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Truth videos from Manchester - Shayer and the "anarchists"

dh | 29.09.2006 22:43

The "anarchists" appear to prefer the government lies and cast the Truth campaign as conspiraloons
The anarchists believe the government story above the alternative line
Some anarchists! Peace Gardens March Talk and Q & A

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Will you please stop spamming this website with this rubbish.

30.09.2006 08:21

It only takes a couple of obsessive nut jobs or in this case one (dh) to make a section of indymedia unusable. Please take a hint from the anarchists and take this stuff off to your own websites.


Untenable comment

30.09.2006 21:00

"It only takes a couple of obsessive nut jobs or in this case one (dh) to make a section of indymedia unusable. Please take a hint from the anarchists and take this stuff off to your own websites."

'Spamming' - I put in only the occasional post with some news content and activist related. I haven't seen the editorial collective raise an objection

'obsessive nut job' - I only post around one kind of issue that I am actively involved with - I could lambast you with lots of other stuff as I have in the distant past, but you'd like that even less. 'nut job' - evidence-based activist I think, but we may have to differ on this

'unusable' in what sense? Please justify this

Like the anarchists I switch stuff to and from this site and my own websites. As most contributors here do. It's called sharing of information



01.10.2006 09:52

cheers for posting that dh, don't waste a second on spanner, indymedia is riddled with shills.

Do you have footage from Leeds uploaded?


No - sorry- tracking that video

01.10.2006 22:48

I dont know who's got that footage from Leeds or whether it's gone up yet anywhere
David Ray Griffin in London is here

mail e-mail:

In process

02.10.2006 22:28

The Leeds footage is being assembled for future release


anarchists well ahead of dh

06.10.2006 09:33

Dear dh

Anarchism has long had a critique of the coercive nature of the state, so if the assumption (raised to the level of fact in the 9/11 Truth movement) that the US Government allowed/was behind the airplane attacks, then it is only another expression of the violent methods any state needs to use to stay in power. Yes, it was a lot of people at once in one place, but when you look at the impact of the US Govenment and corporations on it's own people, it does as much damage every day as 9/11 - it is just harder to see as it is not so spectular.

The 9/11 Truth movement is focused on the spectularity of 9/11 and not the intrinsic flaws in the system. Anarchism has long moved beyond simply investigating and criticising the flaws of the state, to a proper set of critiques and solutions.

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Still using privilege to spread lies

07.10.2006 07:04

Funny the videa in Manchester doesn't show Shayler going on to physically attack the anarchist who had the mike? It doesn't show the others of us having to get between him and the anarchist. I suppose he's too used to being a cop?
Then a lovely shot of Shayler using his power at the mike to spread more lies. Asking why the anarchists hadn't been on his side 10 years ago - actually, we were opposing the wars then. He wa sworking for the state as a spy. A good job really we weren't on his side. His main argument is that he went to prison, so nobody has the right to criticise him. Sorry, I don't quite get that bit. It's possible to respect him going to prison and still think he's spreading a load of nonsense. And we want to be able to say it. But he had the mike, he had the power, he had the privilege - all we could do was shout.

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There is no mike

09.10.2006 00:53

There are no leaders
Just someone with a big mouth
Love him, hate him it doesn't matter
Spread the truth of the govt lies
That's all that matters


Libelous Statement

16.12.2008 17:06

Knightrose you are a complete liar! I don't agree with everthing Shayler says, but I have to say that I was there and I saw everything that happened, and I can assure you that Shayler did NOT physically attack anyone! There were scores of other eyewitnesses who say it, and if I were David Shayler I'd be sueing you for libel, you criminal!