian - Indymedia - Lenin`s useless eejits
Indymedia - Lenin's useless eejits
Searchlight is an English magazine with pronounced Marxist leanings.
In its August 2006 edition, Searchlight carried an article excoriating The Hibernian and effectively slandering the editor of this magazine. The article was penned by one Scott Millar, an individual who until recently worked as a journalist with The Sunday Times, but is rumoured to have left under strange circumstances.
In the course of his fulmination Millar made reference to the "Searchlight interview", thereby giving the impression that The Hibernian had somehow cooperated with his concoction. No such interview with Searchlight ever took place. On that basis alone, most sensible people would dismiss the article, along with its lies, smear and innuendo, for the fabrication that it was. However the term "sensible" is not readily applied to the circles in which Mr Millar appears to mix.
Using the fabricated article based on the interview that never was, a number of individuals embarked upon a vicious hate campaign, attacking The Hibernian and members of our staff in certain internet chat-room forums around the world.
Thanks to information provided by members of Irish-American organisations as well as our many supporters here in Ireland, The Hibernian has been able to establish the identities of those behind this campaign. They all share a common hatred for the Catholic Faith and a contempt for Irish Patriotism worthy of any sneaky British double-agent. They preen and pride themselves on being left-wing revolutionaries and anarchists. In reality, they are middle-class mammy's boy marxists who would run a mile from the nearest barricade in the event of a real shooting war starting. A strong homosexual undercurrent is evident in these circles furthermore.
In the United States, for example, one individual who assiduously promoted Millar's fabrication is an Irish immigrant associated with the Irish Lesbian and Gay Organisation (ILGO). Many of our American readers will recall that for years ILGO disrupted the St Patrick's Day Parade in New York because the organisers of the Catholic march, in honour of Ireland's Patron Saint, would not permit them to parade as a group given that such would undermine the Catholic ethos of the event. In support of ILGO's campaign, homosexual activists perpetrated an outrage during a Mass in Manhattan's St Patrick's Cathedral in the early 1990s.
This occurred when the activists mingled with worshippers in order to receive Holy Communion. Amid a major commotion, a number of them spat the Hosts they'd received from their mouths onto the ground whereupon they were desecrated. The late John Cardinal O'Connor was obliged to reconsecrate St Patrick's following the incident and for weeks afterwards members drawn from Divisions of the Ancient Order of Hibernians in New York stood guard at the Cathedral during Mass in order to prevent a repeat of the outrage.
The chief conduit for Millar's piece in Ireland, meanwhile, has been Indymedia, an on-line forum that excels in hysteria, smear and outlandish inaccuracy. In the spirit of pure fascism that only intolerant "liberals" can display, the small band of contributors to Indymedia specialise in hurling abuse at those who do not share their narrow political perspective and childish view of life. They tend to hide behind rather unimaginative pseudonyms; though to no avail. Some present a rather pathetic picture, like the sad character who masquerades behind the designation FTA69. Na� and hopelessly ill-informed, the folks at Indymedia appear to have been suckered by Millar into the belief that there is a plot to take over the organisation of the Ancient Order of Hibernians in Ireland. No such conspiracy exists and the President and Officers of the AOH Board of Erin enjoy the full support of all Hibernian Divisions throughout the country. They can also rely upon the goodwill of this magazine, although it is not officially connected to the organisation.
One of those closely associated with Indymedia is a chum of Millar's who goes by the name of Chekov Feeney. When he's not trying to organise anarchists, an unenviable task that pushes the term oxymoron to the limit, Feeney writes as a journalist for a Dublin-based magazine.
Rumour has it, meanwhile, that the Scotchman Millar is working on a book. One can only presume that it will be categorised as a work of fiction.
So there we have it; a disgruntled Scottish journalist runs to an English magazine with a fabricated story designed to undermine The Hibernian and create discord within the AOH; while attempting to malign Irish Catholicism and Nationalism in the process. His chums amongst the armchair revolutionary brigade slither into action and spread calumny on the internet on the basis of the fabrication. In the past these clowns have relied on such tactics to intimidate people who wished to defend Irish Catholic Patriotism. It won't work this time. Those associated with The Hibernian are made of much sterner stuff than anything these jokers are ever likely to encounter. Unprovoked attacks will not deter us.
Following the Masonic-inspired "revolution" in Russia in 1917, an event that some in Indymedia aspire to bring about in Ireland, Lenin contemptuously referred to those foreign liberal journalists who enthusiastically supported his satanic agenda as "useful idiots". In the case of Indymedia, et al, he would certainly be half right.
The BPP - A one-man-band
14.10.2006 13:49
FAO Ear to the ground
15.10.2006 15:42
If Wood had any brains at all, he would steer clear of those BOFFINS from the British Losers Party.
Watcher on the fence
15.10.2006 23:09
Itz a shame Mrs White does not feel the same.
tin pot
watcher on the fence
16.10.2006 11:03
In D'Media
16.10.2006 13:12
Utterly wrong
16.10.2006 22:47
He ain't
16.10.2006 22:49
17.10.2006 17:03
The only person she would ever hand it over to is Richard Edmonds, who (like JT,) has an even lower opinion of either of the clowns.
As for the earlier posting by "Tin Pot", his use of the Z easilt gives him away to be the gormless, convicted child abuser from Saltdean.
The Real "Tin Pot"
Tommy Williams AKA Sniper 69
17.10.2006 18:03
Tommy Williams as portrayed by his new best friend Peter 'Sid' Williamson
You must mean that loud-mouthed imbecile; Tommy Williams of Sheffield. Running a second-rate blog-page seems to have given the back-stabbing coward delusions of grandeur. I doubt anyone will forget the way he filled his underwear when, after threatening violence for weeks, the loathsome Williams finally came belly to belly with the Saltdean Sofa Soaker, Sid Williamson. Williams now says the two of them "got on famously", which says a lot about both of them: Gutless, clueless, and equally ridiculous!
Tommy Clubfoot
17.10.2006 18:19
Williams - The Great Pretender
This probably means that Tommy will be round at Watmough's sniffing glue with him before the month is out! That "man" (I use the term "man" very loosely) issues threats like Robert Maxwell issued libel writs, but history will record him as a pitiful coward and a nobody, who has contributed nothing whatsoever to the cause he claims to espouse (and I'm not talking about 'Rock Against Racism'!)
Gob-shite Tommy
17.10.2006 22:26
Bullshit Detector
It's lonely being a "Vulcan"
17.10.2006 23:58
Stick to flogging your missus for a quid in the back of an old van.
p.s. Tyndall said "He is the lowest of the low, but we must soldier on" in reference to you..
Valerie also told John Morse, "I send Marina away when the filthy, stinking git comes crawling."
18.10.2006 10:37
Morrison Blog
18.10.2006 10:49
Long time ago...
19.10.2006 01:50
I don't believe Wood has met Mrs Tyndall socially, why would he?
Out of the past
19.10.2006 17:21
Sniper69 - What a coward!
20.10.2006 14:21
Blueberry Muffin
We are not HATERS
20.10.2006 19:55
It is those who espouse multi-culturialism who are the haters, they hate 'White British' culture and seek to destroy it through their false diversity argument, which is fatally and inevitably flawed, you knew that when you began the debate though didn't you boy's.
Diversity DESTROYS Diversity end of story.
Not Haters!
20.10.2006 20:38
"FAO: John Griff Wood
& Fellow Perverts
a.k.a Mentor (stormfront)
Heres some advice you vile little pervert
I'm getting bored of your posts on Indymedia that you make under several names. If you are not attacking me you are grassing on someone.
I do not post nor ever have posted on what seems to be the only website that allows your chuntering (Stormfront seems to lock your threads) Indymedia. Now I find out that you are still at it. If you want to play your pathetic and childish internet games so be it and as you are fully aware the police are monitoring posts on there and collecting so called 'nationalists' IP's etc for an issue that YOU are fully aware of after YOU went to the police complaining that people from the BPP and various other orgs were posting shit about you and strangely you seem to continue your vindictive crusade so the big question is, why?
I also know that it was YOU who sent the letter to Searchlies regarding a mutual comrade of ours ('ours' does not include you but those of various orgs) because that said letter was addressed to YOU. Although I have no interest in people like Kevin Watmough or indeed Eddy Morrison I know that it was neither of them and always have. This was your first attempt at stirring the pot after YOU had a complaint of sexual harrassment against you for by a female member of the NATIONALIST ALLIANCE who was so upset by the incident she almost gave up entirely due to stress and as history shows you were expelled from the NA then attached yourself to the BPP who inturn expelled you because of your perverted ways, and what does that tell you about yourself when even the BPP feel the need to get shut of you?
Again you tried your luck by causing trouble with a comrade from the South Coast who...if I remember correctly you invited me out on the pretence of a drink and a chat to 'resolve issues' a few months back then offered me money to physically attack the said comrade, which ofcourse I refused to take any part of, which again pissed you off so you carried on with other schemes to disrupt matters between folk, including the said South Coast comrade. And its well documented how you were livid at the fact both myself and that comrade met up....and got on famously....calling him all the time hoping that the battles that your PERVERTED little self didn't have the bottle to fight when we all recently met up at the RWB.
Get this one. You were even put in yer place by known homosexual Martin Webster when you sent one of your moronic emails to him and he replied saying something along the lines of 'I've been in nationalism all these years but I've never heard of you' which really fucked you off didn't it because you were made out to be a laughing stock, not only were you sent packing but you had been shown up by a fat poof.
So quit the bullshit you obnoxious little man (I use the term 'man' very loosely). You are a bitter and twisted individual and as we all know after your operation you are also bollockless.....yep.....(done to the tune of Colonel Bogey)....."Woody, he hasn't got no balls". Why don't you go for the sympathy vote by putting the details about the removal of yer testicals on your stupid blog page or don't you like to talk about it? You have no balls......QUITE LITERALLY, maybe thats why you have such an annoying high pitched voice?
So I suggest you quit blaming me fer everything or how about I nip round your house ten minutes from me and you can tell me this to my face you sick old perv before things get alot lot worse as more details about who and what you are emerges. There is however no doubting that you are indeed a sexual prowler with a passion for young girls and if you want to take legal action (as you always threaten when someone turns round and gives you some back)....BRING IT ON YOU SICK LITTLE FUCK. And that goes for your troll friend Chantelle Hall from Bedford....why don't you tell the world what you told me about how she hit her kid in the ear so hard it deafened him? Or how she talks dirty to you in exchange for money.....its going on £500 now you told me you sent her isn't it......maybe you should have thought twice about confiding in me when you told me all about it John?
You have to be the saddest twat I've ever had the mis-fortune to meet you wart faced freak, even John Tyndall was "embarressed" when he heard you were turning up with your third rate speeches.
People will remember you John, they will remember you as,
RABBI WOODSTEIN...the bollockless.....short, fat, no mark, grassing pervert "
Bramley Red
Not many people know this
20.10.2006 21:12
He married a young girl while he still had a wife. This can be checked
Bramley Red
20.10.2006 21:16
Bloody marvellous, can't get enough of Proudhon and Bakunin, read it all day long.
Vive La Anarchie
20.10.2006 21:41
I'll understand if you cannot, after all it is the truth, diversity does destroy individualism, the anarchists should support us.
We fight for individuality, multi-culturism is nothing but a subterfuge, the reds wish to destroy all that is individual..
22.10.2006 20:59
Why talk?
22.10.2006 21:14
Antifa know where they live
Why not take them out?
thats the way of real revolutionaries.
everything else is cheap talk.
And Thor - the world moved on a while ago. Sorry to leave you behind my friend.
22.10.2006 22:33
Moving on
22.10.2006 23:16
They would literally step right over me and my other unemployed comrades to get the jobs, jobs which are our birthright, by rights those jobs are ours, the British people's.
Time moves on but unemployment is perpetual for some of us, and the unions don't give a fuck either, they should be fighting immigration, for the sake of us the British workforce, no-way is immigration and an excess of labour good for the workers, wages will fall or remain static and the chances of getting a job become much less, I know this by unfortunate experience.
The unions are betraying the working class of this country and so is every antifa activist who lifts a finger to help the foreign workers, fuck internationalist Socialism, I don't want to pay the price for a Socialist multi culti eutopia, I want what my forefathers fought for, a decent job, with a decent rate of pay, and a future for my children..
A Photo That Says It All
24.10.2006 07:30
24.10.2006 07:40
JT's face says it all
24.10.2006 09:07
How Wood's old mates see him now
"This chap stinks. I bet when I'm dead he keep getting this photo out of me at my lowest political eb, to try and portray himself as having been close to me. I hope my daughter is not around."
Tin Pot
24.10.2006 10:25
24.10.2006 10:41
Eddy says:
31.10.2006 18:24
Away with the fairies more like!
Quick to judge others but never yourselves.
29.01.2007 18:02
Firstly I would like to state that alcholism is indeed as you put it
"something that affects people of all colours, cultures, and religions" including those with political views opposed to your own. The right to get help for this dibilitating desease should not extend only to those you think worthy, by placing exlusions onto those with alternative views you are no better then the bigots you choose to persicute.
Secondly you ability to recognise alcholism as a desease that is very hurtful and damaging to alcholics and the families of alcholics could be commendable, yet you use this desease as a point of mockery within this article and the comments associated with it, you should be digusted at your own hypocracy.
You present this article as fact but most of your points are unjustified or wrong. I have read the comments left by both left and right wing supporters and i see no difference in your approch. Your basic principles my be far from one and other but your actions couldn't be closer. It is obviouse that you encourage violence towards those you see as your enemies, you use ill researched propoganda in the same way as your enemies, you fight for equality and respect but only to those you approve off.
You deal in rumor and hate mongoring, you are no better than those you hate, perhaps your are worse as you wrap your hate in a liberal vail. There are those of us who do believe in equality for all and the end of racism, yet still see through this vail to the evil that you are.
You will never do any good for the world with this approch, give up.