FX | 08.10.2006 00:06 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Repression | London | World
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Independent Media Transcript 8 October 2006
Christian Pacifists Face Court
by Jessica Morrison Melbourne IMC 05/10/06
Christian Pacifists face court this week in the Supreme Court in Alice Springs. They are the first ever to face charges under the Defence (Special Undertakings) Act 1952, and risk up to seven years in jail.
This week Christian pacifists and other peace activists have converged on Alice Springs to support activists in court who conducted a “citizens inspection” of Pine Gap in December last year. The Four activists, calling themselves “Christians Against ALL Terrorism” are Jim Dowling, Bryan Law, Adele Goldie and Donna Mulhearn. They are the first people ever to be tried under the Defence (Special Undertakings) Act 1952.
This legislation, written to suppress spies and saboteurs in the cold war era carries with it maximum penalties of seven years prison.
Tuesday represented the first stage of the trial of the Pine Gap 4, which consisted of legal argument surrounding the Prosecution's use of the Defence Special Undertakings Act.
The crux of the submission by the defence was that the Crown had not proved that Pine Gap defends the interests of the Commonwealth against external aggression and therefore the defendants should be acquitted of the charges under the Defence (Special Undertakings) Act (DSU Act). The defence Counsel, Rowena Orr, appeared by videolink from Melbourne and was outstanding in her grasp of the complexities of these issues.
On both days a colorful procession of about 30 people (both locals and interstate visitors) accompanied the accused to court. A silent vigil reflected the solemn nature of the issues at stake
Report from Pine Gap Trial, Alice Springs! by J Melbourne IMC 04/10/06
On December 8th. '05, four peace activists, known as "Christians Against ALL Terrorism" entered the secretive U.S. warfighting Pine Gap Base, near Alice Springs. During a citizen's inspection the four were arrested and charged under the draconian Defence (Special Undertakings) Act. They face a maximum sentence of 7 years imprisonment if convicted.
Five Arrested today at Pine Gap by Jessica Morrison 07/10/06
At a colorful demonstration at the front Gates of Pine Gap today, a group of 35 citizens blocked the front gate, and when asked to move, 5 remained, and have just been arrested.
Five arrested over protest blockade at Pine Gap
Pacifists say five people have been arrested at a demonstration at the entrance to the Pine Gap joint war facility in Central Australia.
The protest was led by a group called Christians Against All Terrorism, which is concerned about the role Pine Gap plays in the war in Iraq.
Four people from the group are already facing court after a citizens inspection in to the facility last year.
One of those four, Donna Mulhearn, says today's arrest came after five people refused police requests to stop blockading the road leading in to the base.
"This is just an act of civil disobedience in a tradition, of the Pine Gap four who did a citizens' inspection of the Pine Gap spy base last year, and this is a group of people who are showing solidarity and support to that action," she said.
Citizens inspection team arrested at Pine Gap war base
By Parrot Press 07/10/06
Today about 50 people gathered to demonstrate at the facility's main entrance.
Security had been boosted, with Northern Territory police stationed at the gates, watching as the group erected a cross and pinned on to it names of people killed in Iraq.
The group were refused a request to conduct what they called a "citizens' inspection" of the base and blockaded its entrance.
One of the defendants there today, Donna Mulhearn, says they want to draw attention to concerns they have about Pine Gap's role in the war in Iraq.
"We take the opportunity in the court room to draw attention to Pine Gap, but also outside in the community as well," she said.
"It's important for us to put the spotlight on Pine Gap, and increase that question mark in people's minds, 'what does this base do, why is it here and why is it secret'."
Flood of “Do-It-Yourself Impeachments” to inundate the houses of Congress
By Kimberly Global IMC 04/10/06
Next Thursday hundreds of thousands of citizens are going to be mailing legal documents to the houses of Congress demanding Bush’s impeachment.
Jodin Morey, an organizer for Impeach for Peace (a Minnesota based impeachment group), researched a method for impeaching the president using a little known and rarely used part of the Rules of the House of Representatives that empowers individual citizens to initiate the impeachment process.
The “Jefferson’s Manual” is an interpretive guide to parliamentary procedure, and is included (along with the Constitution) in the bound volumes of the Rules of the House of Representatives. It is ratified by each Congress – including the current one – and has been updated continuously through the history of our democracy.
The section covering impeachment lists the acceptable vehicles for bringing impeachment motions to the floor of the House. Before the House Judiciary Committee can put together the Articles of Impeachment, someone must initiate the impeachment procedure. Most often, this occurs when members of the House pass a resolution. Another method outlined in the manual, however, is for individual citizens to submit a memorial for impeachment.
Music : Watch The Sunrise, Axwell Feat . Steve Edwards.
October 5: National Day of Mass Resistance
By Portland IMC 02/10/06
World Can't Wait - Portland! General Strike OCTOBER 5th at noon - South Park Blocks - Help us spread the word about the GENERAL STRIKE on October 5th. No work. No school. Be THERE. Help us drive the Bush regime out! At noon on October 5th at the South Park Blocks at SW Main and SW Park. Show the country that Portland can't wait to drive Bush out!
World Can't Wait - Portland! General Strike OCTOBER 5th at noon - South Park Blocks Oct 5--Day of Mass Resistance--World Cant Wait--Portland - Join us for the national day of mass resistance. Hundreds of cities nation wide will be holding this day hostage in order to scream: WE WILL NOT BE SILENT. DRIVE OUT THE BUSH REGIME!!! Oct. 5--PSU/South Park Blocks--Portland, OR
Oct 5--Day of Mass Resistance--World Can't Wait--Portland
CALL TO ACTION: October 5: National Day of Mass Resistance--Drive Out the Bush Regime - October 5 is the date for this nation-wide opportunity to gather as a People and DEMAND that Bush and his Administration resign from office. Contact the Portland Chapter of World Cant Wait to find out more: The following is a collection of information for the reasoning, planning, and implementation of this momentous day
Thousands Rally and March in SF
by Lori Hurlebaus, Courage to Resist SF IMC 05/10/06
Thousands braved the cold rain in San Francisco today to say "Bush Step Down" and "Drive Out the Bush Regime".
As part of a "national day of mass resistance" San Francisco was one of of over 250 cities nationwide to participate in the call to action put out by the World Can't Wait.
Students from high schools across the Bay Area, including Freemont High, Berkekey High, St. Elizabeth's, Oakland High, and SFSU walked-out of their schools and joined the rally at Justin Herman Plaza which included speakers such as Daniel Ellsberg and many of the student organizers. Below are photos from the rally and first part of the march.
“Howard's land policies like Hitler's”, says Aboriginal leader
by Michael Anderson Perth IMC 01/10/06
AUSTRALIA: Michael Anderson, Aboriginal political activist in Sydney, condemns recent statements by Prime Minister, John Howard and Attorney-General, Phillip Ruddock in relation to the recent Federal Court Native Title decision concerning Perth.
Anderson likens the land policies of the Howard government to Hitler's Mein Kampf, articles 15 and 17, which dictated that no-one other than the Aryan race should have title to land and that land for future purposes was to be held for the Aryan race to grow. "The Howard government reeks of hypocrisy, racism and the former South African apartheid mentality. What is even more frightening is the fact that expatriate white South Africans now reside in large numbers in Perth. "John Howard and his government are consistently calling for immigrants in this country to assimilate and adopt Australian values. What values?" Anderson asks.
Justice Murray Wilcox: native title cases misunderstood. Noongar claim will not exclude access
by Elliot K - Perth IMC 04/10/0
October 3, 2006 - Justice Murray Wilcox, who upheld the indigenous Noongar people's claim on more than 6,000 square kilometers of metropolitan Perth - is speaking out about the ramifications. The Western Australian Government is appealing against his ruling in the Noongar case.
Mr Wilcox says the rights he granted to the Noongar people did not include any exclusive access beaches and parks in the claim area that could be restricted and that native title isn't a threat to people's backyards, doesn't take away freehold land...
Music: Jackalene Extreme
Tags: Pine-Gap, Citizens-Inspection, US-Impeachment-Bush, The-World-Can't-Wait, Aboriginal, Noongar-people.
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Independent Media Transcript 8 October 2006
Christian Pacifists Face Court
by Jessica Morrison Melbourne IMC 05/10/06
Christian Pacifists face court this week in the Supreme Court in Alice Springs. They are the first ever to face charges under the Defence (Special Undertakings) Act 1952, and risk up to seven years in jail.
This week Christian pacifists and other peace activists have converged on Alice Springs to support activists in court who conducted a “citizens inspection” of Pine Gap in December last year. The Four activists, calling themselves “Christians Against ALL Terrorism” are Jim Dowling, Bryan Law, Adele Goldie and Donna Mulhearn. They are the first people ever to be tried under the Defence (Special Undertakings) Act 1952.
This legislation, written to suppress spies and saboteurs in the cold war era carries with it maximum penalties of seven years prison.
Tuesday represented the first stage of the trial of the Pine Gap 4, which consisted of legal argument surrounding the Prosecution's use of the Defence Special Undertakings Act.
The crux of the submission by the defence was that the Crown had not proved that Pine Gap defends the interests of the Commonwealth against external aggression and therefore the defendants should be acquitted of the charges under the Defence (Special Undertakings) Act (DSU Act). The defence Counsel, Rowena Orr, appeared by videolink from Melbourne and was outstanding in her grasp of the complexities of these issues.
On both days a colorful procession of about 30 people (both locals and interstate visitors) accompanied the accused to court. A silent vigil reflected the solemn nature of the issues at stake

Report from Pine Gap Trial, Alice Springs! by J Melbourne IMC 04/10/06
On December 8th. '05, four peace activists, known as "Christians Against ALL Terrorism" entered the secretive U.S. warfighting Pine Gap Base, near Alice Springs. During a citizen's inspection the four were arrested and charged under the draconian Defence (Special Undertakings) Act. They face a maximum sentence of 7 years imprisonment if convicted.

Five Arrested today at Pine Gap by Jessica Morrison 07/10/06
At a colorful demonstration at the front Gates of Pine Gap today, a group of 35 citizens blocked the front gate, and when asked to move, 5 remained, and have just been arrested.
Five arrested over protest blockade at Pine Gap
Pacifists say five people have been arrested at a demonstration at the entrance to the Pine Gap joint war facility in Central Australia.
The protest was led by a group called Christians Against All Terrorism, which is concerned about the role Pine Gap plays in the war in Iraq.
Four people from the group are already facing court after a citizens inspection in to the facility last year.
One of those four, Donna Mulhearn, says today's arrest came after five people refused police requests to stop blockading the road leading in to the base.
"This is just an act of civil disobedience in a tradition, of the Pine Gap four who did a citizens' inspection of the Pine Gap spy base last year, and this is a group of people who are showing solidarity and support to that action," she said.

Citizens inspection team arrested at Pine Gap war base
By Parrot Press 07/10/06
Today about 50 people gathered to demonstrate at the facility's main entrance.
Security had been boosted, with Northern Territory police stationed at the gates, watching as the group erected a cross and pinned on to it names of people killed in Iraq.
The group were refused a request to conduct what they called a "citizens' inspection" of the base and blockaded its entrance.
One of the defendants there today, Donna Mulhearn, says they want to draw attention to concerns they have about Pine Gap's role in the war in Iraq.
"We take the opportunity in the court room to draw attention to Pine Gap, but also outside in the community as well," she said.
"It's important for us to put the spotlight on Pine Gap, and increase that question mark in people's minds, 'what does this base do, why is it here and why is it secret'."
Flood of “Do-It-Yourself Impeachments” to inundate the houses of Congress
By Kimberly Global IMC 04/10/06
Next Thursday hundreds of thousands of citizens are going to be mailing legal documents to the houses of Congress demanding Bush’s impeachment.
Jodin Morey, an organizer for Impeach for Peace (a Minnesota based impeachment group), researched a method for impeaching the president using a little known and rarely used part of the Rules of the House of Representatives that empowers individual citizens to initiate the impeachment process.
The “Jefferson’s Manual” is an interpretive guide to parliamentary procedure, and is included (along with the Constitution) in the bound volumes of the Rules of the House of Representatives. It is ratified by each Congress – including the current one – and has been updated continuously through the history of our democracy.
The section covering impeachment lists the acceptable vehicles for bringing impeachment motions to the floor of the House. Before the House Judiciary Committee can put together the Articles of Impeachment, someone must initiate the impeachment procedure. Most often, this occurs when members of the House pass a resolution. Another method outlined in the manual, however, is for individual citizens to submit a memorial for impeachment.

Music : Watch The Sunrise, Axwell Feat . Steve Edwards.
October 5: National Day of Mass Resistance
By Portland IMC 02/10/06
World Can't Wait - Portland! General Strike OCTOBER 5th at noon - South Park Blocks - Help us spread the word about the GENERAL STRIKE on October 5th. No work. No school. Be THERE. Help us drive the Bush regime out! At noon on October 5th at the South Park Blocks at SW Main and SW Park. Show the country that Portland can't wait to drive Bush out!

World Can't Wait - Portland! General Strike OCTOBER 5th at noon - South Park Blocks Oct 5--Day of Mass Resistance--World Cant Wait--Portland - Join us for the national day of mass resistance. Hundreds of cities nation wide will be holding this day hostage in order to scream: WE WILL NOT BE SILENT. DRIVE OUT THE BUSH REGIME!!! Oct. 5--PSU/South Park Blocks--Portland, OR

Oct 5--Day of Mass Resistance--World Can't Wait--Portland
CALL TO ACTION: October 5: National Day of Mass Resistance--Drive Out the Bush Regime - October 5 is the date for this nation-wide opportunity to gather as a People and DEMAND that Bush and his Administration resign from office. Contact the Portland Chapter of World Cant Wait to find out more:

Thousands Rally and March in SF
by Lori Hurlebaus, Courage to Resist SF IMC 05/10/06
Thousands braved the cold rain in San Francisco today to say "Bush Step Down" and "Drive Out the Bush Regime".
As part of a "national day of mass resistance" San Francisco was one of of over 250 cities nationwide to participate in the call to action put out by the World Can't Wait.
Students from high schools across the Bay Area, including Freemont High, Berkekey High, St. Elizabeth's, Oakland High, and SFSU walked-out of their schools and joined the rally at Justin Herman Plaza which included speakers such as Daniel Ellsberg and many of the student organizers. Below are photos from the rally and first part of the march.

“Howard's land policies like Hitler's”, says Aboriginal leader
by Michael Anderson Perth IMC 01/10/06
AUSTRALIA: Michael Anderson, Aboriginal political activist in Sydney, condemns recent statements by Prime Minister, John Howard and Attorney-General, Phillip Ruddock in relation to the recent Federal Court Native Title decision concerning Perth.
Anderson likens the land policies of the Howard government to Hitler's Mein Kampf, articles 15 and 17, which dictated that no-one other than the Aryan race should have title to land and that land for future purposes was to be held for the Aryan race to grow. "The Howard government reeks of hypocrisy, racism and the former South African apartheid mentality. What is even more frightening is the fact that expatriate white South Africans now reside in large numbers in Perth. "John Howard and his government are consistently calling for immigrants in this country to assimilate and adopt Australian values. What values?" Anderson asks.

Justice Murray Wilcox: native title cases misunderstood. Noongar claim will not exclude access
by Elliot K - Perth IMC 04/10/0
October 3, 2006 - Justice Murray Wilcox, who upheld the indigenous Noongar people's claim on more than 6,000 square kilometers of metropolitan Perth - is speaking out about the ramifications. The Western Australian Government is appealing against his ruling in the Noongar case.
Mr Wilcox says the rights he granted to the Noongar people did not include any exclusive access beaches and parks in the claim area that could be restricted and that native title isn't a threat to people's backyards, doesn't take away freehold land...

Music: Jackalene Extreme
Tags: Pine-Gap, Citizens-Inspection, US-Impeachment-Bush, The-World-Can't-Wait, Aboriginal, Noongar-people.
Archive List:
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Tags: Welfare-Destruction, CAWRB, Charities, Boycott, Welfare-To-Work, Human-Rights, Civil-Liberties, Habeas-Corpus, Torture, Guantanamo, Pakistan, Illegal-Detention, Rendition.
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Tags: Nukiller, Maralinga, Visualizing-Dead, Iraq-War, Police -Taser-50,000-volt-Shock-Paralysis-Death.
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Tags: PHILIPPINES, Martial Law, Police-Sniffer-Dogs, Manchester-Demonstration, Anti-War-Christians.
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