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The Glory Of Publicity

Ventura | 01.10.2006 14:33 | Liverpool

Theres no such thing as bad publicity

In my story about the funeral of Liam Smoth. "The Don Is Buried."Something happend a few days later i never considered. Graffitti appeared around the Norris Green estate. "Rip The Don". It seems the publicity from this site and other sites that picked up the story has had an undesired effect. Some days befor the Liverpool Echo ran a story about the gangs filming their guns amongst other things and publishing them on So i went to see if that story had had the same effect.Sure enough after typing in the keywords Norris Green and Crocky up came the results. Only this time, unlike the Liverpool Echo story the guns were much more serious.Machine guns and automatic pistols. Some videos showing them being fired. Some of them did'nt even bother to hide their identitys.
It soon comes across that their attitude is that the police are scum and bring it on. Most of the videos play Tupac songs or are rerapped with their own words.One shows a deliberetly provoked chase through narrow winding residential streets with the police hotly in pursuit and young children on the verges. If you log the videos as inappropriate YouTube simply move them to a Log in if you are 18 to see them.
But this acting gangsta only stays acting for a while it soon becomes acting out. And i think that time is nearly upon us. I saw enough guns and ammunition for a small war. When the day comes when these gangs go to war the lead will fly and the innocent will die. Even if we publish or not because they have the tools to publish themselves. They are the stars in their own shows. And like with some stars it gone to their heads.
