Solutions, Remedies and Cultural Amnesia
jalal'udin | 05.10.2006 14:41 | Analysis | Globalisation | Social Struggles | World
Would someone care to guess the historical age of the well-known adage, “A HOUSE DIVIDED CANNOT STAND” notwithstanding this particular quote is sourced from theological material? Regardless of age or source the above maxim expresses a universal truth in relation to social affairs. Recent history reminds us of the fragmentation and demise of a once independent Balkan nation. Yugoslavia now hosts the largest military occupation base (Bondsteel) in Europe. The Balkan conflict was a perfect example of divisionism leading to ruin – as it always does! [In contrast fragmented, warlord-torn China overcame its long history of internal conflict to become one of the most powerful nations on the planet.]
In view of the universality of the above maxim one can only watch (in despair) the idiotic behaviour of tribal Arabs in Iraq – warring factions are too busy fighting each to effectively prevent America, the common enemy, feasting on the ‘life-blood’ of the nation. It is time to learn from the Orient, “THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS MY FRIEND” – learn this lesson quickly or suffer a similar fate to that of the vanquished and occupied ‘Yugoslavia’.
The USA would have little chance against a unified Arab guerilla fighting force in Iraq; furthermore a unified Arab force would be able to completely remove the America presence from the Arabian peninsular. THIS IS NO LONGER A DEBATABLE ISSUE, it is imperative! Sectarian hostilities must cease if the invader is to be defeated and removed from ancestral lands. It is the enemy who benefits from divisionism, no one else!
The world, including domestic populations, is finally realising that the coalition of willing criminals, Blair, Howard and Bush represent nothing more than financial, oil and other related corporate interests. The invaders only have one objective and that is MONEY; they pursue this objective with a religious fervour and allow nothing, including the lives of infants, women, children, the old and infirm to hinder them in their pursuits. The amount plundered to date and the cost in human lives constitutes the most appalling of crimes, regardless of the context and perspective in/from which it is viewed.
Similar to other criminal enterprises the beneficiaries of the Iraq war are few; it is the few who grow fat on the hardship of the many. Today it is the ruling elites of certain States who excel as the most villainous of all criminal milieus. It has become painfully apparent to even the most dim witted patriots that those in power are liars and murderers who only benefit themselves. The philosophy of these criminals is summed up in a word, ‘profit’, other considerations such as a sustainable planet or a long-term future for our children are sacrificed on the altar of greed, avarice, short-term goals and selfish pursuits. These people have no other policies other than the appropriation of ‘wealth’ (at any cost) as is evidenced today in Iraq and other locations.
Should civilised societies be governed by caveman mentalities and others bereft of any subtle thought or long-term problem solving strategies? How are oil and financial dynasties able to place their moron sons in power when it is perfectly obvious they are no more intelligent than inbred banjo players? How did George W Bush pass his exams at Yale when he demonstrates daily that he is unable to put an intelligent sentence together? The result of American corruption and greed has resulted in the Bush dynasty of criminals, Zionist infiltration at the highest levels of government and the politically inept neo-cons. Please compare the character and abilities of Bush with those of the founding Fathers or Abraham Lincoln and then wonder who is more stupid, the population for tolerating criminal government or Bush who was born deficient.
However, to the eternal shame of the Arabs, it is Bush and his cohorts who take advantage of the oldest ‘trick in the book’ and exploit racial, tribal and theological differences, to create conflict and weaken any opposition while the nation is raped!
A village idiot and his donkey (Bush and Rumsfeld) are able to succeed due only to a divided and fragmented opposition. The world watches a relative handful of invader-occupiers control millions of Arabs – pathetic! Arab disunity is American strength; failure to learn the most basic rule of warfare results in defeat. It would seem that Arabs are too stupid to UNITE and eliminate a foreign enemy from their shores.
UNITE, FIGHT and VICTORY is assured.
The USA would have little chance against a unified Arab guerilla fighting force in Iraq; furthermore a unified Arab force would be able to completely remove the America presence from the Arabian peninsular. THIS IS NO LONGER A DEBATABLE ISSUE, it is imperative! Sectarian hostilities must cease if the invader is to be defeated and removed from ancestral lands. It is the enemy who benefits from divisionism, no one else!
The world, including domestic populations, is finally realising that the coalition of willing criminals, Blair, Howard and Bush represent nothing more than financial, oil and other related corporate interests. The invaders only have one objective and that is MONEY; they pursue this objective with a religious fervour and allow nothing, including the lives of infants, women, children, the old and infirm to hinder them in their pursuits. The amount plundered to date and the cost in human lives constitutes the most appalling of crimes, regardless of the context and perspective in/from which it is viewed.
Similar to other criminal enterprises the beneficiaries of the Iraq war are few; it is the few who grow fat on the hardship of the many. Today it is the ruling elites of certain States who excel as the most villainous of all criminal milieus. It has become painfully apparent to even the most dim witted patriots that those in power are liars and murderers who only benefit themselves. The philosophy of these criminals is summed up in a word, ‘profit’, other considerations such as a sustainable planet or a long-term future for our children are sacrificed on the altar of greed, avarice, short-term goals and selfish pursuits. These people have no other policies other than the appropriation of ‘wealth’ (at any cost) as is evidenced today in Iraq and other locations.
Should civilised societies be governed by caveman mentalities and others bereft of any subtle thought or long-term problem solving strategies? How are oil and financial dynasties able to place their moron sons in power when it is perfectly obvious they are no more intelligent than inbred banjo players? How did George W Bush pass his exams at Yale when he demonstrates daily that he is unable to put an intelligent sentence together? The result of American corruption and greed has resulted in the Bush dynasty of criminals, Zionist infiltration at the highest levels of government and the politically inept neo-cons. Please compare the character and abilities of Bush with those of the founding Fathers or Abraham Lincoln and then wonder who is more stupid, the population for tolerating criminal government or Bush who was born deficient.
However, to the eternal shame of the Arabs, it is Bush and his cohorts who take advantage of the oldest ‘trick in the book’ and exploit racial, tribal and theological differences, to create conflict and weaken any opposition while the nation is raped!
A village idiot and his donkey (Bush and Rumsfeld) are able to succeed due only to a divided and fragmented opposition. The world watches a relative handful of invader-occupiers control millions of Arabs – pathetic! Arab disunity is American strength; failure to learn the most basic rule of warfare results in defeat. It would seem that Arabs are too stupid to UNITE and eliminate a foreign enemy from their shores.
UNITE, FIGHT and VICTORY is assured.
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06.10.2006 01:54