Jewish Radical Heads Public Broadcasting in USA
Rep. David Duke PHD | 09.10.2006 11:52 | Anti-racism | Globalisation | Repression
Connecting the Dots of Jewish Power in America By David Duke Download MP3Recently it was brought to my attention that a radical, Jewish extremist, Cheryl Halpern, was appointed to head of the CPB, Corporation of Public Broadcasting. A former chairwoman for the Republican Jewish Coalition, Halpern currently sits on the board of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), a spin-off of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Israel’s Washington, DC lobby. So now we have a Jewish extremist supporter of Israel in charge of the one television network that is supposed to be immune to advertising and other forms of external influence and pressure. At least a partial premise of PBS is to offer politically unbiased broadcasting supported by taxpayer’s money. Cheryl F. Halpern heads CPBHalpern sat on the board of CPB, the Committee for Public Broadcasting, since 2002 and was critical of the “anti-Israel bias” of PBS. As the media watchdog organization, FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), has shown in repeated studies of PBS, the public network has consistently shown bias on behalf of Israel not against it. Here is a direct quote from FAIR: The Times reported that two of the CPB board members had expressed concern over the alleged bias of the public radio network's reporting. Gay Hart Gaines, formerly a Republican fundraiser, "talked about the need to change programming in light of a conversation she had had with a taxi driver about his listening habits." Her colleague on the CPB board, Cheryl Halpern, reportedly raised complaints about NPR's reporting. The Times noted that Halpern is "a former chairwoman of the Republican Jewish Coalition and leading party fund-raiser whose family has business interests in Israel." While NPR's Mideast coverage has frequently been criticized by pro-Israel partisans, research and analysis by FAIR has found a strong and consistent slant on NPR toward an Israeli perspective on the conflict. A FAIR study (Extra!, 11-12/01) found that during a six-month period, NPR's main news shows reported 81 percent of Israeli deaths in the conflict and only 34 percent of Palestinian deaths. Tellingly, when Israeli minors were killed, NPR reported on their deaths 89 percent of the time, while mentioning only 20 percent of the Palestinians youths killed. FAIR Action Alerts (1/10/02, 2/5/02) repeatedly criticized NPR for describing periods when only Palestinians were being killed in the conflict as times of "relative calm" or "comparative quiet"—odd choices of words for an outlet that is supposedly "more favorable to Arabs than to Israelis." (link)In another example of PBS allegiance to the radical Jewish agenda, FAIR studied the PBS NewsHour and documented a powerful bias for the Iraq War. (The Iraq War, of course, has been a war created by the Jewish-extremist Neocons such as Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle and strongly supported by the Israeli Lobby). In another FAIR study of PBS can be found the following: Are You on the NewsHour’s Guestlist? PBS flagship news show fails public mission By Steve Rendall and Julie Hollar ...At a time when a large proportion of the U.S. public already favored withdrawal from Iraq, "stay the course" sources outnumbered pro-withdrawal sources more than 5-to-1. In the entire six months studied, not a single peace activist was heard on the NewsHour on the subject of Iraq...Now, this supporter of extremist Zionism, who also has business interests in Israel, Cheryl Halpern, is the boss of PBS. Why is this a chronic pattern? How are Jewish extremists with a radical, pro-Israel agenda so often found at the nexus of media and government power? Before I offer my reasons for that power, through a series of simple questions I can show clearly that extremist Jewish power exists! For both my conservative and liberal friends, here are those questions: Why did practically the entire media establishment propagate the obvious lie that Saddam Hussein had huge stockpiles of “weapons of mass destruction.” Even though hundreds of CIA and other intelligence operatives were ranging all over Iraq for months, and offering multi-million dollar awards to any Iraqi with knowledge of even one cache of illegal weapons, not a single cache of weapons turned up. Does anyone believe that most of the press is intrinsically pro-war, pro-conservative? What was the common denominator in press power that extends from “liberal” publications such as the Sulzberger’s NY Times to “conservative” publications such as the William Kristol’s National Standard in originally promoting the Iraq War? Why did practically the entire media establishment propagate the lie that the Iraq War would lessen the power and appeal of Islamic extremists, rather than reporting that the invasion of Iraq would only increase hatred against America and increase the appeal and power of radicals around the world? Why does the media constantly propagate the threat of Islamic extremism and terrorism, but never exposes the Jewish extremism and the policies of Israeli terrorism that creates Arab and Islamic response in kind? How could the media both liberal and conservative have effectively downplayed and covered up undeniable acts of Israeli treachery against America such as: 1) The Israeli government’s terrorist attacks against America such as in the Lavon Affair and the Attack on the USS Liberty? 2) The incredible spying on and damaging of America by Israel such as in the Pollard Case? 3) The fact that leaders of the most powerful lobby in the Government of the United States, the Israeli Lobby AIPAC, are now charged with espionage against the United States of America?Why is there no outrage in the American media about these undeniable, shocking facts? How could the American press and government continue to support the sending of American taxpayer money to a government that has committed terrorist acts against America, that has terribly damaged America with its spy operations against us, and has had powerful lobbying organizations, led by spies who in effect bribe members of the United States Government? How could the American press and government continue to support and do the bidding of Israel even though such policies have terribly damaged American interests in the Mideast and around the world? Why is it that any American who points out these facts is labelled “anti-Semitic?” How can the press not freely acknowledge that the greatest terrorist attack against the United States in our history, the carnage of 9/11, was a direct consequence of our support of Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian, the Lebanese, the Syrian, and other peoples? How can people like George Bush and a thousand pundits get away with the blatant lie still being repeated daily that 9/11 happened because the hijackers “hated our freedom?” There is a clear answer to these important questions. Jewish extremists don’t control all of media, but they are the supreme power in it, and they have literally controlled the debate of what’s permissible to talk about and what is not. I have written a lot about Jewish supremacy over much of the American media. The facts of the domination of the commercial news and entertainment media by extremist Jews are irrefutable. Because this same press so incessantly lies about me, it is important for me to say from the outset, that not all Jews and not all Jews in media are extremist, or supremacist Jews. But, if one takes a look at the leading and most powerful Jewish organizations in America, they are unanimously supportive of Jewish extremist policies in Israel and its agenda elsewhere. If you examine the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations which is composed of 50 of the largest and most powerful Jewish organizations in America, you will quickly learn that perhaps 90 percent of the leaders of organized Jewry are in full support of the extremist, Jewish supremacist policies of Israel. For example, every leader of the 50 groups listed allows his group to be associated with extreme Jewish supremacist organizations such as Likud. Many of Likud’s leaders have openly called for the forcible expulsion and/or murder, the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people from Israel proper and the occupied West Bank. 1. Ameinu 2. American Friends of Likud 3. American Gathering/Federation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors 4. America-Israel Friendship League 5. American Israel Public Affairs Committee 6. American Jewish Committee 7. American Jewish Congress 8. American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee 9. American ORT, Inc. 10. American Sephardi Federation 11. American Zionist Movement 12. Americans for Peace Now 13. AMIT 14. Anti-Defamation League 15. Association of Reform Zionists of America 16. B’nai B’rith International 17. Bnai Zion 18. Central Conference of American Rabbis 19. Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America 20. Development Corporation for Israel / State of Israel Bonds 21. Ermina of America 22. Friends of Israel Defense Forces 23. Hadassah, Women’s Zionist Organization of America 24. Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society 25. Jewish Community Centers Association 26. Jewish Council for Public Affairs 27. Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs 28. Jewish Labor Committee 29. Jewish National Fund 30. Jewish Reconstructionist Federation 31. Jewish War Veterans of the USA 32. Jewish Women International 33. MERCAZ USA, Zionist Organization of the Conservative Movement 34. NA’AMAT USA 35. NCSJ: Advocates on behalf of Jews in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States & Eurasia 36. National Council of Jewish Women 37. National Council of Young Israel 38. Rabbinical Assembly 39. Rabbinical Council of America 40. Religious Zionists of America 41. Union of American Hebrew Congregations 42. Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America 43. United Jewish Communities 44. United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism 45. WIZO 46. Women’s American ORT 47. Women’s League for Conservative Judaism 48. Women of Reform Judaism 49. Workmen’s Circle 50. World Zionist Executive, US 51. Zionist Organization of AmericaYou can begin to look at this Jewish extremist control over our media by examining the most “respected” and important “American” newspaper, the NY Times. You can then proceed on to the paper read every day by almost every member of the US Government, the Washington Post. Examine the ownership and editorial boards of the three leading weekly news magazines, and then start a study into the TV broadcasting media and you could rightly think it resembles the media of Israel more than what should be the media of the United States, a nation that only has a 2 percent Jewish population. This pervasive, Jewish domination is well documented in my book, Jewish Supremacism and My Awakening. Even if one already has an inkling of Jewish influence, the facts reveal a reality that goes far beyond most people imagine. One major Jewish publication, the Los Angeles Jewish Times expressed it very bluntly for its own readership: Four of the largest five entertainment giants are now run or owned by Jews. Murdoch’s News Corp (at number four) is the only gentile holdout — however Rupert is as pro-Israel as any Jew, probably more so.” (Los Angeles Jewish Times (2) Oct. 29. 1999) (link)The Conference of Jewish Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations shows there is no community more organized and unified for its interests and agenda than the Jewish community. Of course, there are elements of dissent in the Jewish community; there certainly is no unanimity among Jews on any single issue, but the overwhelming odds are that when a Jew has a position of real power in government or media he will support the basic agenda outlined by the Conference of Major Jewish Organizations. Jewish ownership or domination is in itself often a result of Jewish networking or interconnectedness. Jews are taught a “Chosen people” mentality along with a victimization (at the hands of Gentiles) mentality. Consider the incessant recital of anti-Semitism both in the Jewish community and in the Jewish-dominated media at large. A daily dose of the horrors of the Holocaust is more than enough to keep most Jews at least subconsciously aware of the need to support each other in the face of Gentile competition or opposition. Once even a few of these Jewish team players join the board of a major corporation, how long will it take for a Jewish team effort to thoroughly Judaize it? Take for example Walt Disney. Walt Disney himself was a man that Jews have slandered as an anti-Semite, yet now his once thoroughly Gentile company is as thoroughly controlled by Jews as any in Jerusalem. Does it take much prodding for Jewish advertising firms to send their clients to newspapers or TV stations that endorse the Jewish agenda? Notice how Jews in the press around the world have universally condemned Russia for daring to prosecute a few of the Jewish oligarch gangsters who extorted, murdered and bribed their way to billions of dollars of stolen wealth. When Switzerland was accused of holding back Jewish World War II bank accounts, how deftly, a myriad of Jewish organizations went to work at every level to extort billions from Switzerland. Jewish extremists in the media crucified the Swiss with slanderous (and untrue) articles, Jews and their political servants in NY city government, NY State and the US Congress threatened to close down and destroy Swiss banking in America. Cases were filed in courts dominated by Jewish judges in New York. Ultimately, the Swiss had to settle, but as many researchers have shown, including Dr. Norman Finklestein, the whole case was completely groundless. You can even see the power of the Jewish extremists even on some of the Jewish critics of Israel. Take for instance Noam Chomsky. Although Chomsky has decried the Israeli ethnic cleansing and torture of Palestinians, the invasion of Lebanon, and some of the Jewish supremacist expressions, Chomsky greatly aided the Zionist power structure in America by attacking Walt and Mearsheimer’s Harvard paper showing the power of the Jewish lobby in both American foreign policy and the origins of the Iraq War. The Jewish extremist power structure knows that the ultimate danger to it is not people like Chomsky talking about Israel's crimes. The ultimate danger to them is getting out the obvious truth that the American government and media has been subverted by the Jewish radicals, for overturning the power of the Jewish radicals in America is the only way things will really change in Israel or elsewhere! Somehow, to Chomsky these policies are about American corporate or oil interests. Though how could anyone in their right mind think that it would be in the interests of big oil to alienate the largest oil reserve nations of the world in favor of the nation of Israel which has none? How could it be in the interest of corporate America and the American economy to ultimately lose what will amount to trillions of dollars in the long-term costs of waging the Iraq War? Does it help America to have hundreds of millions of people across the world grow to hate America and likely reflect that hatred in their business choices? Has it helped the American economy to have supported Israel’s crimes and because of that lose trillions of dollars from terrorism and for massive increased security against future terrorism? Our pro-Israel, anti-American business policy is typified by American support of the recent terror attacks against Lebanon, how many more Americans will die because of this Israeli control that caused the world to see America as an evil force urging Israel on? But, was it really America urging on Israel, or the powerful Jewish extremist minority in America with great power in media and government? Did corporate America have any real interest in supporting Israel’s terrorism in Lebanon? In fact, did not American support for Israel severely damage American business interests in the country of Lebanon, a nation that America very recently befriended and in which we had major business interests. More often than not, it is leftists with a strong Jewish background who channeled the anti-war movement to chant “No War for Oil,” when it should chant “No War for Israel.” Liberals, conservatives, libertarians, whatever, it is time to connect the dots of Jewish extremism and understand the common denominator that runs through these critical issues facing America. So, Public broadcasting has a new boss. She is Cheryl Halpern, an outright Jewish extremist dedicated to seeing to it that Americans never get even the slightest smidgen of truth about Israel’s crimes on PBS. There are thousands more like Cheryl Halpern. They don’t have total power of the media. They are not every owner, editor, writer, producer of American media. But they do command many of the major nexus points of the American media. Those conscientious Jews and Gentiles who labor under them know that if they dare challenge Jewish myths they will damage their careers. In politics it is even worse. It is like drinking a hemlock political cocktail. If any media pundit simply dared to report in their column, or do a in depth feature story exposing the facts of Israeli terrorism against America such as in the Lavon Affair, it’s goodbye Ray. Even Walt and Mearsheimer don’t dare talk about the undeniable Israeli terrorism against the United States. Connect the dots of Jewish extremist power. See the big picture clearly, and you will find your way through the maze of Jewish power. You will find your way to your freedom. Source link:

Rep. David Duke PHD