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The "New Anti-Semitism" (by Latuff)

Latuff | 03.10.2006 09:16 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Palestine | Social Struggles | World

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed IsraHell's occupation and state terrorism.

The "New Anti-Semitism" 1
The "New Anti-Semitism" 1

The "New Anti-Semitism" 2
The "New Anti-Semitism" 2

"Whenever Israel faces a public relations debacle such as the Intifada or international pressure to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict, American Jewish organizations orchestrate this extravaganza called the 'new anti-Semitism.' The purpose is several-fold. First, it is to discredit any charges by claiming the person is an anti-Semite. It's to turn Jews into the victims, so that the victims are not the Palestinians any longer. As people like Abraham Foxman of the ADL put it, the Jews are being threatened by a new holocaust. It's a role reversal – the Jews are now the victims, not the Palestinians. So it serves the function of discrediting the people leveling the charge. It's no longer Israel that needs to leave the Occupied Territories; it's the Arabs who need to free themselves of the anti-Semitism."

(Norman G. Finkelstein)

Read complete interview here:

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You piss your own

03.10.2006 20:04

What if an Israeli prime minister called for Iran to be wiped off the map? And if we are already into imagining things, let's imagine for a moment that this prime minister was not Ehud Olmert, but Ariel Sharon, and let's also imagine that there would be a conference in Herzliya entitled: "The World without Jihadism". Maybe there should also be some cartoon contest, it doesn't have to be about genocide, it could perhaps just highlight the funny side of the slaughter of Muslims by the crusaders. What would be the reaction of the world? What would be the reaction at the UN, in the European media, in the streets of Berlin, Paris, and London?

Would the UN politely welcome this Israeli prime minister to give a speech at the opening of the General Assembly? Would the Council on Foreign Relations invite him to discuss his ideas for peace and justice in the Middle East? Would a respected Washington Post journalist like Bob Woodward quote those parts of the prime minister's speech that question the US administration's policies in the Middle East?

What-if-questions like these could fill a book, and they are not necessarily a futile exercise that yields no clues about what is going on in the real world. Of course, in the real world, there is no way that Israel would want to behave like this; and the point of the what-if-questions here is definitely not to demand that any state that calls for the elimination of another state should be treated with as much indulgence as Iran, or to demand that Iran should be treated with as little indulgence as Israel would be.

The point is simply to realize that the real world we live in has come to take double standards for granted; indeed, double standards have arguably become the single most important mechanism that the Western world uses in dealing with the Islamic world.

If the leader of an Islamic state that is single-mindedly pursuing nuclear capabilities calls for wiping off another state from the map, it's distasteful and gross, but it's not as offensive and threatening and serious as a similar call issued by a leader of a Western-style democracy. If leading Muslim preachers call regularly for the killing of "infidels" and denounce Christians and Jews as monkeys, donkeys, and pigs in Arabic, it's simply not as offensive as it is when the Pope quotes a Byzantine emperor's criticism of Islam in German. If poll results show that fully two thirds of Palestinians approve of Hamas' refusal to recognize Israel, it just goes to show that the poor Palestinians have been radicalized by the Israeli occupation, and that therefore they should not be held responsible for the intransigence of the Hamas government they elected. By contrast, Israelis should obviously be held responsible for the fact that all the peace initiatives that were pursued by various Israeli governments came to nothing, and therefore the countless calls for boycotts of Israeli academia, films, exhibits, companies and products are fully justified, as are the calls to try Israeli military personnel and politicians as war criminals.

That Israel is held to different standards than the rest of the Middle East is the price the country pays for being regarded as a Western society. But there is also a price that the West pays for its willingness to employ double standards. Far from demonstrating tolerance and respect for cultural differences, these double standards are a reflection of a deep despise that patronizes the peoples of the Middle East as too immature, too underdeveloped and too deprived to be responsible for their attitudes.

Ahmadinejad may say that he wants Israel to be wiped off the map, he may proceed to explain eloquently and knowledgably why he regards the establishment of the state of Israel as a historic injustice and why, in his view, Israel has no right to exist, and Western media and politicians will still ponder what the man really tries to say. Meticulous surveys may show ever so unequivocally that clear majorities of Muslim populations share his views, and Western media and politicians will have no problem to ignore that and assert that the vast majority of moderates in the Middle East desperately longs for a peaceful accommodation with Israel. The best known Egyptian democracy movement may go to the trouble to organize a campaign to collect one million signatures to annul the country's peace with Israel, and their efforts will simply be dismissed as an emotional response to the Lebanon war.

No wonder that the Islamic world feels humiliated?But cynicism aside, what are the options for dealing with the very real, deep-seated and wide-spread desire in the Islamic world to undo the establishment of the state of Israel? Obviously, the first step would be to acknowledge this desire. Instead of doing that, the West is almost imperceptibly starting to share it. Fellows at respected European institutes can write articles arguing that Israel is a failed state and should be abolished, or they can issue a playful call to "Give Iranian Nukes a Chance" without wasting a thought about the repercussions for Israel -- none of this will damage an illustrious career as a European intellectual.

The double standards so dear to Western elites have resulted in the intellectual dishonesty that fully subscribes to the view that Israel is at the root of the Middle East problem, which in turn is the main reason for Islamic extremism. The solution is as simplistic as the analysis: Get rid of Israel, and the problems of the world will be solved. Bringing up historic parallels in this context is taboo, because it is simply not regarded as helpful among intellectual trendsetters.

But historical parallels are nonetheless pertinent: The Islamic world's problems are caused by Israel as little as Germany's problems in the 1920s and 1930s were caused by European Jewry. Even the most cursory review of relevant UNDP data will reveal that Islamic societies suffer from a broad stagnation that leaves most of them lagging behind the developed world and the emerging economies of the Far East in almost every measure of economic and human development. Repressive social structures that condemn half the population to an inferior status and leave little leeway for hundreds of millions of teenagers to be teenagers combine to create a frustration and rage that is hard to imagine over a glass of French wine or German beer in the trendy smoke-filled venues that tolerant European intellectuals like to frequent.

Israel has served Muslim rulers for decades as a convenient conduit to channel the pent-up frustrations of their seething populations. But frustration has turned into a rage that can no longer be satisfied by just destroying Israel. Now the sights are set on the West. Western intellectuals may not like to call it a clash of civilizations, but it surely looks like a clash between reason and rage -- and so far, reason is in retreat.

Double Standards

RE: Your Bullsh*t

04.10.2006 04:44

"What if an Israeli prime minister called for Iran to be wiped off the map?"

First of all, it should be noted that the "quote" you're referring to was never actually uttered by the Iranian leader. He was speaking about Zionism, and saying that its violent, Apartheid version of "Israel" should not exist. I think most people would agree.

But you raise an interesting point, because whereas you're up in arms because of something you think the Iranians SAID, the Zionist Extremists in Israel and the US are actually planning to invade Iran - possibly attacking it with nukes - just as they've done in Iraq.

At the same time, these Zionists are attempting to push the Palestinians into the sea, so to speak, and the Lebanese, and ... Starting to get the point?

"let's also imagine that there would be a conference in Herzliya entitled: "The World without Jihadism".

These are actually taking place, in an attempt to synonymize Arab Resistance, sadly legitimized by Western/Israeli Aggression, with this Conspiracy Theory about the Muslim Horde at the Gate.

But it's interesting that you recognize the similiarities between the small Islamic Extremist groups, and the even more violent Zionists.

"The point is simply to realize that the real world we live in has come to take double standards for granted"

Right. They condemn all of Islam and the Arab world for the riots of a few, while increasing funding to Extremists in Israel, who openly make war on their neighbours, and receive a rap of the wrist as a result.

Here's a parallel for you. Imagine if people started openly talking about the evil of "the Jews", because of the actions of Zionist Extremists, as the media does to the Arabs/Muslims.

Would the reaction be the same ... ? Look closer as you look about at what's transpiring, because we teeter perilously close to Dark Times from our not to distant past, times that I, for one, do not wish to revisit.

"If the leader of an Islamic state that is single-mindedly pursuing nuclear capabilities calls for wiping off another state from the map"

Who would that be? There is no such country, or leader.

"but it's not as offensive and threatening and serious as a similar call issued by a leader of a Western-style democracy."

You mean those nuclear-armed states, deteriorating into Fascism, who are violating all International Laws, invading sovereign countries, slaughtering and torturing innocent people by the hundreds of thousands? Those guys ... ?

"If poll results show that fully two thirds of Palestinians approve of Hamas' refusal to recognize Israel, it just goes to show that the poor Palestinians have been radicalized by the Israeli occupation"

Actually, it's their statement that the issue is not resolved. What has Israel ever done that these people should embrace them? Zionists Ethnically-Cleansed the region known as "Israel". Why should those expelled recognize the reward for this Terrorism?

"That Israel is held to different standards than the rest of the Middle East is the price the country pays for being regarded as a Western society."

The way Israel is treated is not a "price", it is a reward. Without the double-standards which exist, Israel would not only not be a state, but its Extremist leaders would have been toppled, arrested, and replaced long ago.

"Ahmadinejad may say ..."

He may, but he didn't.

"he may proceed to explain eloquently and knowledgably why he regards the establishment of the state of Israel as a historic injustice and why, in his view, Israel has no right to exist, and Western media and politicians will still ponder what the man really tries to say"

Actually, they won't, even though he does have a point. They will all protect the interest of their masters in ownership and Lobbies, and either stay silent, or misrepresent his words. That's what happened. That's why people know what you mean when you repeat the LIE about the "quote".

"The best known Egyptian democracy movement may go to the trouble to organize a campaign to collect one million signatures to annul the country's peace with Israel, and their efforts will simply be dismissed as an emotional response to the Lebanon war."

Indeed. If you don't like the consequences, then take Israel back from the Extremists running it now, so you can prevent them from incessantly expanding, annexing, and invading their neighbours.

"But cynicism aside, what are the options for dealing with the very real, deep-seated and wide-spread desire in the Islamic world to undo the establishment of the state of Israel?"

Return control of Israel to the Jewish People, instead of the Zionists, and arrive at the negotiating table ready to face your former adversary as an equal, not an animal. Acknowledge Zionism's bloody past, and be prepared to make amends.

"Fellows at respected European institutes can write articles arguing that Israel is a failed state and should be abolished"

And why are they saying that? Have you read them? Perhaps it's because they, as academics, know better than you, and acknowledge what Israel has devolved into.

"or they can issue a playful call to "Give Iranian Nukes a Chance"

Have the Zionists or Neo-Fascists picked on a nuclear state?

This is the reason for their statements.

"But historical parallels are nonetheless pertinent: The Islamic world's problems are caused by Israel as little as Germany's problems in the 1920s and 1930s were caused by European Jewry."

That is simply not true.

But since you broached the subject, there's an article you should do a quick search for.

Read the excellent "Parallels Between Zionists, Nazism, Striking" by Wendy Campbell. Illuminating.

"Even the most cursory review of relevant UNDP data will reveal that Islamic societies suffer from a broad stagnation that leaves most of them lagging behind the developed world"

And you have to consider the whole history of mainly-US interventionist foreign policy - inservice to Western Multimantionals, when discussing that. If leaders such as Mossadegh were allowed to govern their countries, instead of being toppled by the CIA, this would not be the case. Name a currently-struggling Arab State, and the history is basically the same.

"Repressive social structures that condemn half the population to an inferior status ..."

Remember that these were enabled by the same policies stated above. Nearly every serious reformer in the Arab World has been toppled by the CIA, with the help of the Mossad.

"Israel has served Muslim rulers for decades as a convenient conduit to channel the pent-up frustrations of their seething populations."

In other words, Israel empowers the Extremism which empowers Zionist Extremism. Just like Bush/PNAC's wars Empower the Resistance it faces, which it misrepresents, and gives as reasons for fighting their illegal wars.

"Now the sights are set on the West."

That's bullsh*t, a Conspiracy Thoery with no basis in fact, disseminated by Zionist Extremists, desperate to equate the Resistance they face, with the Resistance faced by their few allies, in order to frighten people into excusing and supporting a continuation of their indefensible agenda.

But like I said, people ain't buying it anymore ... We've all studied the monsters you got your Tactics from, and we can see through your LIES and Propaganda.

"Western intellectuals may not like to call it a clash of civilizations"

Then you should stop doing it too, since I value the word of "intellectuals" more than that of hateful Extremists like yourself. Unlike the Hard Right, I don't use the word as an insult ...

"but it surely looks like a clash between reason and rage -- and so far, reason is in retreat."

That's the way it has been - and it's enabled the Neo-Fascists (the uncivilized) to make war on the Race their Ideology despises. But people have had enough darkness, and Reason is starting to make headway once again, as the LIES and crimes of the Hard Right are exposed and build up.

That's why you sound so shrill ...

You've lost, and you know it.

That's why I fear what the Neo-Fascists are dreaming up this time, in order to numb the world's rational minds to their indefensible plans. I hope the False Flag of 911 wasn't just a teaser ...

I take it you can't address the article ... ?

Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation