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Electrical shock to testicles NOT torture so says Congress

OrlandoMary | 01.10.2006 16:46 | Globalisation | Repression | World

To use electrical shock on testicles is NOT torture so says our self-proclaimed 'Family Values', sold-out, extortion-friendly, NON-representative Congress!!! Presumably okay for female labia as well???

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Electrical shock to testicles NOT torture so says Congress


Oh, my God! Father, Father what has become of Your America the Beautiful? It is no more!

To use electrical shock on testicles is NOT torture so says our self-proclaimed 'Family Values', sold-out, extortion-friendly, NON-representative Congress!!! Presumably okay for female labia as well???

That which these sadistic maniacs approve for others MUST first be tested on them and their loved ones, their sons and daughters, their husbands and wives, their mothers and fathers.

Time and time again experts state that which is confessed under torture is useless as most any one of us will say whatever is necessary to stop the torture.

That which our Forefathers gave life and liberty to attain for US, freedom from persecution,

the very principles we claim to fight against, crimes against humanity, WE HAVE BECOME forced upon us by the Traitor Cabal.

Senate Wins Fight To Lower Allowable Amperage Levels On Detainees' Testicles

September 29, 2006 | Issue 42•40

Senate Wins R

WASHINGTON, DC—Led by a bipartisan group of senators critical of White House policy on suspected terrorists, the Senate passed a bill Thursday that prohibits interrogators from exceeding 100 amps per testicle when questioning detainees. "Even in times of war, it is counterproductive and wrong to employ certain inhumane interrogation techniques, and using three-digit amperage levels on the testicles of captives constitutes torture," said Sen. John Warner (R-VA), who has also supported reducing the size of attack dogs and the height of nude pyramids. "Using amperages of 99 and lower, with approved surge protectors on the jumper-cable clamps, are the hallmarks of a civilized society." The legislation did not address amperage restrictions on suspected terrorists' labia.

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by Tom Heneghan

Sept 30, 2006

Israeli Espionage Nest with Bushfraud as the Stooge

The Washington Post will report tomorrow that Bush had Colin Powell fired on November 10, 2004.

Question: Who was Undersecretary of State under Colin Powell?

Answer – 9-11, Iraq-Gate, WMD, Mossad asset Marc Grossman. The dots now have been fully connected. The Israeli espionage nest directed against the entire U.S. Government with closet queen Bushfraud as the stooge.

P.S. Question to Chris Matthews aka Hillary (Lesbian-in-the-closet) Rodenhurst-Clinton's Bitch.

Why are you so friendly with Mark Foley, Katherine Harris and James Baker III?

Could it be Chris that you got some of that Walt Disney stock right after the Year 2000 Coup D'Etat.



Michael Chertoff has now reached a new low. He has contracted out Elbit Systems, an Israeli security firm, to build a fence that supposedly is going to protect America from illegal immigration. It can be assumed that this is nothing more than a way to allow the Israeli Mossad to spy on the American people.

Note: Chertoff has previously hired the Russian FSB Security Systems with former Russian KGB Chieftain Primakov as Director and Assistant to Homeland Security.

Note: Along with East German Stasi types aka Wolf, and British Blackwater Blackstone linked to the Katrina fiasco, what's next. Again call 1-800-LaFayette toute de suite.

Note: Fat cackling Hen Rita Cosby trying to promote Guiliani and Hillary as the 2008 Presidential Candidates. She calls this inevitable. What is inevitable is this fat cackling hen will put on more wieght. Guilliani Defends Clinton. Guilliani gets the same AIG Greenberg Taurig monthly check that Clinton gets Long live duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. Gore continues to have a two-to-three to one lead over Hillary aka Democratic Primary '08.

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IF you are not yet aware, be apprised that International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL, sources who are putting their very lives on the line, 24/7, for you and I and our loved ones to SAVE America and the World from Traitors-Treason-Tyranny

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*** if these links below do not work this explosive intel can be viewed at:

Plame-Gate Won't Go Away

It Gets Really Worse

Nine Eleven Mastermind? That's Right It's Michael Chertoff

Political Whore Alert: BITCH & BUSH IN A SLEEZE BOX

Viva La France! Major Mossad Terror Plot Busted in Maryland

Frist and Lieberman: Two Rotten Scumbags

Political Whore Alert of the Highest Order: Frist(r. tenn) fingered as an extortionist

Bin Laden is Dead Now Comes the Timeline Question

What did They Know and When did They Know It, that Bin Laden was Dead de_IEAR%20Sept23.htm

Bushfraud Diversion de_IEAR%20Sept22.htm

CIA Rendition Gate is Now 9-11 Treasongate de_IEAR%20Sept21.htm

Bush Torture Rendition Program Now Proven a Gestapo Program de_IEAR%20Sept20pm.htm

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"Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the U.S. government;

allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best rogue black ops specialists for scripted activity outside of the U.S. government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police, an entity of the U.S. government itself."

Thomas Heneghan, heroic American Patriot, International Intelligence Expert, Federal Whistleblower

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