I, Left Gatekeeper
Common Dreams News Center / Rolling Stone | 03.10.2006 18:02
Published on Sunday, October 1, 2006 by Rolling Stone
I, Left Gatekeeper
Why the "9/11 Truth" movement makes the "Left Behind" sci-fi series read like Shakespeare
by Matt Tabbi
I, Left Gatekeeper
Why the "9/11 Truth" movement makes the "Left Behind" sci-fi series read like Shakespeare
by Matt Tabbi
A few weeks ago I wrote a column on the anniversary of 9/11 that offhandedly dismissed 9/11 conspiracy theorists as "clinically insane." I expected a little bit of heat in response, but nothing could have prepared me for the deluge of fuck-you mail that I actually got. Apparently every third person in the United States thinks George Bush was behind the 9/11 attacks.
"You're just another MSM-whore left gatekeeper paid off by corporate America," said one writer. "What you do isn't journalism at all, you dick," said another. "You're the one who's clinically insane," barked a third, before educating me on the supposed anomalies of physics involved with the collapse of WTC-7.
I have two basic gripes with the 9/11 Truth movement. The first is that it gives supporters of Bush an excuse to dismiss critics of this administration. I have no doubt that every time one of those Loose Change dickwads opens his mouth, a Republican somewhere picks up five votes. In fact, if there were any conspiracy here, I'd be far more inclined to believe that this whole movement was cooked up by Karl Rove as a kind of mass cyber-provocation, along the lines of Gordon Liddy hiring hippie peace protesters to piss in the lobbies of hotels where campaign reporters were staying.
Secondly, it's bad enough that people in this country think Tim LaHaye is a prophet and Sean Hannity is an objective newsman. But if large numbers of people in this country can swallow 9/11 conspiracy theory without puking, all hope is lost. Our best hope is that the Japanese take pity on us and allow us to serve as industrial slaves in their future empire, farming sushi rice and assembling robot toys.
I don't have the space here to address every single reason why 9/11 conspiracy theory is so shamefully stupid, so I'll have to be content with just one point: 9/11 Truth is the lowest form of conspiracy theory, because it doesn't offer an affirmative theory of the crime.
Forget for a minute all those Internet tales about inexplicable skyscraper fires, strange holes in the ground at Shanksville and mysterious flight manifestoes. What is the theory of the crime, according to the 9/11 Truth movement?
Strikingly, there is no obvious answer to that question, since for all the many articles about "Able Danger" and the witnesses who heard explosions at Ground Zero, there is not -- at least not that I could find -- a single document anywhere that lays out a single, concrete theory of what happened, who ordered what and when they ordered it, and why. There obviously is such a theory, but it has to be pieced together by implication, by paying attention to the various assertions of 9/11 lore (the towers were mined, the Pentagon was really hit by a cruise missile, etc.) and then assembling them later on into one single story. But the funny thing is, when you put together all of those disparate theories, you get the dumbest story since Roman Polanski's Pirates.
The specifics vary, but the basic gist of what They Say Happened goes something like this:
A group of power-hungry neocons, led by Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Bush and others and organizationally represented by groups like the Project for the New American Century, seeks to bring about a "Pearl-Harbor-like event" that would accelerate a rightist revolution, laying the political foundation for invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Your basic Reichstag fire scenario, logical enough so far. Except in this story, the Reichstag fire is an immensely complicated media hoax; the conspirators plot to topple the World Trade Center and pin a series of hijackings on a group of Sunni extremists with alleged ties to Al Qaeda. How do they topple the Trade Center? Well, they make use of NORAD's expertise in flying remote-control aircraft and actually fly two such remote-control aircraft into the Towers (in another version of the story, they conspire with Al Qaeda terrorists to actually hijack the planes), then pass the planes off as commercial jetliners in the media. But it isn't the plane crashes that topple the buildings, but bombs planted in the Towers that do the trick.
For good measure -- apparently to lend credence to the hijacking story -- they then fake another hijacking/crash in the Pentagon, where there actually is no plane crash at all but instead a hole created by a cruise missile attack, fired by a mysterious "white jet" that after the attack circles the White House for some time, inspiring the attention of Secret Service agents who point at it curiously from the ground (apparently these White House Secret Service agents were not in on the plot, although FBI agents on scene at Ground Zero and in Shanksville and elsewhere were).
Lastly, again apparently to lend weight to the whole hijacking cover story, they burn a big hole in the ground in Pennsylvania and claim that a jet went down there, crashed by a bunch of brave fictional civilians who fictionally storm the fictional plane cabin. The real-life wife of one of the fictional heroes, Lisa Beamer, then writes a convincingly self-serving paean/memoir to her dead husband, again lending tremendous verisimilitude to the hijacking story. These guys are good!
Just imagine how this planning session between Bush, Rummy and Cheney must have gone:
BUSH: So, what's the plan again?
CHENEY: Well, we need to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. So what we've decided to do is crash a whole bunch of remote-controlled planes into Wall Street and the Pentagon, say they're real hijacked commercial planes, and blame it on the towelheads; then we'll just blow up the buildings ourselves to make sure they actually fall down.
RUMSFELD: Right! And we'll make sure that some of the hijackers are agents of Saddam Hussein! That way we'll have no problem getting the public to buy the invasion.
CHENEY: No, Dick, we won't.
RUMSFELD: We won't?
CHENEY: No, that's too obvious. We'll make the hijackers Al Qaeda and then just imply a connection to Iraq.
RUMSFELD: But if we're just making up the whole thing, why not just put Saddam's fingerprints on the attack?
CHENEY: (sighing) It just has to be this way, Dick. Ups the ante, as it were. This way, we're not insulated if things go wrong in Iraq. Gives us incentive to get the invasion right the first time around.
BUSH: I'm a total idiot who can barely read, so I'll buy that. But I've got a question. Why do we need to crash planes into the Towers at all? Since everyone knows terrorists already tried to blow up that building complex from the ground up once, why don't we just blow it up like we plan to anyway, and blame the bombs on the terrorists?
RUMSFELD: Mr. President, you don't understand. It's much better to sneak into the buildings ourselves in the days before the attacks, plant the bombs and then make it look like it was exploding planes that brought the buildings down. That way, we involve more people in the plot, stand a much greater chance of being exposed and needlessly complicate everything!
CHENEY: Of course, just toppling the Twin Towers will never be enough. No one would give us the war mandate we need if we just blow up the Towers. Clearly, we also need to shoot a missile at a small corner of the Pentagon to create a mightily underpublicized additional symbol of international terrorism -- and then, obviously, we need to fake a plane crash in the middle of fucking nowhere in rural Pennsylvania.
RUMSFELD: Yeah, it goes without saying that the level of public outrage will not be sufficient without that crash in the middle of fucking nowhere.
CHENEY: And the Pentagon crash -- we'll have to do it in broad daylight and say it was a plane, even though it'll really be a cruise missile.
BUSH: Wait, why do we have to use a missile?
CHENEY: Because it's much easier to shoot a missile and say it was a plane. It's not easy to steer a real passenger plane into the Pentagon. Planes are hard to come by.
BUSH: But aren't we using two planes for the Twin Towers?
CHENEY: Mr. President, you're missing the point. With the Pentagon, we use a missile, and say it was a plane.
BUSH: Right, but I'm saying, why don't we just use a plane and say it was a plane? We'll be doing that with the Twin Towers, right?
CHENEY: Right, but in this case, we use a missile. (Throws hands up in frustration) Don, can you help me out here?
RUMSFELD: Mr. President, in Washington, we use a missile because it's sneakier that way. Using an actual plane would be too obvious, even though we'll be doing just that in New York.
RUMSFELD: The other good thing about saying that it was a passenger jet is that that way, we have to invent a few hundred fictional victims and account for a nonexistent missing crew and plane. It's always better when you leave more cover story to invent, more legwork to do and more possible holes to investigate. Doubt, legwork and possible exposure -- you can't pull off any good conspiracy without them.
BUSH: You guys are brilliant! Because if there's one thing about Americans -- they won't let a president go to war without a damn good reason. How could we ever get the media, the corporate world and our military to endorse an invasion of a secular Iraqi state unless we faked an attack against New York at the hands of a bunch of Saudi religious radicals? Why, they'd never buy it. Look at how hard it was to get us into Vietnam, Iraq the last time, Kosovo?
CHENEY: Like pulling teeth!
RUMSFELD: Well, I'm sold on the idea. Let's call the Joint Chiefs, the FAA, the New York and Washington, D.C., fire departments, Rudy Giuliani, all three networks, the families of a thousand fictional airline victims, MI5, the FBI, FEMA, the NYPD, Larry Eagleburger, Osama bin Laden, Noam Chomsky and the fifty thousand other people we'll need to pull this off. There isn't a moment to lose!
BUSH: Don't forget to call all of those Wall Street hotshots who donated $100 million to our last campaign. They'll be thrilled to know that we'll be targeting them for execution as part of our thousand-tentacled modern-day bonehead Reichstag scheme! After all, if we're going to make martyrs -- why not make them out of our campaign paymasters? Shit, didn't the Merrill Lynch guys say they needed a refurbishing in their New York offices?
RUMSFELD: Oh, they'll get a refurbishing, all right. Just in time for the "Big Wedding"!
ALL THREE: (cackling) Mwah-hah-hah!
You get the idea. None of this stuff makes any sense at all. If you just need an excuse to assume authoritarian powers, why fake a plane crash in Shanksville? What the hell does that accomplish? If you're using bombs, why fake a hijacking, why use remote-control planes? If the entire government apparatus is in on the scam, then why bother going to all this murderous trouble at all -- only to go to war a year later with a country no one even bothered to falsely blame for the attacks? You won't see any of this explored in 9/11 Truth lore, because the "conspiracy" they're describing is impossible everywhere outside a Zucker brothers movie -- unbelievably stupid in its conception, pointlessly baroque and excessive in its particulars, but flawless in its execution, with no concrete evidence left behind and tens of thousands keeping their roles a secret forever.
We are to imagine that not one of Bush's zillions of murderous confederates would slip and leave real incriminating evidence anywhere along the way, forcing us to deduce this massive crime via things like the shaking of a documentary filmmaker's tripod before the Towers' collapse (aha, see that shaking -- it must have been a bomb planted by the president and his ten thousand allies!). Richard Nixon was a hundred times smarter than Bush, and he couldn't prevent leaks and cries of anguished pseudo-conscience from sprouting among a dozen intimately involved conspirators -- but under the 9/11 conspiracy theory, even the lowest FBI agent used to seal off the crime scene never squeaks. It's absurd.
I challenge a 9/11 Truth leader like Loose Change writer Dylan Avery to come up with a detailed, complete summary of the alleged plot -- not the bits and pieces, but the whole story, put together -- that would not make any fifth grader anywhere burst out in convulsive laughter. And without that, all the rest of it is bosh and bunkum, on the order of the "sonar evidence" proving the existence of the Loch Ness monster. If you can't put all of these alleged scientific impossibilities together into a story that makes sense, then all you're doing is jerking off -- and it's not like no one's ever done that on the Internet before.
Whenever anyone chooses to dismiss 9/11 conspiracy theorists, accusations fly; the Internet screams that you've aided and abetted George Bush. I disagree. To me, the 9/11 Truth movement is, itself, a classic example of the pathology of George Bush's America. Bush has presided over a country that has become hopelessly divided into insoluble, paranoid tribes, one of which happens to be Bush's own government. All of these tribes have things in common; they're insular movements that construct their own reality by cherry-picking the evidence they like from the vast information marketplace, violently disbelieve in the humanity of those outside their ranks, and lavishly praise their own movement mediocrities as great thinkers and achievers. There are as many Thomas Paines in the 9/11 Truth movement as there are Isaac Newtons among the Intelligent Design crowd.
There's not a whole lot of difference, psychologically, between Sean Hannity's followers believing liberals to be the same as terrorists, and 9/11 Truthers believing even the lowest soldier or rank-and-file FAA or NORAD official to be a cold-blooded mass murderer. In both cases you have to be far gone enough into your private world of silly tribal bullshit that the concept of "your fellow citizen" has ceased to have any meaning whatsoever. It may be that America has become too big and complicated for most people to deal with being part of. People are longing for a smaller, stupider reality. Some, like Bush, sell a prepackaged version. Others just make theirs up out of thin air. God help us.
"You're just another MSM-whore left gatekeeper paid off by corporate America," said one writer. "What you do isn't journalism at all, you dick," said another. "You're the one who's clinically insane," barked a third, before educating me on the supposed anomalies of physics involved with the collapse of WTC-7.
I have two basic gripes with the 9/11 Truth movement. The first is that it gives supporters of Bush an excuse to dismiss critics of this administration. I have no doubt that every time one of those Loose Change dickwads opens his mouth, a Republican somewhere picks up five votes. In fact, if there were any conspiracy here, I'd be far more inclined to believe that this whole movement was cooked up by Karl Rove as a kind of mass cyber-provocation, along the lines of Gordon Liddy hiring hippie peace protesters to piss in the lobbies of hotels where campaign reporters were staying.
Secondly, it's bad enough that people in this country think Tim LaHaye is a prophet and Sean Hannity is an objective newsman. But if large numbers of people in this country can swallow 9/11 conspiracy theory without puking, all hope is lost. Our best hope is that the Japanese take pity on us and allow us to serve as industrial slaves in their future empire, farming sushi rice and assembling robot toys.
I don't have the space here to address every single reason why 9/11 conspiracy theory is so shamefully stupid, so I'll have to be content with just one point: 9/11 Truth is the lowest form of conspiracy theory, because it doesn't offer an affirmative theory of the crime.
Forget for a minute all those Internet tales about inexplicable skyscraper fires, strange holes in the ground at Shanksville and mysterious flight manifestoes. What is the theory of the crime, according to the 9/11 Truth movement?
Strikingly, there is no obvious answer to that question, since for all the many articles about "Able Danger" and the witnesses who heard explosions at Ground Zero, there is not -- at least not that I could find -- a single document anywhere that lays out a single, concrete theory of what happened, who ordered what and when they ordered it, and why. There obviously is such a theory, but it has to be pieced together by implication, by paying attention to the various assertions of 9/11 lore (the towers were mined, the Pentagon was really hit by a cruise missile, etc.) and then assembling them later on into one single story. But the funny thing is, when you put together all of those disparate theories, you get the dumbest story since Roman Polanski's Pirates.
The specifics vary, but the basic gist of what They Say Happened goes something like this:
A group of power-hungry neocons, led by Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Bush and others and organizationally represented by groups like the Project for the New American Century, seeks to bring about a "Pearl-Harbor-like event" that would accelerate a rightist revolution, laying the political foundation for invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Your basic Reichstag fire scenario, logical enough so far. Except in this story, the Reichstag fire is an immensely complicated media hoax; the conspirators plot to topple the World Trade Center and pin a series of hijackings on a group of Sunni extremists with alleged ties to Al Qaeda. How do they topple the Trade Center? Well, they make use of NORAD's expertise in flying remote-control aircraft and actually fly two such remote-control aircraft into the Towers (in another version of the story, they conspire with Al Qaeda terrorists to actually hijack the planes), then pass the planes off as commercial jetliners in the media. But it isn't the plane crashes that topple the buildings, but bombs planted in the Towers that do the trick.
For good measure -- apparently to lend credence to the hijacking story -- they then fake another hijacking/crash in the Pentagon, where there actually is no plane crash at all but instead a hole created by a cruise missile attack, fired by a mysterious "white jet" that after the attack circles the White House for some time, inspiring the attention of Secret Service agents who point at it curiously from the ground (apparently these White House Secret Service agents were not in on the plot, although FBI agents on scene at Ground Zero and in Shanksville and elsewhere were).
Lastly, again apparently to lend weight to the whole hijacking cover story, they burn a big hole in the ground in Pennsylvania and claim that a jet went down there, crashed by a bunch of brave fictional civilians who fictionally storm the fictional plane cabin. The real-life wife of one of the fictional heroes, Lisa Beamer, then writes a convincingly self-serving paean/memoir to her dead husband, again lending tremendous verisimilitude to the hijacking story. These guys are good!
Just imagine how this planning session between Bush, Rummy and Cheney must have gone:
BUSH: So, what's the plan again?
CHENEY: Well, we need to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. So what we've decided to do is crash a whole bunch of remote-controlled planes into Wall Street and the Pentagon, say they're real hijacked commercial planes, and blame it on the towelheads; then we'll just blow up the buildings ourselves to make sure they actually fall down.
RUMSFELD: Right! And we'll make sure that some of the hijackers are agents of Saddam Hussein! That way we'll have no problem getting the public to buy the invasion.
CHENEY: No, Dick, we won't.
RUMSFELD: We won't?
CHENEY: No, that's too obvious. We'll make the hijackers Al Qaeda and then just imply a connection to Iraq.
RUMSFELD: But if we're just making up the whole thing, why not just put Saddam's fingerprints on the attack?
CHENEY: (sighing) It just has to be this way, Dick. Ups the ante, as it were. This way, we're not insulated if things go wrong in Iraq. Gives us incentive to get the invasion right the first time around.
BUSH: I'm a total idiot who can barely read, so I'll buy that. But I've got a question. Why do we need to crash planes into the Towers at all? Since everyone knows terrorists already tried to blow up that building complex from the ground up once, why don't we just blow it up like we plan to anyway, and blame the bombs on the terrorists?
RUMSFELD: Mr. President, you don't understand. It's much better to sneak into the buildings ourselves in the days before the attacks, plant the bombs and then make it look like it was exploding planes that brought the buildings down. That way, we involve more people in the plot, stand a much greater chance of being exposed and needlessly complicate everything!
CHENEY: Of course, just toppling the Twin Towers will never be enough. No one would give us the war mandate we need if we just blow up the Towers. Clearly, we also need to shoot a missile at a small corner of the Pentagon to create a mightily underpublicized additional symbol of international terrorism -- and then, obviously, we need to fake a plane crash in the middle of fucking nowhere in rural Pennsylvania.
RUMSFELD: Yeah, it goes without saying that the level of public outrage will not be sufficient without that crash in the middle of fucking nowhere.
CHENEY: And the Pentagon crash -- we'll have to do it in broad daylight and say it was a plane, even though it'll really be a cruise missile.
BUSH: Wait, why do we have to use a missile?
CHENEY: Because it's much easier to shoot a missile and say it was a plane. It's not easy to steer a real passenger plane into the Pentagon. Planes are hard to come by.
BUSH: But aren't we using two planes for the Twin Towers?
CHENEY: Mr. President, you're missing the point. With the Pentagon, we use a missile, and say it was a plane.
BUSH: Right, but I'm saying, why don't we just use a plane and say it was a plane? We'll be doing that with the Twin Towers, right?
CHENEY: Right, but in this case, we use a missile. (Throws hands up in frustration) Don, can you help me out here?
RUMSFELD: Mr. President, in Washington, we use a missile because it's sneakier that way. Using an actual plane would be too obvious, even though we'll be doing just that in New York.
RUMSFELD: The other good thing about saying that it was a passenger jet is that that way, we have to invent a few hundred fictional victims and account for a nonexistent missing crew and plane. It's always better when you leave more cover story to invent, more legwork to do and more possible holes to investigate. Doubt, legwork and possible exposure -- you can't pull off any good conspiracy without them.
BUSH: You guys are brilliant! Because if there's one thing about Americans -- they won't let a president go to war without a damn good reason. How could we ever get the media, the corporate world and our military to endorse an invasion of a secular Iraqi state unless we faked an attack against New York at the hands of a bunch of Saudi religious radicals? Why, they'd never buy it. Look at how hard it was to get us into Vietnam, Iraq the last time, Kosovo?
CHENEY: Like pulling teeth!
RUMSFELD: Well, I'm sold on the idea. Let's call the Joint Chiefs, the FAA, the New York and Washington, D.C., fire departments, Rudy Giuliani, all three networks, the families of a thousand fictional airline victims, MI5, the FBI, FEMA, the NYPD, Larry Eagleburger, Osama bin Laden, Noam Chomsky and the fifty thousand other people we'll need to pull this off. There isn't a moment to lose!
BUSH: Don't forget to call all of those Wall Street hotshots who donated $100 million to our last campaign. They'll be thrilled to know that we'll be targeting them for execution as part of our thousand-tentacled modern-day bonehead Reichstag scheme! After all, if we're going to make martyrs -- why not make them out of our campaign paymasters? Shit, didn't the Merrill Lynch guys say they needed a refurbishing in their New York offices?
RUMSFELD: Oh, they'll get a refurbishing, all right. Just in time for the "Big Wedding"!
ALL THREE: (cackling) Mwah-hah-hah!
You get the idea. None of this stuff makes any sense at all. If you just need an excuse to assume authoritarian powers, why fake a plane crash in Shanksville? What the hell does that accomplish? If you're using bombs, why fake a hijacking, why use remote-control planes? If the entire government apparatus is in on the scam, then why bother going to all this murderous trouble at all -- only to go to war a year later with a country no one even bothered to falsely blame for the attacks? You won't see any of this explored in 9/11 Truth lore, because the "conspiracy" they're describing is impossible everywhere outside a Zucker brothers movie -- unbelievably stupid in its conception, pointlessly baroque and excessive in its particulars, but flawless in its execution, with no concrete evidence left behind and tens of thousands keeping their roles a secret forever.
We are to imagine that not one of Bush's zillions of murderous confederates would slip and leave real incriminating evidence anywhere along the way, forcing us to deduce this massive crime via things like the shaking of a documentary filmmaker's tripod before the Towers' collapse (aha, see that shaking -- it must have been a bomb planted by the president and his ten thousand allies!). Richard Nixon was a hundred times smarter than Bush, and he couldn't prevent leaks and cries of anguished pseudo-conscience from sprouting among a dozen intimately involved conspirators -- but under the 9/11 conspiracy theory, even the lowest FBI agent used to seal off the crime scene never squeaks. It's absurd.
I challenge a 9/11 Truth leader like Loose Change writer Dylan Avery to come up with a detailed, complete summary of the alleged plot -- not the bits and pieces, but the whole story, put together -- that would not make any fifth grader anywhere burst out in convulsive laughter. And without that, all the rest of it is bosh and bunkum, on the order of the "sonar evidence" proving the existence of the Loch Ness monster. If you can't put all of these alleged scientific impossibilities together into a story that makes sense, then all you're doing is jerking off -- and it's not like no one's ever done that on the Internet before.
Whenever anyone chooses to dismiss 9/11 conspiracy theorists, accusations fly; the Internet screams that you've aided and abetted George Bush. I disagree. To me, the 9/11 Truth movement is, itself, a classic example of the pathology of George Bush's America. Bush has presided over a country that has become hopelessly divided into insoluble, paranoid tribes, one of which happens to be Bush's own government. All of these tribes have things in common; they're insular movements that construct their own reality by cherry-picking the evidence they like from the vast information marketplace, violently disbelieve in the humanity of those outside their ranks, and lavishly praise their own movement mediocrities as great thinkers and achievers. There are as many Thomas Paines in the 9/11 Truth movement as there are Isaac Newtons among the Intelligent Design crowd.
There's not a whole lot of difference, psychologically, between Sean Hannity's followers believing liberals to be the same as terrorists, and 9/11 Truthers believing even the lowest soldier or rank-and-file FAA or NORAD official to be a cold-blooded mass murderer. In both cases you have to be far gone enough into your private world of silly tribal bullshit that the concept of "your fellow citizen" has ceased to have any meaning whatsoever. It may be that America has become too big and complicated for most people to deal with being part of. People are longing for a smaller, stupider reality. Some, like Bush, sell a prepackaged version. Others just make theirs up out of thin air. God help us.
Common Dreams News Center / Rolling Stone
Hide the following 16 comments
Oh come on...
03.10.2006 22:32
Once again, a 9/11 truth denier (which I am glad exist as they keep the movement on their toes and critical) starts off by saying they will examine only 1 element of the events of that day. Admittedly, to address them all would take pages and pages, but to consider your argument credible by attacking one sole angle is plain stupid.
Surely the reason that no one wants to bring forward an exhaustive narrative of what happened is because all the facts are not yet known, and some inevitably never will be (like Able Danger). If everyone were to rally behind one version of events, picking a small hole in the large argument could cause the movement to crumble.
On the scientific side there is plenty of evidence, note that I am using only ONE example to make my point, the most obvious being what caused sulphidation of the steel? Where did the sulphur come from? On the pentagon issue, it is clear from the intially released security camera stills that something is not right. What is the white trail on image 2 that isn't there in any of the others? My uneducated guess is that it is smoke, image 3 even seems to confirm it.
More importantly though, how are you to create a comprehensive theory when it is the government who control the access to information? Most "conspiracy theorists" should acknowledge that they don't know everything, because none of them are Cheney or Rummy. As with any crime we will never know the exact timeline of what happened, nor will we know the full reason. All we have to go by is the official government story, fragments of alternate evidence and "coincidences", and the fact that the Bush administration refuse to even address the subject... You have to admit, there's a cause for a little uneasiness, after all what has George Bush not lied about?
I won't go into a lengthy debate about the Bush/Bin Laden links, the foreign intelligence warnings and the John O'Neill story, but I will just float the idea that maybe Bush's story is part true, maybe this was an act from both sides... Real terrorists carrying out real acts of aggression, allowed to succeed by the government (Bye bye Norad!) and embellished by the intelligence community (Hello sulphur!). Is that really such a hard pill to swallow?
thank you
04.10.2006 00:52
911=PNAC, CIA, Mossad
04.10.2006 04:11
What a surprise. Every single media outlet was filled with these fairly carbon-copy pieces, which didn't actually say anything, merely resorted to the same Disinfo we've seen for five years. Next year, instead of wasting all the time & resources it must have taken to create this Nothingness, the defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory should actually try finding the still-missing independently-verifiable and compelling evidence which would exist - and be forthcoming - if the tale spun by the LIARS in DC was true.
That would silence the critics once and for all ...
"Apparently every third person in the United States thinks George Bush was behind the 9/11 attacks."
That's what the polls say, yes. I suspect that's why we were barraged with these articles and television reports this year, desperately seeking to slander those asking the many questions still remaining, five years after the attacks.
I don't believe the e-mails. I don't know anyone within 911 Truth who would accuse any media hack as being "left". Sounds like something the Hard Right dreamt up.
"I have two basic gripes with the 9/11 Truth movement. The first is that it gives supporters of Bush an excuse to dismiss critics of this administration."
Not at all. If you truly believed this, you'd be able to elaborate.
The rest of the paragraph reveals that the author is not a part of any progressive community.
"Secondly, "
So I guess there is no real second point ...
"I don't have the space here to address ..."
This is what every hack without the ability to critically examine or refute the claims and questions of his Opposition says.
"9/11 Truth is the lowest form of conspiracy theory, because it doesn't offer an affirmative theory of the crime."
Hence, its members are not actually, as you refer to them, "conspiracy theorists", are they? All they know is that the Conspiracy Theory you're defending with this piece is filled with holes, and that we need an honest investigation, the kind which usually follows this type of tragedy, but was directly blocked by the Bush/PNAC Regime.
We'll leave the theorizing to the people carrying out the investigation, driven by the evidence, as opposed to creating a Theory, and trying to "fix the facts", as Bush/PNAC/the author does.
"A group of power-hungry neocons, led by Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Bush and others and organizationally represented by groups like the Project for the New American Century, seeks to bring about a "Pearl-Harbor-like event" that would accelerate a rightist revolution, laying the political foundation for invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq."
Indeed. What we've all witnessed these past five years kinda supports that, don't it?
"Except in this story, the Reichstag fire is an immensely complicated media hoax"
More Disinfo. Apologists like this author always claim a huge "complexity" which does not really exist. If the author truly knew how the media operates, he would know better.
"How do they topple the Trade Center? Well, they make use of NORAD's expertise in flying remote-control aircraft and actually fly two such remote-control aircraft into the Towers"
Okay, you explain why so many AWACS (used to seize control of commercial aircraft, designed in response to the many hijackings of the 80's) were in NY airspace that day.
"But it isn't the plane crashes that topple the buildings, but bombs planted in the Towers that do the trick."
Indeed. Crews were working on the steel trusses - under the supervision of a Bush family member, and requiring the security apparatus of the buildings to be interrupted - shortly before the attacks.
"You get the idea. None of this stuff makes any sense at all."
Well, not when you exaggerate the claims 911 Truth makes. But when you analyze their statements in any honest fashion, and actually do the research required to understand what they're talking about, it makes perfect sense.
So much so, that I notice you haven't actually addressed any of it ...
"with no concrete evidence left behind"
When you also get to control the cleanup, this matters little.
"and tens of thousands keeping their roles a secret forever."
If you understood Chain Of Command, you'd know that far fewer would be required - and don't think for a second that the Neo-Fascists in DC don't have thousands of willing Ideologues who do their dirty work for them.
This is more patented Disinfo ...
"I challenge a 9/11 Truth leader ..."
How about, instead, challenge the Bush/PNAC Regime - or yourself - to actually PROVE the Conspiracy Theory which served as the "Useful Crisis" these Fascists needed to embark on their long-held agenda.
When you can actually say something, I'll be here ...
The Plant Has To Imitate Me - A Sign Of Desperation
04.10.2006 07:32
... off the scale again ...
Yes, there are any number of theories that are utterly ridiculous and lurid - I suspect the authors of them are amusing themselves; there are any number of theories that are alluring and comforting - I suspect the authors of those designed them thus; then there are any number of theories basically honest but riddled with inconsistancy and speculation beyond the data and, finally there are a few theories that utilize good practice in sound hands ...
Now, the first question here should be:
... into which of the above catagories does the government theory fit into? If you think that it is the last, you are a wretched fool and should consider some life changing options before your pityfull world view comes crashing ... but that is another matter.
The rolling stone piece, although pitched at its demographic in its usual smooth readable style, is just another hack job.
Setting up strawman arguments to counter the drift from the official line.
... government allowed a few arab looking men (singled out unbeknown to them by their mossad 'handlers') to board planes thinking they were going to be the hostage takers ... only they were the ones taken hostage, by Dov Zekheim's Special Control Systems (SPC) company planes ... Patsies ... again!
The routes the planes took afforded their remote handlers secure locations within military bases, their destinations prepared before hand for ... ahem ... some additional fireworks.
A few stock option manipulations by the Tel Aviv gang ... mr silverstein bags a few $billion in 'compensation' ... an attempt to manouver kissenger into top 'investigator' (had to settle for his old mate and assosiate instead) ...
... and its time to start bombing the afghanies, arabs, muslims, whatever ... whoever has the termerity to have built their civilization over wall streets assets ...
Same as it ever was.
... besides it's not 'A' conspiracy theory, it's 'lots' of conspiracy theories. All can be dealt with using the same methodolgy as one deals with other things ... whether it be scientific or not. It is utterly useless and beneath contempt to dismiss the entire 9/11 (aarrgghh its 11/9 really!) truth movement on the basis of the snide dismissal of crackpots. What it doesn't do is adress the central issues:
... govenments are lying barstards who will sell us down any river for a buck ...
... track record ...
... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ... follow it.
Conspiraloons nailed and panicking
04.10.2006 09:16
But when you step back and look at the plot the 9/11 'truthers' are implicitly putting forward it looks like it has come from the pen of the worst hack scriptwriter in Hollywood. It wouldn't make it past the first script meeting because it is so implausible. It must be incredibly troubling for people who are committed to these conspiracy theories to have to step back and look at it. In fact that much is evident from the responses of the usual suspects above. Straight in with the paranoia. That anyone who disagrees with me is working for them. I mean I don't disagree with Bush about the earth being round that doesn't mean I'm in alliance with him.
Then they are straight back to their ever changing minutae of anomalies with the official stroy. Anomailies that seem to disappear when you look at them but then they are on to another anomaly that some loon in Texas thinks he has spotted. All the while building up a picture of their version of events that is absolutely insane. Anomalies do occurr with every theory of what happened in the real world but when the alternative theory put forward is so much more implausible you can conclude that the former is nearer the truth.
Films are not a good guide to real life.
... sad indictment indeed ...
04.10.2006 10:20
... gunna get me some of that liberation ...
The reliance on lowest common denominator slagging off/strawman arguments is why those that don't believe a word of government conspiracies despise those that offer up such cheap shots ... and is why, ultimately, (they) work for said governments ... whether (they) know it and take the shillings or whether (they) don't and are being played by a critical analysis of [their] easily accessable psychology.
... (they) are just extra drag to contend with as those with more than a passing interest in the appalling consequences that acceptance of the government line involve ... the destruction of brown skinned people who sit on top of the resources that those who have seized the reigns of power desire ... try and induce a rare moment of clarity inbetween the racist self centred calls for revenge and furtherance of the aims of PNAC.
Most of these decriers, I feel, couldn't actually give a shit either way ... as long as they can reach the ammunition with which to bash their own particular hate group.
Only rarely does one encounter a reasoned argument that relies on the desire for truth and justice ... and then usually there is a great deal of meaningful exchange and reach for consensus.
Ah well, so it goes ... lets hope the drag is not to great to prevent a dramatic escape from the frightning all encompassing state of permanant warfare and terror enacted to control us ... and ultimately the resources that 11/9 was really all about.
Fucking idiotic shrills ...
Hysterical nutter alert
04.10.2006 14:15
Hmm I'm not sure if that is a great example of the water tight reasoning you employed when working out that 9/11 was an inside job. With that level of hysterical rambling you could imagine one of these wackos taking a shot at Chomsky or something, except you can't do that over the internet of course.
Did you not notice the argument above that just because you agree with Bush that the earth is round and not flat that doesn't mean you support the invasion of Iraq. I imagine Bush also disagrees with the theory that the moon is made of green cheese, we probably share this in common but I believe I can still be an activist against the war(s), climate change, increasingly oppresive security and border regimes and linking them all up capitalism in general. Now perhaps Bush and his mind control agents are behind my non cheesey moon beliefs and that makes me a mass mouse murderer as wel. I mean the only proof we have are the moon landings and no doubt you believe they were a hoax.
Have a nice time on your planet mate I'm fucking glad I don't live there.
Some mother do ave em
I remember when commondreams removed all anti-israeli stories
04.10.2006 15:57
However, this is the nature of these operations. Occasionally someone's nerve goes, or the fear grows that the 'candy-coating' is becoming the MESSAGE. The highly intelligent individuals that have designed the psy-op watch in despair as their hard work is compromised by those that fail to understand the psychology of targetted propaganda. Smart evil people often have to watch their work f**ked up by dumb evil people.
Today, state operations like common dreams, al jazeera, etc, fair less well, since people with inquiring minds can move to far better, and untainted (less tainted) resources on the net. Tactics change. Trolls become more useful again. The attacks against the 911 truth movement on Indymedia UK, for instance, are carried out by the same people proud to have been responsible for the "TIME TO GO" fiasco, when thousands of protestors were fooled into thinking they were attended an anti-Blair rally, only to find that the demo was widely reported by the mass media as a "PRO-SOLDIER" protest (protect 'our boys' by getting them out of Afghanistan etc). The slogan "time to go" was universally described in the news broadcasts as referring exclusively to withdrawing the army and NOT about Blair.
We have a little thing called history. When the question comes up "would/could they do such a thing" our point of reference is those recent events that we know happened, with most of the 'why's' and 'how's'.
Keeping state secrets, when thousands are involved? Happens all the time (not that this is required by the 911 truth movement explanation theories). False flags used by the US to start wars? Happens all the time. So-called terrorist attacks actually carried out by agents working for WESTERN STATES? Happens all the time. Highest level officials in the US planning 911-style operations? Happens all the time.
RECORDED RECENT HISTORY IS 100% ON THE SIDE OF THE 911 TRUTH MOVEMENT. On the other hand, the official conspiracy theory can be easily demonstrated to be just another of a chain of outrageous and clearly transparent lies told by the state and the media.
To give the tiniest tiniest example: the weather balloon inflaters that the press and Blair said were bio-labs. Given that these were British supplied, it was known DAY ONE exactly what these were. Did your precious rolling stone, or guardian, or channel 4 news, ON DAY ONE, state that this fact alone proved that Blair and Bush were nothing but liars?
You see, if the truth matters, and the truth can be shown, wouldn't the so-called truth seekers within the mass media be using examples like this to stop Blair in his tracks. Instead, the truth suddenly becomes maybes and ifs and buts. If the absolute truth hurts Blair, then all of a sudden there is magic uncertainty. Journalists can refer to things so the dribblers later will think that their 'liberal' outlets told the truth, but a careful examination will show that when it mattered, the 'lberal' outlets did not stand behind their 'facts', but did their very best to sow FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt).
IT IS A FACT THAT THE TWO TOWERS AND WTC7 WERE BOUGHT DOWN USING CONTROLLED DEMOLITIONS. As much a fact as the balloon inflators being balloon inflators while Colin Powell was busy telling the UN they were mobile bio-weapon labs. Of course, if the fact of Powell's lies had mattered at the time of his lying, Blair's genocide of Iraq would have been affected.
The most likely scenario for Blair's genocide of Iran is that the war will start with another false-flag. This is why Blair's New Reich thugs are so active on sites like this at the moment, and why CIA assets like CommonDreams and Noam Chomsky are so busy attacking the ONLY force capable of stopping Blair. OPERATION GLADIO and OPERATION NORTHWOODS are fact. Their implications literally blow the minds of ordinary 'trainspotter' type activists, simple minded folk who need to believe that everything is really OK with the world, especially with their masters.
The truth is vile. The truth is evil beyond all comprehension up until the point when you adjust your mind to the fact that mass murder is not a moral crime to those that rule over you, merely a means to an end. When Peter Mandelson arranged with tribe business associates in New York to sail two of the most toxic and dangerous ships found in dry dock for dissassembly in Britain (for his own personal profit), he lost not one second's sleep over the thought of the thousands of nameless people here that would have their lives ended early by horrifying cancers causes by the toxins (which is why the US authorities would not allow the work to be done in the States). When Mandelson watched the holocaust carried out by his tribe in Lebanon, he was ecstatic.
However, you are told, regardless, that such people would never arrange a 911 for profit. How thick do they think you are? Well, you keep buying The Guardian, don't you? You keep watching Channel 4 News (a product of a Conrad Black level of zionist racism via the ITN organisation)? You keep visiting Commondreams, and voting for the Green Party (responsible for some of the most overt attacks against muslims in European politics)?
I live in a age where anti-muslim propaganda, in quantity and vileness, exceeds the anti-jewish output of nazi-Germany at its worst. I live in an age where all the mass media outlets are stating that it is right for Blair to develop, build, and promise to use nuclear weapons against anyone he chooses.I live in an age where Blair and Bush have destroyed all civilised rule of law, and replaced it with the decree of dictators (DID ANY OF YOU BOTHER TO NOTICE THE TORTURE POWERS VOTED TO BUSH IN THE LAST WEEK). I live in an age of World War.
Being highly intelligent, I understand this only happens when a natural equilibrium is destroyed. Balancing forces that usually cancel one another out are ruthlessly manipulated. Forces acting in one direction are increased, but more importantly, counter-acting forces are carefully reduced. The 'referees' of such a change are us, for we suffer the consequences of a seismic shift in the rules and expectations of our society.
If you have even one functioning braincell, it must be screaming out at the illogic of the above.
Money well spent? Well is the money well spent in Iraq? Hardly. But does it maintain an occupation? Absolutely. The billions spent controlling what we think works regardless of incompetence and graft, just like the space program that got Americans on the Moon.
On the other hand, what can we afford to pay? NOTHING. Ours is an amateur effort at best, by definition. Theirs is as professional as money can buy. Noam Chomsky sounds convincing, does he? For what they spend, I bloody well expect so. However, when you have to manipulate the truth, that very fact will catch you out.
UNDERSTAND WHAT BLAIR NEEDS. THEN LOOK FOR THE PEOPLE PROVIDING THIS SERVICE. The so-called "left gate-keeper" meme catually describes the intelligence protocols that are used to move the equilibrium so massively in Blair's favour. People sell out the Human Race for various reasons. Some, like Chomsky, are brain-dead racists (remember, the history of organised religion is the history of organised racism). Some are sociopaths. Some are simply greedy. A few will be true followers of Blair, willing servants of the Devil itself.
As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a
twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all
must be most aware of change in the air however slight lest we become unwitting victims of the
William O. Douglas, Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
hmmm? ... plus a little groaning
04.10.2006 15:58
... this is normal behaviour for buildings ...
I don't think I can go slow enough for you to catch up old boy!
The picture of the child represents the consequences of swallowing the racist filth peddled by bush et al ... and yes ... those who allow the triumph of 'evil' do so by acquiescence mostly.
Or do you actually believe that the rhetoric employed by PNAC has a basis in reality?
If only you could move your position a fraction forward from insults into analysis ... or do you think it enough to shout 'conspiraloon' and that be an end to it?
Presently all you have done is made wild generalisations about the people you disagree with and stated nothing about what it is you believe ... I must admit I find it a little hard to counter such emphemeral arguments, and I'm not sure how the colour or even the existance of cheese comes into it.
Oh well, as long as you're keeping busy old boy ... and prey tell what planet are you from then (groans ... oh why did I ask that question ... never engage with nutters)?
Seriously though (yes there was humor there), why this constant attempt to posit reality in terms of the dichotomy between action and analysis? ... I have no idea what kind of activism you get up to and likewise you of me, but surely one can only be successful in the first following a little of the second?
Notice also that I tried to avoid overarching claims about those that believe differently from [me] by stating that "Most of these decriers, I feel, couldn't actually give a shit either way".
If you feel that I was talking about you ... well, I probably was!
... love, the hysterical nutter.
... and incidently ...
04.10.2006 18:23
... but I do question it's quality!
Great post Twilight.
Ok that proves you're not mad.
04.10.2006 22:04
I presume everyone who disagrees with you is working for the CIA. My what a big payroll they have. I must look to the post, my cheque seems a little late this week. Actually I think I might have met you before on the no. 62 bus. Remember when the driver didn't have change for a fiver and you accused him of working for Mossad.
Oh yes Mossad, from the same "tribe" as Mandelson aren't they. You now Noam is from that "tribe" as well. Can't quite keep that anti-semitic impulse under control can you. Your right arm seems to have a mind all of its own. Keeps reaching for the sky, perhaps that's why people say you look like Peter Sellers.
PS. jsl if you have to tell someone "(yes there was humour there)" its because it wasn't funny.
Mark Chapman's mum
... you mean ...
05.10.2006 08:12
I don't thik, however, that I can sign on to the Chomsky baiting though ... everyone has their blindspot ... Chomsky has also struck me as a straight talking chap and I think the agenda he has created for himself of these 40 years of activism needs to be preserved.
Twilight, is it not more likely - given his track record of recording in excruciating detail the blood thirsty rampage of amerikan imperialism - that his silence is a tactical strategy (or, gulp, a plane and simple mistake!)... perhaps not one [you] can sympathise with ... but then who can sympathise with everything?
The rest of your piece strikes cords though ... of course, if you would care to advance your take on him further here, I will read it.
the real conspiracy
05.10.2006 14:22
In fact if you think about it, the main efect of the whole 911 Denial movement would be to deny Bin Laden & crew credit for the attacks, thus enraging them and provoking them to carry out another atrocity.... Thus enabling Bush, Blair and the Grey Lizards to attack another country.
.............................. will that do, Sarge? ...........................................................
getting very bored
05.10.2006 19:34
Those who bandy the term (of abuse) 'conspiraloons' or just the plain old 'loons' should be ashamed of themselves - you bring the discussion here down to the level of the playground (and we fully expect you to respond with the same dreary personal attacks following this).
They say they find the presence of those willing to explore information, exchange ideas and play around with notions counter productive and detracting from debate. What debate? They simply don't engage on that level, instead puting forward tthe idea that [they] belong to the comfortable normal majority and that they are 'victims to the 'constant spamming' of an imformation medium with - erm - information!?!
Go away.
The daily mail only costs a few pence and will keep you busy for most of the day - leave the arena of groen up debate to those willing to embrace the new.
persecution of brave messengers
06.10.2006 10:50
The 911 deniers are hardly innocent of down-and-dirty stuff themselves : anyone who accepts the non-cult explanation is a CIA stooge, naive fool or Daily Mail reader (ouch!).
The fact is the conspiracy stuff is full of holes and anyone who points that out is attacked with desperate venom (injured kids anyone?).
Meanwhile, real campagns and activism are carried out by people in the real world
You pompous blow hard
06.10.2006 21:42
yes and so is history and science etc. the more efficient and traditional way of advancing your argument is not by calling - say - kennith clark a prat, nor accuse darwin of being a loon, but deconstruct their arguments.
you have taken the time to get online, find this site and thread repeatedly - and yet all you produce is empemeral opinion?
real activist!!! real campaigns???
does the sun occupy a rectal position in your sanctity as well?