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Secularist of the Year Prize Award 2006

National Secular Society | 01.10.2006 09:49 | Social Struggles

The National Secular Society will be presenting the second Irwin Prize for Secularist of the Year on Saturday October 7th at a central London hotel. The prize consists of a cheque for £5,000 donated by Dr Michael Irwin.

The event will be at lunchtime, with the formal lunch beginning at 1.30pm and the announcement of the winner and presentation of the cheque at around 3.15pm. The presentation will be preceded by a performance by controversial comedian Nick Doody, who was a big hit at this year’s Edinburgh Festival.

The prize will be presented by Lord (Dick) Taverne. Lord Taverne is the author of The March of Unreason – Science, Democracy, and the New Fundamentalism

This year’s shortlist:

Kenan Malik

Salman Rushdie

Johann Hari

Nicholas Hytner
Despite that controversy and mass protests against the TV broadcast of Jerry Springer - The Opera, which had previously run at the National, Hytner was undeterred by the possibility of [his new production Paul] sparking off protest. "I cannot imagine my board or trustees being intimidated by anything."

Catherine Bennett – Guardian journalist

Steve Jones

Wafa Sultan

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Flemming Rose
The man who commissioned the Mohamed cartoons for Jyllands-Posten

Muriel Grey

for full details and links to some of the articles by nominees visit

National Secular Society
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Thank God!

02.10.2006 13:06

for unhiding this.
