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War is bad for your health

Green Man | 09.10.2006 14:47 | Lebanon War 2006 | Anti-militarism | Culture | Repression

Do you feel bombarded by conspiracy theories? Does the thought of an imminent war in Iran make you reach for the chocolate? The Media's war on terror is sabotaging your security in the name of war, but there is something you can do about it....

As the Global Health Watch Report points out, war is not only morally indefensible but also reflects the negative or uncompassionate approach we have to each other in terms of being a major cause of world poverty and hence the deterioration of health. For example the million estimated deaths caused by the sanctions on Iraq from 1991 onwards.

The current drive to war in the middle east is often explained in terms of a desire to control the worlds mineral resources and destabilise any threat to the USA’s military hegemony. In the main it is fuelled by the corporate media’s control of public opinion and financed by the arms and oil industries.

However I am not concerned here to flag up the numerous instances of deception, state corruption or blatant profiteering which goes on in the name of the ‘Just War’. My point, after watching and contributing to the deconstruction of the official ‘War on Terrorism’ myth and narrative, is that much of the indignation which accompanies the revelations of overt subterfuge by the military, merely echoes the paranoid proclamations that we are all under attack.

As I have said before in face of the blatant cover up of the 911 episode, to some extent a thriving 911 truth movement adds fuel to the fire of military imperial ambitions because it shocks people into a realisation that they are even more helpless than they thought they were when they nurtured the idea of homeland security as the solution to their angst.

Fundamentally, the enemy in this situation is within us all as it demands that we confront the truth of living in a tolerant and compassionate multi-cultural global village. The possibility of substituting the revelations that we are being lied to on a massive scale, in effect a form of truth based on the discovery of hidden deceptions, for the deeper truth that we are partially responsible for the state of complicity with those powers, tends to confuse the issue and ultimately it is this type of confusion which deters a real sense of justice and the alternative to war which is a more peaceful and open quality of life.

Some of the pieces of the puzzle

Without elaborating on my argument about who is culpable and how we could react to the ongoing crisis of identity in the world, I want to lay down a few facts of the story as perceived through the media or as experienced in this part of the world.

The war on terror is a device concocted by those in power to further their imperial designs and subdue the majority of their populations into complicity with this false agenda.

The main psychological tool of this state is the fear that people have to confront in attempting to challenge the official narrative. The possibility that our own citizens are being murdered for the sake of an elaborate destructive fantasy is more frightening than the digestible sound-bytes of media doublespeak which lull the masses into submission.

The concept of participation through democracy has always been an ambiguous principle. It relies on the championing of majority views by virtuous individuals. Not only is trust at stake, but the credibility of such a system to be an effective means of implementing such aims is debatable.

On this basis people abnegate their moral responsibility for the planet because they have decided that either the democratic process is obviously transparent and above board, or they realise that it is fallible but represents the best option in a flawed universe.

Various atrocities have been committed in the name of anti-imperialism or a war on terror. The moral justification for these peddled by often-contradictory news outlets does not really matter; if we are incapable of seeing through the deception that requires others to take responsibility for us, we will not question the validity of their means.

The intentions of those who successfully fabricate myths about the superiority of one group over another or who lay claim to one territory or resource or another, bears little relation to the method by which they choose to enforce their ambitions. Their violent coercion is the equivalent of their inability to comprehend any other viewpoint than their own.

So once we understand that the tactics of military domination and media subversion of the public draw on both the moral intolerance of the perpetrators and also their lack of regard for any reasonable process of dialogue, we can see that their success is largely a matter of the capacity of the public, who allow or indirectly fund them, to adopt the same rationale of war as their governments.

The fact that each side in the equation plays a role in which the drama of the court room is played out as a moral debate between good and evil, allows not only for the flourishing of countless narratives of heroic martyrdom and divine right, but gives the impression that progress towards some state of ultimate truth is being made.

A long dark tunnel

I would argue that the opposite is the case. The more people prevaricate on the particular merits of one method of rendition, or another process of public participation in the battle for God, the more the veil is pulled over the eyes of any sense of personal responsibility and hence the potential for individuals to recognise the value of virtue as a personal experience.

Whether we are duped into conformity with a patriarchal military fairytale or jump on the bandwagon of an outraged but ultimately docile protest movement, the outcome is broadly of the same type. The fact of our belief in the process of moralistic mudslinging as a means of establishing some kind of objective order in the world is the real problem.

Ultimately this is the same kind of partial denial but on different ends of the scale. Whether we are flying the bomber which drops cluster bombs on Lebanese children or we are watching or reading about it in the comfort of our own homes, the destruction goes on. It is not a sense of moral indignation which will cause us to confront the absurdity of blood for oil or the sweat of the child who dies making our shoes for twenty pence a day, when we have no intention of securing a more just source of fuel or thinking about ethical footwear.

Well you may fret at the ‘news’ that NATO troops are amassing in the Persian Gulf or are creating a corridor to Syria on the pretext of stability in Israel. Indeed you may need another beer, you may lose an hours sleep, the ink cartridge on you computer may run out from all that printing of conspiracy theories, but who is paying for these luxuries. Who is bankrolling this war as usual – you guessed – it is you the taxpayer – you the consumer of cheap imported goods - and you the weekender who pumps Iraqi oil into your car because you just can’t take the strain of city life.

What a relief that all that mayhem about liquid bombs on jets turned out to be misinformation – but at least we are now safe! Are we really? Do you really want some truth about the London and Madrid bombs? Chances are you wouldn’t get very far anyway, not unless you were Mossad or could afford to hire an army of mercenaries. Perhaps Armageddon doesn’t sound so bad after all – at least we’d know!

Peace is a better quality of life

So what am I suggesting – that we just sit around and wait for the bombs to drop out of the sky? Well I suppose on that count it would make sense to get informed about where the bombs are likely to fall and move somewhere else, but in this day and age the coke machines are all pervasive – wherever you go it’s hamburgers and Marlboro.

Seriously though, I want to get back to where I started – peace is just as much about being aware of your own capability as it is about taking someone else to task for their faults. Of course protesting about dropping tactical nukes on Iran is hardly a case of throwing stones from a glasshouse. I am not questioning the perspective on the situation.

The point is that the outrage of what is going on in the name of so-called ‘Freedom’ can seem to create as much consternation as the imbalance constituted by the destructive imbalance of warring factions. In the words of R.D.Laing in his 60’s book ‘The Politics of Experience’: we have come to define ourselves more in terms of what we are against than what we are for.

And this protest against the war and the lies peddled which justify it, only goes so far. It says you can fight wars as long as they comply with Geneva conventions; as long as it protects our lifestyles without inflicting moral or actual deprivation on innocent people. But as the goal posts of what we have come to expect shift ever more into the realms of what was considered luxurious twenty years ago, so the blinkers to what is going on in order to sustain those lifestyles become narrower and narrower.

The erosion of our freedoms as individuals in a modern democracy echoes the erosion of our concern for those who suffer from capitalist imperialism. It is no coincidence that such decay of our moral concern is reflected in our governments lack of concern for its citizens rights, but then only in a world where people have become so complacent to the plight of others would they acquiesce under such oppression themselves.

So basically we have to make the connections between the kind of lifestyle we think reflects a concern to live in harmony with the rest of the world, and the sort of morality that lifestyle engenders as a foreign policy. A major part of this sense of balance in our own lives, as part of any particular culture, must come from a sense that we are autonomous beings who participate in the collective agenda through a process of consensual politics.

This sense of individual balance can be easily destabilised by the environment in which we live and this fact of claiming to create a secure space for us is what power hungry deceivers rely on. Ultimately there can be no sense of order in the world which does not emanate from at least one individual. Unless you live in a dictatorship that consensus will inevitably be a product of multiple inputs.

This is really a natural law about evolution which determines the possible effect of any individual as part of a whole system. We have to understand the difference between our own sphere of autonomy and the world at large which is constituted by the subjective contributions of respectively autonomous beings.

In terms of countering negative influences from outside we have to assess how the rationale of destruction colludes with the morality which we use to organise our personal lives. It is the sense that our own values are being protected by the state that draws us into complicity.

I believe we have been gradually drawn into a conspiracy of capitalist individualism which has now undermined our individual autonomy such that even though we can recognise the corruption in the official narrative, we have no sense of real individuality left to restore a sense of truth. We have become co-opted by a monoculture of self-interest.

Therefore what I am suggesting is that this drive to war represents our individual apathy in face of the need to take responsibility for our own lifestyles. It is only a half-hearted solution to protest against the gross excesses of imperial aggression while we ignore the blatant inequalities we uphold in our lifestyles. Because it is to maintain the hierarchy of privilege that these wars are fought, and we are all part of the hierarchy unless we start to take responsibility for our own lives as part of a just solution for equal and compassionate sharing of the planet.

Green Man
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Whenever I see the word 'green' in this context, I translate to 'fascist'

09.10.2006 18:51

Hitler was the ultimate 'green' warrior. Out his his early work was born the core of so-called green politics on the Earth, the German Green party. This fascist party is at the forefront of calling for attacks against muslims.

Take any significant post from a so-called 'green', hack out the surface crap, and see exactly what you are left with.

Well you may fret at the ‘news’ that NATO troops are amassing in the Persian Gulf or are creating a corridor to Syria on the pretext of stability in Israel. Indeed you may need another beer, you may lose an hours sleep,

(NOTE THIS) the ink cartridge on you computer may run out from all that printing of conspiracy theories,

but who is paying for these luxuries. Who is bankrolling this war as usual – you guessed – it is you the taxpayer – you the consumer of cheap imported goods - and you the weekender who pumps Iraqi oil into your car because you just can’t take the strain of city life.

Yes, you imagined the horrors of Kosovo, Putin's program of Moscow apartment bombings, the controlled demolition of the building of the World Trade Centre Site, the genocide of Chechnya, Afghanistan and Iraq- so 'Green Man_MI5' says KEEP YOUR F**KING MOUTH SHUT. Yes, this fascist monster certainly has me convinced- let's all work hard to live like peasants, while our masters are left free to persue their agendas untroubled by the sheep.

It is a fact that psyop programs during the 50's pushed the 'green' agenda of a post-nuclear-war paradise, where humans lived the simpler life, a back to basics Shangri-La. The idea was to create the meme that if the worst happened, it wouldn't be so bad after all. Much of the 'hippy' movement that exploded in the 60's, and eventually became the modern 'green' movement was nothing but a carefully manufactured intelligence operation, playing off psychological weaknesses in the minds of the less intelligent.

Let me take a simple example. Humans living in a shitty part of the world, and dying because of it. What do we do. Remove them wholesale to one of our cities? Why not, their descendants will thank us, and that's not speculation, but the actual experience of generations of immigration to the US.

Perhaps we leave them where they are, but try something else? Maybe compare their lifestyle with ours, and try to reduce the gap? Force Western schools on them (nothing natural with ANY form of schooling)? Force Western medicine on them? Force Western Government on them? Force an 8-hour working day ethic on them? Worry about whether their women go bare-breasted? Worry about whether their men have been given 'political correctness' training?

Maybe we notice that our interference in the past has led to endless wars of extermination, and an endless series of despotic leaders with a lust for Western weapons of war?

Notice that as soon as your start to think, green propaganda becomes irrelevant, and instead a higher understanding develops. Life on the Earth is a massive number of inter-dependent systems. The Human systems are unique, because ***we*** have an historical analysis, where generation on generation we accumulate knowledge. Not just self-aware (which all animals are regardless of the vile teaching of judaism based religions) but system aware.

An individual Human knows what goodness is (the very opposite of the teaching of organised political and religious movements). The problem is keeping this 'goodness' in complex systems that derive from the interaction of individual Humans. The thing is, most of us know how the complex systems should be ruled, but have no power to make this so.

CORRUPTION- this is the single greatest evil. People given positions of responsibility in power structures, and then perverting such power for their own benefit (or the benefit of 'racist' group entities). Corruption is the literal CANCER of such systems. Like the cancer of our physical body, we create ways of fighting and eliminating some forms of corruption, but the threat of corruption remains.

PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE- People given control of power structures are able to use that power to attempt to change that which individual sheep 'know', 'feel' or 'think'. Ever since zionists created the official field of psychiatry and psychology (at first the motivation was getting into the pants of young girls), a war has been waged against the mind of humanity.

And this brings us back to the point of the article by "green man_MI5". Do not question your masters it says. Instead question yourself, because you are a despicable piece of shit.

When Blair's New Reich thugs post anything, it is always possible to strip away the surface crap, and describe the core message. If you do not believe this method of psyops exists, watch any of the latter shows by Channel 4's psychological 'magician' Darren Brown. Here the guy demonstrates in the most user-friendly way possible the methods used by New Reich thugs like 'Green Man'. My Brown's patter is all a mass of seemingly harmless surface message, so his 'mark' is unaware of the manipulation. Then when the 'mark' gets to make a 'free will' choice, he chooses the option 'forced' on him by Brown.

'Green Man' screams at the top of its lungs that those that reveal the truth about Blair's false flag operations, including the Moscow Apartment Bombings, and 911, are BAD PEOPLE WHO SHOULD BE IGNORED. Blair's other agents say the same on this site, using different excuses. NOW WHAT DO YOU THINK BLAIR FEARS MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD?

As I have said before in face of the blatant cover up of the 911 episode, to some extent a thriving 911 truth movement adds fuel to the fire of military imperial ambitions because it shocks people into a realisation that they are even more helpless than they thought they were when they nurtured the idea of homeland security as the solution to their angst.

'Green Man_MI5' cannot help but make its real agenda apparent to anyone familiar with psyops tactics, for 'Green Man_MI5' is only posting to further the agenda of Tony Blair.

The 'green' movement has always been used, since before Hitler's time, to further the agenda of the exreme-right. Pre-Hitler 'greens', the people that used empire wealth to build little paradises on Earth for themselves, or promoted a 'spartan' lifestyle to build a better warrior for tribal invasions of neighbouring nations, were proud to be extreme right-wing. Post Hitler, and the 'green' movement was carefully re-badged as a 'left' movement. The sheep were targetted for a major "guilt trip" play, allowing their masters to persue their real agendas untroubled.

However, even today, official green parties can be seen pushing policies that can only be described as fascist. The fact that the 'inferiors' in Western societies have economic rights is treated with outrage by these parties. "The sheep are shit, and are having ideas above their station", is the central theme. Of course, such self-flagellating policies are the major domain of angst-ridden teens, which is where the green movement has its psychological base- although major efforts have been made to expand the base into a chunk of the middle class, Guardian reading dribblers.

IT IS NO CO-INCIDENCE THAT THE STRENGTH OF THE GREEN MOVEMENT IN GERMANY, US, AND UK HAS PARALLED THE RAPID GROWTH OF THE POLICE STATE IN THOSE NATIONS. Most young people are just too plain stupid to value the work of long dead Humans. To paraphrase someone "when I was a teen, my Dad was the biggest moron I knew, but it is amazing how much smarter he became as I grew older". So when the green movement encourages its members to cheer the destruction of all those rules that society so painfully worked to perfect across hundreds, if not thousands of years, understand that this is no accident.

If mankind has a future (and if Blair gets his way, that is most unlikely), it is a future with a level of technology advance that we cannot even begin to imagine. We will master the provision of energy, so that power will worry us no more than oxygen for breathing. Our systems will be MORE complex, not less, but we will have to learn how to safely maintain these systems. Organised religions and 'racist' cults will have to be depreciated to the point where nobody even notices them.
Whether people will be free to experience their own cultural differences, when such differences have extreme consequences, is the hardest question of all. Free to starve? Free to have significantly different levels of infant mortality? Free to have different approaches to family and sexuality?

Of course, once you might have thought that Western Civilisation, in a post WW2 form, was a great model for the world. But now you have learnt that our great economic and political stability was just a means to build a better war machine- one that uses the excuse of moral superiority to bring an untold level of depravity to the world.

However, imagine our system with the zionist terrorists removed from their positions of power in business, law, politics etc. Imagine our system with the corruption removed (largely a consequence of the first change). Imagine our system with the judaism removed (and that obviously includes islam and christianity- since they both derive from the same racist cult). Imagine our system simply wishing to create the best world possible for Humans to live in. Our system already pretends to be moral and as uncorrupt as possible. It we just forced it to be what it pretends to be, our world would be a beautiful place for us all to live in.

Sadly, the very reason than unlike monsterous regimes of old, we have a regime that pretends morality while carrying out crimes of the utmost depravity, is so we can all play a game of 'let's pretend' (as in "let's pretend our government is good, regardless of the evidence"). The green movement encourages this position by saying that the actions of the government are not the problem, because YOU are the piece of shit 'ruining' the Earth. The same psychology found in an abusive household, where the crappy parent is always telling the child "you are a piece of shit".


MI5 ????????

09.10.2006 21:20

Cheers mate - glad you liked my piece - er - but excuse me saying one thing about your accusations - What a complete load of Gobshite.


give up thinking, stop protesting, do "lie-style" ???? naaaaa.

10.10.2006 14:56

but the "lifestyle" thing WAS pushed at the hippy - types in the 70s - - - - punk reaction was what "wave" i came in with, then 80s "putting lifestyle WITH action/campaigning" meant avoiding E numbers but engaging with "superpower"nuke-strategies, alts, etc - - - - but it took ages for me to suss that the "lefties" DID have a few things correct, then even longer to suss out that - even with the old "structural" way to comprehend the world, the fact was that - a few nasty criminal shits had caused things to get MUCH worse than they were going to get, then, again, again, again, stopped people of ALLsorts (aristos, industrialists, upper/middle class, labour, radicals or serious "stewards"of the community such as kings, tsars, nuclear scientists (bohr-ing?) putting things back into a free, social progress sort of track, then - over-reaching to screw the world up for EVERYBODY.
STOP THE CRIME, i say, but also get people to re-open the way they think about some of the other "big" things - campaign , discuss, - yes,
buy the products that aint slave labour when we shop - if we have the cash - as often as possible - - - - express the preference - even - in fact - asking why the people that picked them or put them together get less than we might here is as straightforward as asking why your neighbour has a kid-chimneysweep sticking out of the roof . . . . but with to add the fact that if those people got paid "proper", they could buy a lot of other things WE make or do, or come here for holidays. Or is that too sensible.
(we aint 'sposed to speak economix, see. thats got to remain the preserve of "stepford" economists that got sent to bizness school to have the blank bits put in. . . . it seems that way,

in fact, to point this sort of thing out isnt "lefty" - but it does show the way we are often kept THINKING "thats the sort of thing BOLSHIES say" ( or - my version was "trots-yugh" )
so "i shall stop even thinking about it, i shall stop even thinking about it" etc.
- but the "programming" of society DOES sort of fade when you look at it hard, in fact, at times it sort of shatters ." world unflat, shock." "mmm, yeah. horizons, yeah. as you mention it . . . . i'd often sort of . . . .mmmm. Round. Mmmmm. Always thought so, quite. Didnt want to upset people by saying . . . . sort of waiting to see who else was going to . . . . etc.

conspiracies, they NEVER happen.

different gobshite (dis)agrees with both . . . . but with amusing bit at end