East End campaigns against Blairist Council holds key promise
© Muhammad Haque /AADHIKARonline 2006 | 30.09.2006 14:49 | Analysis | Indymedia | Social Struggles | London | World
© Muhammad Haque /AADHIKARonline 2006
Friday [29 September 2006] saw the announcement of the results of ballots on 4 Council housing estates in Tower Hamlets. ALL voted NO to council housing stock being transferred to dubious, Blairist, unaccountable outfits dressed up with the worlds 'social landlords'. In March, the Blair regime was forced to drop a big chunk of its DIRT hole plan contained in the Crossrail Bill. These two results carry significant promises for democratic action to defend communities against Blairist attacks.
Friday [29 September 2006] saw the announcement of the results of ballots on 4 Council housing estates in Tower Hamlets. ALL voted NO to council housing stock being transferred to dubious, Blairist, unaccountable outfits dressed up with the worlds 'social landlords'. In March, the Blair regime was forced to drop a big chunk of its DIRT hole plan contained in the Crossrail Bill. These two results carry significant promises for democratic action to defend communities against Blairist attacks.
1448 Hrs GMT
Saturday 30 September 2006
Although neither problem - the transfer of hosing stock away from council control and the CrossRail hole plot against the East End - has been resolved in full in favour of the community, the extents to which the campaigns have defeated the original plots carry promises for limited actions in defence of the community.
This cannot be insignificant in the context of the general atmosphere of silence in the mainstream media on both issues.
And on related topics that affect so many peoples' lives so deeply daily.
It is worth noting in this context the reports about London 'mayor' ken Livingstone’s payments to 'consultant' Bob Kiley of £3200 per day of the contracted work. It is also worth nothing that this revelation comes in the wake of several other ones about several millions of public money being paid by Ken Livingstone to dubious contactors, special advisers and consultants.
The time must have come to ask: what does a London mayor do for the people of London? And how long should it take the public to recognise a time-serving careerist like 'Red' Ken for what he has always been?
What holder of what public office in Blaired Britain has been voluntarily accountable to the people in whose name they hold the posts and do the uncountable things of immorality, unaccountability?
When was the last time that the media gave 'Red' Ken any big headline about any stand that he took against abuse of public funds?
Does the name PolPot ring the bell/
Has Livingstone become so similar to those Brent councillors whose regime he had likened to the regime of Pol Pot in Kampuchea [Cambodia] that he has not uttered a word against himself even when he knows that he has exceeded the abuses of the public office he holds many times over when compared to the focus of his then condemnation in the Brent, London, council?
1448 Hrs GMT
Saturday 30 September 2006
Although neither problem - the transfer of hosing stock away from council control and the CrossRail hole plot against the East End - has been resolved in full in favour of the community, the extents to which the campaigns have defeated the original plots carry promises for limited actions in defence of the community.
This cannot be insignificant in the context of the general atmosphere of silence in the mainstream media on both issues.
And on related topics that affect so many peoples' lives so deeply daily.
It is worth noting in this context the reports about London 'mayor' ken Livingstone’s payments to 'consultant' Bob Kiley of £3200 per day of the contracted work. It is also worth nothing that this revelation comes in the wake of several other ones about several millions of public money being paid by Ken Livingstone to dubious contactors, special advisers and consultants.
The time must have come to ask: what does a London mayor do for the people of London? And how long should it take the public to recognise a time-serving careerist like 'Red' Ken for what he has always been?
What holder of what public office in Blaired Britain has been voluntarily accountable to the people in whose name they hold the posts and do the uncountable things of immorality, unaccountability?
When was the last time that the media gave 'Red' Ken any big headline about any stand that he took against abuse of public funds?
Does the name PolPot ring the bell/
Has Livingstone become so similar to those Brent councillors whose regime he had likened to the regime of Pol Pot in Kampuchea [Cambodia] that he has not uttered a word against himself even when he knows that he has exceeded the abuses of the public office he holds many times over when compared to the focus of his then condemnation in the Brent, London, council?
© Muhammad Haque /AADHIKARonline 2006
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