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Anti-Semitism: The Israel's best political weapon (by Latuff)

Latuff | 07.10.2006 01:56 | World

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed IsraHell's state terrorism.

Anti-Semitism as political weapon
Anti-Semitism as political weapon

"Rarely since the Second World War has a people been so vilified as the Palestinians," comments Robert Fisk, a longtime foreign correspondent for the London-based daily Independent. "And rarely has a people been so frequently excused and placated as the Israelis." Fisk is asking his colleagues to search their consciences: "Our gutlessness, our refusal to tell the truth, our fear of being slandered as 'anti-Semites' -- the most loathsome of libels against any journalist -- means that we are aiding and abetting terrible deeds in the Middle East."

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Warring Factions

07.10.2006 09:35

Not to ignore the plight of the ordinary Palestinian,
Yet the factions which bare responsibility for the ordinary Palestinian and thus the state of, are always warring;
Elected but unable to make a workable government; those with guns seem so happy to ignore the needs of others only to hold on to their own power base, and not only this, but desire through the barrel of a gun to increase it. Its all over mainstream media; Palestinian gunmen from rival factions threatening Palestinian civilians. And the killing of civilians by fellow warring Palestinians who did not conform, agree of perhaps even if they resisted one faction is well known.

Why can’t they get it together folks?
No doubt, it’s the State of Israel’s fault.

Israel - free from the river to the sea.
Come up with solutions not scapegoats, folks.

Jack Writer


08.10.2006 10:27

You seem in danger of becoming the 'rasicts' and 'oppressors' you claim to be arguing and fighting against.


Jack Writer

No Danger

09.10.2006 10:22

No-one could be more racist or oppressive than Israel.

Nice Try

Debate On Zionism Must Be Had

09.10.2006 14:28

"Not to ignore the plight of the ordinary Palestinian"

No, you just hope to change the subject, Blame The Victim ...

"Yet the factions which bare responsibility for the ordinary Palestinian and thus the state of, are always warring"

Yes, and Israel, which is always instrumental to inciting the groups to do so, could not be happier.

"Elected but unable to make a workable government"

It's not the Palestinians' fault the Zionists in Israel and the US decided to Collectively Punish them for their democracy.

"Why can’t they get it together folks?"

Dual Loyalties
The Bush Neocons and Israel

"No doubt, it’s the State of Israel’s fault."


The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict
Published by
Jews for Justice in the Middle East
As the periodic bloodshed continues in the Middle East, the search for an equitable solution must come to grips with the root cause of the conflict. The conventional wisdom is that, even if both sides are at fault, the Palestinians are irrational "terrorists" who have no point of view worth listening to. Our position, however, is that the Palestinians have a real grievance: their homeland for over a thousand years was taken, without their consent and mostly by force, during creation of the state of Israel. And all subsequent crimes—on both sides—inevitably follow from this original injustice.

"Israel - free from the river to the sea."

If you consider living behind walls and a military dictatorship "free" ...

Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation