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Poofs, Paedophiles and American Puritanism

nano | 08.10.2006 15:39 | World

Think of the final refuge for religious extremists (fanatical Christian cults) from Europe; and later, the sexual undertone of the Salem witch trials and you stare homosexual congressman, Mark Foley, ‘straight’ in the American sexual obsession. It seems that puritanism is alive and well in the good ol’ U.S of A! Amazing as the over-reactive American response may seem to Europeans and those of other nations, the news of a homosexual’s exploits with a boy has pushed all other news aside – incredible! The Mayflower continues to sail the waters of conservative America.

Another (oral) phallic indiscretion, of the heterosexual variety, helped bring down a former President (Bill Clinton) in this odd land of hypocrisy, murder and exploitation. But we are dealing with the persona or image of the nation not its ugly real face; the image MUST never be permanently tainted with immorality or the truth of any matter. It is the image which is the focal point of national DENIAL and a source of comfort for those who wish to pretend that America is the last bastion of ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’, not an invader, plunderer and killer of innocents.

In this land of inverted values, infanticide (Rice’s “status quo” in South Lebanon) is tolerated but homosexual indiscretions are scandalous – an entire nation is in need of medication, it would seem! [Sadly, even this jibe is a reality; Pharmaceutical Corporations have thirty million Americans addicted to legal ‘social anxiety’ drugs – combine that group with illegal drug users and the social costs of living in a nation of contradictory values becomes apparent.]

A convenient sexual ‘scandal’ to take the heat off Dubya would also serve to maintain the IMAGE and draw the public’s attention away from one of the bloodiest weeks (for America) in the Iraq war – twenty-four U.S. military personnel killed serving the interests of rapacious corporations. The corporate owned press goes to lengths to avoid spotlighting itself – places to go, resources to steal and ‘enemies’ to kill; it’s business as usual while we satisfy the masses’ prurient fascinations!

How is an entity, nation or other body able to survive extreme internal contradictions as those that exist in ‘fascist-democratic’ America? Lincoln’s ideal America – how does it go again, “for the people, by the people, of the people”, something like that, it’s a very hazy memory – is dead and gone forever. Government of the people lost to big money interests decades ago, but let’s not dwell on unpleasant realities, there’s a poof tampering with boys in government – that’ll do ‘em for a while!

Is there a medical term for reality phobia?

Never before have so few duped so many.

There’s a poof in government, so what! Report it to J. Edgar Hoover, (conservative) chicken hawk extraordinaire; in the meantime why don’t we juxtapose images of dead children and other innocents around oil wells and list the names and addresses of the directors of all the companies involved in exploitation and murder?

How long would the American public tolerate criminals in government if their TV screens dripped innocent blood every night? But let’s not dwell on hard realities, we are an Evangelical, moral, nation and we do not tolerate homosexual behaviour. That is only one of numerous other 'important reasons’ we support George W Bush!



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09.10.2006 02:45

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